Here begins the usual pre-sale code wait. 🦷😅
(Edit: code is TECHOMP24)
I hope this comes to broadway in the spring. Alyse needs her Tony.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/9/23
Broadway Flash said: "I hope this comes to broadway in the spring. Alyse needs her Tony."
It absolutely isn't. And a 30 year old woman playing a teenager in an ensemble of young adults doesn't read Tony reader, IMO.
Are you serious? Shes giving the best musical theatre performance in forever. It’s the freshest, most original thing we’ve had in a long while. Her physicality, her voice, her comedy, her rage! It’s a truly perfect Broadway moment, these other leading ladies wouldn’t stand a chance with her in the race!
Broadway Flash said: "Are you serious? Shes giving the best musical theatre performance in forever. It’s the freshest, most original thing we’ve hadin a long while. Her physicality, her voice, her comedy, her rage! It’s a truly perfect Broadway moment, these other leading ladies wouldn’t stand a chance with her in the race!"
Again you are typing for the sake of typing. These ridiculous statements are beyond tiresome. ENOUGH ALREADY!!!
Also the PMs you send me using a derogatory name for women also needs to stop!
Splash zone seats for 39 bucks. 19 more dollars than I paid at PH for my front row under 30 ticket
Updated On: 7/24/24 at 03:49 PMStand-by Joined: 6/18/22
Main cast was announced on IG! Looks like Andy Karl will be replacing Steven Pasquale as Pastor. Alyse Alan Louise, Will Connolly, Jason Gotay, and Jared Loftin are all returning.
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "ANDY KARL!"
Now I'm REALLY GLAD we bought tickets!
I wonder how long they’re contracted for
$10 off after opening with code TEPHCHOMP.
Updated On: 7/26/24 at 04:35 PMBroadway Star Joined: 8/7/10
Any seating advice from those who know the show (and NWS Stage 1)? Not a lot available on View From My Seat.
Stand-by Joined: 6/18/22
Dan6 said: "Any seating advice from those who know the show (and NWS Stage 1)? Not a lot available on View From My Seat."
Don't know NWS but center of front row was the best seat in the house at PH. Great show to be up close for.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
This person needs to step away from pointlessly obsessing on this site and get out in the world!!!!!
Stand-by Joined: 12/28/22
Haven’t seen the show, but I recently saw A Sign Of The Times at NWS Stage 1 and it seemed like there wasn’t a bad seat in the house.
Dan6 said: "Any seating advice from those who know the show (and NWS Stage 1)? Not a lot available on View From My Seat."
It's a nice, modern theater, larger than their space at Playwright Horizons. I would say for this show third or fourth row center, although some people love being in the first row "splash zone" which can get messy. The tickets are reasonable and it's a great cast, so overall pretty exciting for NWS.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/7/10
Thanks Sutton! Grabbed my third row center tix!
Yesss.....Have the best time!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/21/20