Broadway Legend Joined: 9/27/21
Updated On: 3/20/23 at 09:14 AM
In the Playbill for White Girl in Danger, Michael Jackson talks about wanting to widen the complexity of Black characters, but other than Clarence at the end, the characters didn't strike me as very complex. Keesha was singularly focused on getting a central story, and outside of her desire for more visibility, I can't tell you anything about the character. There never seemed to be anything more to her relationship with her mother, the various Megans, the boyfriends, or the other Blackgrounds.
I get that it's satire and for most of the first act it was extremely funny, but by act two with all the role reversals and an intentionally insane amount of plot twists, there wasn't enough consistency in the characters for the story to be followable.
There's a really good musical here, but about an hour of material needs to be cut, and at a certain point, the characters have to have more three dimensional relationships with each other for this to mean anything or for the ending to feel connected to the rest of the story.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/2/18
mememe said: "BoringBoredBoard40 said: "boy what a phenomenal mess this is"
There are brilliant ideas, buried in this production but it’s truly the worst thing I’ve ever seen."
I was excited about this until my friend who saw a workshop in Philly a few years ago told me the same. I had hoped they'd made enough changes since then, but I guess not.
Then again, considering they changed maybe 2% of A Strange Loop from Playwrights through Woolly through Broadway, maybe it's not a huge surprise.
Understudy Joined: 10/14/07
BoringBoredBoard40 said: "^ you landed on something that I think is the shows the biggest sin.
Most of the characters are just cliches running around spouting tropes as dialogue, nothing is being played for real and thus none of the characters have depth and it is impossible to lock onto or care for anyone or anything actually happening"
Exactly! You don’t care about anyone
Satire needs a lightness of touch, if you are doing a full length piece. Absolute high camp, can work on a sketch show, but it outstays its welcome fast and you just do not care.
I’ve never seen direction so heavy handed, and utterly wrong headed on a professional stage. It was like watching community theatre, when they’ve reversed for months and all been roaring with laughter at each other. The women in the show, were all wildly gesticulating and constantly transferring their weight from hip to hip, or endlessly shuffling their feet. It was like watching people with no professional training, it was just constantly forced and a visually messy.
There have been rumours that rehearsals have been very fraught, and that there has been a fair amount of drama from the author. Anyone know the details?
This seemed like a piece that had never had a reading, never mind a workshop
Alexander Lamar said: "Now why is Beyoncé in it? Lmaooo"
I appreciated the Beyoncé dis because Usher/Michael R. Jackson expressed dislike of Beyoncé in A Strange Loop and here he finally explained what it's about.
But why does he hate Beyoncé?
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/27/21
RippedMan said: "But why does he hate Beyoncé?"
Also the swipes at Obama and Harris and BIPOC and Woke and BLM just seemed very unhinged
there was also some kind of thread about performative blackness but what it all really ment or what the point was (shrug)
RippedMan said: "But why does he hate Beyoncé?"
My understanding of the take is she takes up too much of the conversation around Black artists and Black made art, so there isn't enough oxygen left in the room for anyone else to get talked about. He wants a greater diversity of Black artists discussed.
I don't think in a vacuum, he really dislikes anything about Beyoncé, in the same way he doesn't really dislike Tyler Perry. It's a provocative statement to get a more nuanced point across (at least that's the goal).
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/27/21
Jonathan Cohen said: "RippedMan said: "But why does he hate Beyoncé?"
My understanding of the take is she takes up too much of the conversation around Black artists and Black made art, so there isn't enoughoxygen left in the room for anyone else to get talked about. He wants a greater diversity of Black artists discussed.
I don't think in a vacuum, he really dislikes anything aboutBeyoncé, in the same way he doesn't really dislikeTyler Perry. It's a provocative statement to get a more nuanced point across (at least that's the goal)."
and what exactly is that point?
I’ve got a ticket to this in May, but these early reviews have me thinking about jumping ship. I’ll wait until opening to decide, but with so few available slots, idk if this will end up being worth my time.
I mean, I guess I see his point, but also not really? Beyonce is in a league of her own with the likes of Adele and Taylor Swift - the ability to sell out a football stadium. So yeah, there aren't going to be too many on her level.
Understudy Joined: 8/22/17
I saw this over the weekend, and I absolutely loved every second. Bizzare and totally unhinged in the best possible way. I was terrified going in that I was going to be bored hearing it was over three hours but I was not ready for it to end. I loved the direction and choreo (although it still seemed a bit sloppy - but I think I saw the third performance so I completely understand why.) James Jackson's Clarence really was a standout to me, especially after seeing him in Loop. I am certainly going back later in the run to see how this madness has settled.
It felt very Charles Busch meets Saved By the Bell meets Critical Race Theory and I was all about it.
"WHITE GIRL IN DANGER!!!" is stuck in my head since yesterday.
Got to catch this wonderful new musical in previews at 2ST and loved every minute of this stupidly wonderful mess! MRJ truly put everything and the kitchen sink onstage, but I loved getting to wrap my head around him building a new world on a small broadway stage.
- The music!
- I thought the story was incredibly interesting and will make me return to see it again after opening. The intersection of one's identity as a black woman and the tropes of daytime drama/soap tv.
- Clarence's song in Act 2 was a very honest and vulnerable song that I loved... that being said, the scene itself could be cut 2/3 and still get the message across
- Got to stay for a talkback with MRJ who was very kind and social! Getting to hear about his process and journey so far with the show and post-ASL was perfect
- I loved Nell and that character's journey! Once I got past whatever was happening with the sound/mics, I found myself more intrigued with her story arc at times (because you get so damn irritated with Keesha, which is the point!)
- The Megans... STUPIDLY hilarious
- As a white woman, I didn't feel this show hit anything anti-white maliciously. It's all a damn laugh folks! I understood immediately where the jokes came from and their purpose in the show--- which is to show how white stories are the ones that soaps focus on.
- The idea of the Allwhite Writer ... MRJ you smart little rascal you. My 10/10 is the worldbuilding. If you want an original new comedy musical. This is for you!
- There are trailers pre-show and during intermission. You don't have to watch if you don't want to, but it's so awesome to watch the team establish the story and tone and themes before a single note starts. ("This week... on White Girl In Danger...."
- I don't know what is up with the sound... it's almost like the treble or gain or something needs to be lowered, because every actor's mic sounded SCREECHY and it made it hard to understand lyrics and dialogue
- The actress who plays Keesha is incredibly talented as an actress but I found to be weak. I wondered if it was a night off, but I'd love to see Emilie Kouatchou in this role if it does another workshop/preview period out of town
- There really should be a trigger warning for anyone dealing with eating disorders or physical/emotional abuse... I found it all completely hilarious in the same vein of BOM, but I know some people who may find it all jarring
That being said--- I really want this to develop and workshop it's way to Broadway. I really loved the story and the music planted a few earworms I couldn't get out of my head. Again, I'd love to see Emilie K take a stab at this role. I just know she'd absolutely murder it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/27/21
There is zero universe that this show ends up on Broadway
Understudy Joined: 1/3/23
Is Liz Lark Brown’s song still gone? 🥺
Thanks for all these reports beauties. Any merch? I just love the cover art so much.
I think it's hilarious that they actually had a ringer in the audience!
Stand-by Joined: 6/18/22
Impeach2017 said: "I think it's hilarious that they actually had a ringer in the audience!"
I think this happened when I saw it too. Someone at the second act was laughing super obnoxiously at every single thing that happened in a way that didn't really make sense. And I say this as someone who actually really enjoyed the show.
I just saw the first act of this. It was fine, I think, but it was completely ruined by the single white hag sitting next to me who was practically screaming and rolling in the aisle at every single line to prove she thought it was funny. She also had a gigantic coat that she felt was okay to keep half of in my seat area, and a bunch of bags. She doesn’t know how close she came to getting throttled by many around her. She plopped down next to me right before curtain without usher assistance and was completely disheveled and looked like one of those “one ticket please” idiots. Anyway, I couldn’t take another 90 minutes of that obnoxious crap so I left.
I thought it was a lot of fun except for the hag, but there is no way this needed to be three hours long - the house manager confirmed that was the running time. So I guess they haven’t cut anything yet.
A wise Director who knows his way around this type of broad comedy once said to me “Camp comedy loses its welcome after about 90 minutes.” I have found that to be true and while I know Mr. Jackson has a big message here, this is basically a camp comedy spoofing soap operas. Great idea. I could imagine Charles Busch doing something like this and in fact, I’m surprised he hasn’t had a soap spoof yet. But his would be 90 minutes, not three hours. Just tell your story, get your message out, and say “the end”. No need to bludgeon the audience for an eternity.
Actors are good. Fun sets. Loved the White Girl in Danger commercials in the pre-show. Mr. Jackson is a good composer, no doubt about it. Maybe he needs a book writer and lyricist for his next project? Maybe?
And although I don’t consider myself to be a prude, I’m not sure I needed to see two dildos make an appearance.
Anyway, I hope the Hag of Manhattan is still rolling in the aisle right now and hasn’t been killed by her fellow audience members.
Agreed. I can’t imagine 3 hours of camp. That’s how I feel about the Play Goes Wrong type shows. They should be 90mins.
Also, I need to remember to never again go see a show at the Tony Kiser Theatre on 43rd Street. Who designed this place? Why are the restrooms so small? Why are the seats so claustrophobiclly jammed together?? Why is everything bright orange???Asaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/25/06
> And although I don’t consider myself to be a prude, I’m not sure I needed to see two dildos make an appearance.
they've trimmed a dildo; that's encouraging.
Matt Rogers said: "Also, I need to remember to never again go see a show at the Tony Kiser Theatre on 43rd Street. Who designed this place? Why are the restrooms so small? Why are the seats so claustrophobiclly jammed together?? Why is everything bright orange???Asaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!"
It's an old bank, so it was never intended to be a theater, but I like the use of the space. I can't imagine there's any wing space on the stage and they've managed to do some interesting things there. But yeah. The Orange is kind of their 2nd Stage thing.
Understudy Joined: 1/2/22
BoringBoredBoard40 said: "boy what a phenomenal mess this is
aimless, self-serving and phenomenally confused about what it is actually trying to say, additionally the design or what is being called a design is ugly, shapeless and under-budgeted.
I can not believe this is from the same person that wrote Strange Loop except for the very long rant at the end from the character that from the second you see them is clearly Michael's Id. Who goes on a rant about Beyonce and anti-wokeness and slams Obama and Kamala Harris which ok you are welcome to those stances but when you don't really offer up anything as a substantive counter suggestion it is just very off-putting
I would go as far to say it might be the worst thing I have seen in almost 15 years of theater-going, had I not attended as a guest of a friend I would have bolted at intermission.
Also Saved By The Bell is not nor has it ever been classified as a soap opera and the fact the entire first act was built on this misunderstanding drove me crazy, also just taking real names and adding white to the end is both lazy and makes no sense considering the reveal at the end of the show
I highly doubt this gets fixed in 3 weeks and boy is it going to set some careers back, the only person who comes out looking decent is Tarra Conner Jones who has some solid songs (even if one is a very weird Dreamgirls rip off) and an actual story arc that somewhat makes sense
Also, considering how many workshops and readings this has had (according to the program insert) why is this as long as it is and as messy, and with TWO major off-broadway theaters involved?
TLDR: 3 hours. 3 different dildos."
Please stop. First off, a majority of what you said is objectively wrong. He doesn't slam Kamala or Obama, and the Beyonce line is a commentary on BLACK CULTURE, which you don't seem to be keen on. The entire show is a parody if you were paying attention to your self exclaimed " worst show in the past 15 years". You must not have seen any shows with black characters. The song you called a "rip off of dream girls" is a purposeful amalgamation of many songs that would be sung by black characters who have had to play the stereotype that Nell Gibbs is fashioned after.
I'm not sure how much experience you have with working in professional theater, but from my personal experience, it's normal for shows to need a lot of work after a many workshops. I've been asked to comeback and work on shows several times that are still incubating over several years, and they are mostly hectic.
Developing a shoe takes time and money. If you want to see a high budget spectacle then go see a Disney show or a movie musical. In tired of people coming in and complaining about production value when they clearly don't know **** about theater production.
ADDITIONALLY, stop telling people you'd have left at intermission. Stop going to shows then. There are too many people who can't afford to see shows (largely black and brown people). You don't deserve to see any theater, periodt.
I'll agree with you on the larger monologue. IT belongs in an entirely different show and it's too precious, as are some other points in the show. Those things can br worked out. That's why it's in previews, and off Broadway. Its in a growth stage.
Not to interject, but I'd disagree with your state of the workshops/shows. I've seen plenty of shows that are in production that were ready for an audience, ready for critics, sets were polished, etc. I can't comment on this show, but it sounds like maybe it just wasn't ready a production on this level.