Understudy Joined: 1/2/22
gleek4114 said: "I’ve got a ticket to this in May, but these early reviews have me thinking about jumping ship. I’ll wait until opening to decide, but with so few available slots, idk if this will end up being worth my time."
I would go regardless of it being something you like or not. Even shows I despise have something in them that are good, or make me think. For instance, the monolgue at the end is completely out of place in my opinion but there were a few things in there that struck me.
Understudy Joined: 1/2/22
Ricey2 said: "Is Liz Lark Brown’s song still gone? ?"
Understudy Joined: 1/2/22
RippedMan said: "Not to interject, but I'd disagree with your state of the workshops/shows. I've seen plenty of shows that are in production that were ready for an audience, ready for critics, sets were polished, etc. I can't comment on this show, but it sounds like maybe it just wasn't ready a production on this level."
As have I, I'm pointing out the fact that many are not and it shouldn't be expected just because it's a first staged production. I'd say that it probably wasn't the right move to premiere here, as theater people are vicious and entitled in NYC. Taking it to somewhere Portland or Seattle would have been a nice choice.
TheOnlyOne2 said: "gleek4114 said: "I’ve got a ticket to this in May, but these early reviews have me thinking about jumping ship. I’ll wait until opening to decide, but with so few available slots, idk if this will end up being worth my time."
I would go regardless of it being something you like or not. Even shows I despise have something in them that are good, or make me think. For instance, the monolgue at the end is completely out of place in my opinion but there were a few things in there that struck me."
I definitely don’t disagree, but I get about two trips to NYC a year, so I have to be fairly selective. If I was able to get there more often I’d definitely be more open to seeing most things.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
Some of the opinions in this thread are really something.
Understudy Joined: 1/2/22
In other news, I did go again tonight, 3rd time. Its still as long as the first preview but you can see it inching in the right direction. The actors playing Keesha and "the white guys" are getting stronger in terms of acting choices. Much more cohesive in their scenes together. While it is sad that Liz Lark Brown's number is gone, I doubt it will ever go back in. It doesn't really do anything for the show even though it's entertaining. There are still atleast 4 songs that should be thrown away as well, but that's just my opinion.
One of the difficult tasks this show has is deciding the focus. When your an artist you have to be able to "kill your babies". If you don't and leave it all in then it can cause a disaster. (The monologue needs to gooooooo! KILL ITTTTTT!) There's a new dildo in the show since I've last seen it, ahaha. The song where it shows up is really unnecessary as a whole anyway. I'd love to hear more indepth about what other people would do in order to bring the show together. Alas I don't know how to do the spoiler box, so I can't really give a detailed opinion.
BoringBoredBoard40 said: "TLDR: 3 hours. 3 different dildos."
I don't know if this show really needs 3 different dildos, but if that's the direction Jackson wants to go, he should at least have the common decency to sell them at the merch table.
“ADDITIONALLY, stop telling people you'd have left at intermission. Stop going to shows then. There are too many people who can't afford to see shows (largely black and brown people). You don't deserve to see any theater, periodt.”
Lol, what?! This paragraph makes just about as much sense as the whole of this play. If I want to leave a ****show (which is exactly what this is) that I paid money for, I can and I’ll tell whoever I want. Handcuff me to the damn chair if I’m not allowed to leave. People in general deserve to see theater period. People by large do not like your fav show, it’s okay. People who can’t afford theater wouldn’t care if this is what they had to sit through.
In other news, a table of about seven or eight people came into the restaurant I was in this evening, and I could hear them asking all of the same questions I had after the FIRST PREVIEW. Yeah, a whole lot of work they’re doing at the Tony Kiser…nor a whole lot they did over these ‘workshops’ since he told us that it was everything he had ever written for the show.
Understudy Joined: 1/3/23
I was thinking about going next Wednesday as I don’t have anything planned and I wanted to see if anything had changed since the first preview, but it sounds like not much has. Plus… what has changed is them removing my most memorable song of the bunch, sigh. haha… in terms of it not advancing the plot… does that mean it isn’t used as a part of the evidence during the court scene anymore?
I want to see this do well because I do think it has a sold base to be something good. It’s just bogged down by so much right now.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/25/20
Jonathan Cohen said: "RippedMan said: "But why does he hate Beyoncé?"
My understanding of the take is she takes up too much of the conversation around Black artists and Black made art, so there isn't enoughoxygen left in the room for anyone else to get talked about. He wants a greater diversity of Black artists discussed.
I don't think in a vacuum, he really dislikes anything aboutBeyoncé, in the same way he doesn't really dislikeTyler Perry. It's a provocative statement to get a more nuanced point across (at least that's the goal). "
This is actually a not uncommon feeling in Black art circles. Before Beyoncé it was Whitney. Before Whitney it was Micheal. Before Michael it was...well you get the idea. Anyway I think the problem is that RippedMan is correct. Beyoncé is a superstar so by nature she sucks up tons of attention.
I've always resisted the idea that the bigger names are taking up too much space as Black artists because to me it just perpetuates the idea that there is a limited amount of room for Black artists. Is Taylor taking up too much space to the detriment of all the other blonde pop stars?
Understudy Joined: 1/2/22
Ke3 said: "Jonathan Cohen said: "RippedMan said: "But why does he hate Beyoncé?"
My understanding of the take is she takes up too much of the conversation around Black artists and Black made art, so there isn't enoughoxygen left in the room for anyone else to get talked about. He wants a greater diversity of Black artists discussed.
I don't think in a vacuum, he really dislikes anything aboutBeyoncé, in the same way he doesn't really dislikeTyler Perry. It's a provocative statement to get a more nuanced point across (at least that's the goal). "
This is actually a not uncommon feeling in Black art circles. Before Beyoncé it was Whitney. Before Whitney it was Micheal. Before Michael it was...well you get the idea. Anyway I think the problem is that RippedMan is correct. Beyoncé is a superstar so by nature she sucks up tons of attention.
I've always resisted the idea that the bigger names are taking up too much space as Black artists because to me it just perpetuates the idea that there is a limited amount of room for Black artists. Is Taylor taking up too much space to the detriment of all the other blonde pop stars?"
It makes perfect sense. More people need to have respect for artists and stop throwing around money so frivolously. There are people who can't afford to go to shows that would like to, and their asses are taking up those seats. Especially people who are aspiring or already work in the industry. I definitely don't have money like that to spend hundreds on tickets, and I already do professional theater. It's an opportunity for us to learn and be supportive of our community. When I see people walk out it's unfathomable and quite frankly disrespectful from that perspective. I know I wouldn't want those people coming to my shows, and its not even about them liking my/our performance. I'd prefer people who are there who really want to be there and appreciate/ respect the privilege to see a show. It's just rude.
Ke3 said: "I've always resisted the idea that the bigger names are taking up too much space as Black artists because to me it just perpetuates the idea that there is a limited amount of room for Black artists. Is Taylor taking up too much space to the detriment of all the other blonde pop stars?"
I don't know if the lane is inherently as narrow as blonde pop stars, but at least in terms of ticket sales, I think it is to some extent a zero sum game. The supply and demand for Taylor Swift tickets is so out of wack, that if you buy them and are not rich, chances are you're less likely to buy tickets to other concerts because that blew your budget.
Madonna, is another example. I investigated getting tickets to see her at MSG, and it would have been like $500 per ticket to see her in the nosebleeds.
That doesn't stop you from listening to new artists on Spotify, but say I had a concert budget of $1,000 for a 3 month period. If I did buy two tickets to see Madonna concert, I wouldn't be seeing any other concerts for three months.
Where that differs from the Beyoncé example, is if you look at the top 15 grossing touring artists of all time, everyone not named Beyoncé is an act primarily with white artists. 11 of those acts are primarily white, straight men. Big picture, that's the demographic of artists taking up a disproportionate amount of space in the culture.
But because Beyoncé is the only black artist with that economic impact, she's the only artist talked about in those terms.
I'm still not quit understanding his Beyonce diss? I mean SZA is HUGE right now and her concert tickets are insanely priced as well.
TheOnlyOne2 said: " hundreds on tickets, and I already do professional theater. It's an opportunity for us to learn and be supportive of our community. When I see people walk out it's unfathomable and quite frankly disrespectful from that perspective. I know I wouldn't want those people coming to my shows, and its not even about them liking my/our performance. I'd prefer people who are there who really want to be there and appreciate/ respect the privilege to see a show. It's just rude.
NO. What is frigging rude is when a play that obviously needs work & is a complete piece of garbage asks top price from anyone.
They're lucky people are just walking out and not also demanding refunds.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
One can make the case that artists should feel privileged when people invest their time and money in joining an audience to see what the artists have created instead of the reverse. We live in a world abundant in art and content—acknowledging a lack of equity in access and choices for some—and attention and interest must be earned, not assumed to be a right or a given. Artists are not automatically entitled to an audience just because they create something.
It is well within any audience member's prerogative to leave a show at intermission if they don't feel they are getting a sufficient return on investment of their time and/or money. Doing so is no more disrespectful than if one stops reading a book you're not enjoying, changes the channel if a TV program isn't working for you, samples a few tracks from a recording and decides to listen no more, or stops eating an entree you ordered at a restaurant but ended up not liking.
I'm still curious enough about this show to attend a performance in a few weeks. But I'm also more than willing to leave if it is not to my liking.
Life is too short to continue to sit through a show if you are truly not enjoying it. There is nothing rude or privileged about leaving at intermission, unless you are there specifically to support a loved one and they know you’re there. Nobody attends a show with the intent to leave halfway through.
I would never blame an audience member for taking a seat that could have been taken by someone who would be receptive to a work more (and how were they to know it would be something they enjoyed or not in advance?).
IMO it's NOT the audience's burden to ensure a work is financially accessible.
Does Michael R Jackson perhaps need a heavy handed director to get the best out of him?
Featured Actor Joined: 9/13/08
So, I love STRANGE LOOP and think Jackson is a talent and voice that is incredible...and at the same time...if you've received a Pulltizer, lots of tony's, and heaps of acclaim from the theater community and celebrities on your last piece, it's probably difficult to stay grounded, and probably even more difficult to receive hard feedback that your show needs to change...a lot. Maybe he'll figure things out on this one. Each piece is deeply different and has its own set of problems to solve in their own way. Hopefully he listens to the voices around him (and hopefully the people around him are gently nudging him in the right direction). Writing anything is hard, and we all know musicals are REALLY hard. Jackson has certainly put the work in on STRANGE LOOP and it sounds like he's trying for lofty things on this one. It might need a good amount of work too.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/30/16
binau said: "Does Michael R Jackson perhaps need a heavy handed director to get the best out of him?"
I don't think he would work with a director that didn't deliver exactly what he wanted from them. I sometimes think of MRJ as a more talented and more vital composer in the vein of Joe Iconis. Artists unwilling to bend on artistic adjustments to their work, to a fault in most cases. The evidence for Iconis being the disaster that was Be More Chill on Broadway (and Broadway Bounty Hunter for that matter) and Michael's being this. If you're savvy enough, you can tell exactly who's pulling the strings and driving the ship of a production.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/14/22
My big takeaway from this thread:
People need to learn how to use a question mark.
Understudy Joined: 1/2/22
JasonC3 said: "One can make the case that artists should feel privileged when people invest their time and money in joining an audience to see what the artists have created instead of the reverse. We live in a world abundant in art and content—acknowledging a lack of equity in access and choices for some—and attention and interest must be earned, not assumed to be a right or a given. Artists are not automatically entitled to an audience just because they create something.
It is well within any audience member's prerogative to leave a show at intermission if they don't feel they are getting a sufficient return on investment of their time and/or money. Doing so is no more disrespectful than if one stops reading a book you're not enjoying, changes the channel if a TV program isn't working for you, samples a few tracks from a recording and decides to listen no more, or stops eating an entree you ordered at a restaurant but ended up not liking.
I'm still curious enough about this show to attend a performance in a few weeks. But I'm also more than willing to leave if it is not to my liking."
I didn't say anything about artists being entitled I'm saying don't bring your self into my space if you're gonna get up and leave in the middle. Id prefer you weren't there to watch me. From my vantage point, the way you look at it doesn't make sense. It's actually a privilege for us to go see theater, especially this kind because artists who are doing work they actually connect with could give a f*** if anyone is there as long as they are respected.
Again I disagree it's not the same as sitting on your ass at home and watching a TV show. We're sharing space. Next time I'm in your home and you're hosting, remind me to push the away and walk out the door when I find it unsatisfactory. In that way I guessed be showing you that I didn't like the content you provided me for the meal. I'll just walk out the door without a word, like switching the channel. Would you do that? No it's unfathomable.
I hope when you knave you give your ticket to someone more appreciative. Or better yet buy a ticket for someone who deserves to be there but can't afford it since it seems ur already planning yo walk out.
Understudy Joined: 1/2/22
dexter3 said: "So, I love STRANGE LOOP and think Jackson is a talent and voice that is incredible...and at the same time...if you've received a Pulltizer, lots of tony's, and heaps of acclaim from the theater community and celebrities on your last piece, it's probably difficult to stay grounded, and probably even more difficult to receive hard feedback that your show needs to change...a lot. Maybe he'll figure things out on this one. Each piece is deeply different and has its own set of problems to solve in their own way. Hopefully he listens to the voices around him (and hopefully the people around him are gently nudging him in the right direction). Writing anything is hard, and we all know musicals are REALLY hard. Jackson has certainly put the work in on STRANGE LOOP and it sounds like he's trying for lofty things on this one. It might need a good amount of work too."
This was a thoughtful assessment, and I couldnt agree more.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
TheOnlyOne2 said: I didn't say anything about artists being entitled I'm saying don't bring your self into my space if you're gonna get up and leave in the middle. Id prefer you weren't there to watch me. From my vantage point, the way you look at it doesn't make sense. It's actually a privilege for us to go see theater, especially this kind because artists who are doing work they actually connect with could give a f*** if anyone is there as long as they are respected.
Again I disagree it's not the same as sitting on your ass at home and watching a TV show. We're sharing space. Next time I'm in your home and you're hosting, remind me to push the away and walk out the door when I find it unsatisfactory. In that way I guessed be showing you that I didn't like the content you provided me for the meal. I'll just walk out the door without a word, like switching the channel. Would you do that? No it's unfathomable.
I hope when you knave you give your ticket to someone more appreciative. Or better yet buy a ticket for someone who deserves to be there but can't afford it since it seems ur already planning yo walk out."
You give so much attitude in every comment here, demonstrate little to no interest in others' legitimate perspectives, and also misstate and misinterpret what I said. Thankfully the Ignore Message Users button exists just for this purpose.
Understudy Joined: 1/2/22
Kad said: "Life is too short to continue to sit through a show if you are truly not enjoying it. There is nothing rude or privileged about leaving at intermission, unless you are there specifically to support a loved one and they know you’re there. Nobody attends a show with the intent to leave halfway through."
The fact that you don't see the privilege... yikes. I'd debate that last sentence, because plenty of people in these threads are banging their keyboards waiting to talk **** about shows, lr hate watch them because they have an unchecked , miserable life.
I need to stop I'm having too much fun battlin you heauxs lolz #pettynready