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Michelle Federer!

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#25re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 8:30pm

WWofE is actually my favorite number from the show, closly followed by No One Mourns. no not DG.

#26re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 8:33pm

When I saw it, WWotE was my favorite number to see. However, because it wasn't on the CD, I am more exposed to the other songs.

Wow, a Wicked thread that hasn't generated Wicked bashing. I'm amazed lol

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#27re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 8:40pm

As long as the posts stay civilized, mature, and not of the "OMG IDINA + KRISTEN R THE BEST AND I LOOOOOOVE 2 DEFY GRAVITIE!!!!!!!" variety, I think this thread will be free from flames.


BTW - I've only listened to a few songs on the OBCR. Does Chris Fitzgerald only do his bit in Dancing Through Life? That's his only part?! That's another waste of talent. re: Michelle Federer!

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

jacobtsf Profile Photo
#28re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 9:10pm

Chris Fitzgerald has another part on the CD, if you listen carefully (It does give stuff away)
Michelle was GREAT when I saw her.

David walked into the valley With a stone clutched in his hand He was only a boy But he knew someone must take a stand There will always be a valley Always mountains one must scale There will always be perilous waters Which someone must sail -Into the Fire Scarlet Pimpernel

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#29re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 9:19pm

Which song in Chris Fitzgerald in? (Is it the song where he talks about why all of the characters are mad at Elphie? Was that even sung? Gosh, this show is so fuzzy now...)

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

zoran912 Profile Photo
#30re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 9:19pm

This is the first show that I have known to cut songs for a recording. RENT had songs that spoiled things. AIDA did as well. ITW? Yep. Why should Wicked cut a song, especially such a great song. If they had to cut something, cut "Something Bad."

jacobtsf Profile Photo
#31re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 9:23pm

The reasons they cut certain things is that it completely ruins the ending where everyone in the audience goes "*gasp*".

David walked into the valley With a stone clutched in his hand He was only a boy But he knew someone must take a stand There will always be a valley Always mountains one must scale There will always be perilous waters Which someone must sail -Into the Fire Scarlet Pimpernel

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#32re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 9:53pm

If they had to cut something, cut "Something Bad."

I so totally second that, and I'll raise you a "Wonderful" and "Sentimental Man".

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#33re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 10:38pm

Well, Wonderful doesnt give away too much, its a character song for the Wizard (plus, any extra songs Joel Gray can sing is fine with me). Sentimental Man, tho, is just pointless.

Christopher Fitzgerald sings twice in the entire show: Dancing Through Life (on CD), and Wicked Witch of the East. Too bad, hes another one with a great voice.

To me, if you cut Boq creaking like the Man of Tin that he is at the time, WWotE doesn't give away all that much. You already know the Witch's sister dies, so the foreshadowing in the song doesnt give away anything. From other songs on the CD, you know the Witch was framed for everything, so WWotE doesnt give that away, either. Like I've said, stupid decision. Poor Michele, her shining moment wasted

zepka102 Profile Photo
#34re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 11:01pm

what i'll say in defense of "sentimental man" is that i love later when the wizard sings that while elphie is casting the spell... i think it sounded great

::bust a move::

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#35re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 11:02pm

Oh yeah, I don't think Sentimental Man or Wonderful give away too much of the plot. I'd just get rid of 'em because, with Something B-a-a-a-a-d (*cringe*), they're the 3 worst songs in the entire show. :P

Why did Joel Grey degrade himself like this??

Oh yeah, topic - Michelle is great! I don't really like the gaspy singing thing, but I guess it suits her character. (Does she normally sing like this?)

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#36re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 12:44am

Wow, a Wicked thread that hasn't generated Wicked bashing. I'm amazed lol

oh timote, you spoke too soon, because im sure youll all hate me after this.

well first of all (nothing negative yet), where has she been?? i saw it last week and she was out, and my friend saw it a week before that and she was out, and i think in the reviews of kristy cates, it said that cristy candler was still on as nessa. so where IS michelle? (at least SHE can remember the words to WWOTE) (cristy candler forgot them when i saw it)

OK....#1, has anyone MET (well tried to meet) michelle at the stage door?? she went all diva on everyone when i saw her, and did the same thing to my friend and kind of brushed by everyone signing a few things. when she saw that she was riding in a town car, she turned to a friend and said, "i know...i thought we were in a limo too" and moaned. thats quite a bit of diva for someone whose only making her broadway debut.

#2 for everyone who thinks that idina is gaspy (not that im disagreeing at ALL), but have any of you seen michelle perform. she gasps even when shes just talking. its kind of distracting. every line she delivers sounds so dramatic. and she completely gasps her way through WWOTE, and not just when it could be appropriate (like "if i have to.::GASP::...i have to magic spell you) but in the first part of the song, (i.e. ::GASP:: all of my life ive depended on you ::GASP:: how do you think that feels ::GASP::....)

#3 thats it. not to be a "basher", i enjoy the show, i just believe in giving credit where credits due.

Andrew, tonight isn't about you! It isn't even about me!!! - [FD]

#37re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 12:49am

Michelle and Christopher need to star in their own show(s)! They have SO much talent thats being wasted!

"I've always secretly longed for an actress to get to the top of the cherry picker and projectile vomit all over the guards below."- Wonderwaiter in the "Defy Gravity?" thread. ~~~~~~~~My dream? Sutton Foster as Cassie in A Chorus Line

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#38re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 1:02am

Of course Michelle's a diva at the door. She's Idina's sister. It runs in the family. DUH.

Seriously, hopefully she was just, um, joking about the limo thing? (Even Kristin had a town car when I saw her in April, and Idina walked away from the crowd, down the car in sight.)

As for the gasping, I can live with it because I think it's good for the overly-excitable, high-strung character, but not if that's how she normally is.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

Trisky Profile Photo
#39re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 1:58am

I really couldn't appreciate Michelle until I saw her understudy go on, who was godawful in the role. It took seeing someone like that to make me see how much Michelle does with the role.

"Too young to hold on and too old to just break free and run" - Jeff Buckley

#40re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 10:41am

Michelle was totally a sweetheart when I met her. Though, I got the impression that she is very shy and doesn't do the stagedoor thing well. If she was a diva, I'd doubt she would take the time to answer every single fan letter that comes her way. Or answer an interview questionare for her fansite in great detail.

#41re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 10:46am

yes she is very shy. although she was the nicest person in the world to me at the stagedoor. chris was also VERY nice. and i like the gasping cause, its sorta adds to the "look at me i'm fragile and disabled thing".

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#42re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 11:09am

"If she was a diva, I'd doubt she would take the time to answer every single fan letter that comes her way."
Yes, thats true. I received a response in about a week with a really sweet letter.

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

#43re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 12:30pm

"its sorta adds to the "look at me i'm fragile and disabled thing". "

hahaha, well said. i still think its distracting (not that idinas isnt....just that michelle shoudlnt be overlooked), but that was a funny way to phrase it.

Andrew, tonight isn't about you! It isn't even about me!!! - [FD]

ElphieDefiesGravity Profile Photo
#44re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 11:07pm

I also noticed the gasping thing, I think she gasps more than Idina,(I never noticed Idina gasping when I saw it) but I still think Michelle is amazing. She was also very nice at the stage door, signing for everyone and talking a bit too. If only I could post my pictures!

"Blow out the candles, Robert, and make a wish. Want something. Want something."

Wishes come true, not free.

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#45re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 10/29/04 at 3:18pm

I haven't gotten to see Wicked yet, I'm still on my neverending campaign to get tickets. I've never been to the stage door so I don't know what she's like there, but I have met her and she seemed really sweet. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

Broadway Style Profile Photo
Broadway Style
#46re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 10/29/04 at 8:29pm

"OK....#1, has anyone MET (well tried to meet) michelle at the stage door??"

Yeah she was an absolute sweetheart.I'm sorry I know it's annoying when people are like "oh she's so sweet" when she wasn't to you for whatever reason cough Idina cough. But I was sitting on a bench with one of the stage hands gossiping and having a good old time and then I see Michelle who looks totally hungover(or maybe incredibly sleep-deprived), doesn't matter she has this like bigger than vente thing of coffee and I tell her that she is by far my favorite and she just gets this huge grin on her face like I know I shouldn't be smiling but god I Love hearing this and then we talked for a little bit, she went inside and I went on to have some adventures....but it was a nice little moment.

"Fidelity is more than mere display, it's what a man expects from life. Fidelity, like mine to Desiree and Charlotte my devoted wife..."

#47re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 11/30/04 at 4:23pm

I met her at the stage door! shes so nice, she waited for me to borrow a pen from someone and she loved my shirt (Idina fan Shirt) for the Dave Letterman thing, my friend has it on a tape but i dont know where you can find it



JBGolightly Profile Photo
#48re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 11/30/04 at 4:28pm

I too thought that Michelle Federer was amazing. But I have to say that the person who doesn't get enough credit is Carolle Shelley. That woman rocks my world.

If I could find a real life place like Tiffany's then I'd buy some furniture and give the cat a name! - Holly Golightly

Barnaby12345 Profile Photo
#49re: Michelle Federer!
Posted: 11/30/04 at 4:32pm

I met her at the stage door also and she definitely wasn't the nicest person, but everyone is cranky once in a while. It happens.
