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Musicals That Inspired You

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#0Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 1:49pm

What musical inspired you to get into theater. Mine is Thoroughly Modern Millie, because when I saw Sutton Foster doing all her triple-threatish stuff on stage I knew that was what I wanted to do.

#1re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 1:52pm

Hmmm, all musicals have inspired me one way or another. Id have to say I began loving musicals after I watched the Wizard of Oz, however, the first show I did was the Music Man when I was in 2nd grade and thats when I knew. Its so weird too, because my only line in the original music man I did was "Good morning Mayor Shinn". Since then I have played Harrold Hill twice lol

OrdinaryJukebox1 Profile Photo
#2re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 2:41pm

"A Chorus Line" would be it for me. I just love it and I loved being a part of it at my school last year. Great show, great theme.


#3re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 3:30pm

The first show I saw was Beauty and the Beast. It made me interested in theater.
However, Bare really spoke to me personally and inpired me to find who I really was.

dramafreak13 Profile Photo
#4re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 3:41pm

Songs for a New World, but specifically the reunion concert about a month ago. i have been so inspired and motivated since then...

"Contentment it seems merely happens, It appears Accompanied by no bravos and no tears" "The world is good you said Enjoy it's highs you said The summer flies you said So make a parade Of every moment Now throw away your hate And focus on what's great instead" ~William Finn

#5re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 3:43pm

I was always on the brink of being a fan of theatre, but I didn't take the leap until I saw Les Miserables. It helped me pick some classes for high school (theatre workshop, French, etc. re: Musicals That Inspired You ).

But now we have come almost to the end. One last step. And then, when I take power, they will be pulled down and ground into dirt for what they did to you. And what they did in so contemptuously underestimating me.

pab Profile Photo
#6re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 3:51pm

As a kid, I always remembered singing but in high school I was cast as 'Harold Hill' in "The Music Man" and for the past thirty years there has been no turning back.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

DickonDefysGravity Profile Photo
#7re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 3:53pm


1. Into the Woods
2. Thoroughly Modern Millie
3. Wicked
4. Hello Dolly
5. Little Shop of Horrors
6. Phantom of the Opera

And you think of all of the things you've seen, and you wish that you could live in between ,and you're back again only different than before... After the Sky. -Into the Woods (Jack)

bjivie2 Profile Photo
#8re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 3:55pm

The first musical I SAW was Me and My Gal. The musical that inspired me to do theatre was Once on this Island... but not because I saw a great production. I was IN a HORRIBLE production, and I vowed that I would give justice to the show. Haha. And now I'm directing and choreographing it this summer. Revenge is mine!

Eeeeeeyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaannnnnddddd aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiyyyyyyaaaaaammmmmmmm teeeeeeeelllllliiiiiinnngg yyyyooooooouuuuuuuwwwaaaahh...

Jwei123 Profile Photo
#9re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 4:03pm

RENT. no question


"I think it was the Korean tour or something. They were all frickin' asian!" -Zoran912

mizzie Profile Photo
#10re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 4:30pm

Les Misérables. When I saw that show I said to myself, "I want to do that!" Now it's what I'm working hard for!

#11re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 4:33pm

First show I ever saw was BIG. I thought, oo, rollerskate on a stage? I want to do that!

But most importantly, a few months ago I was having real doubts about my love for theater. I saw 'Caroline, or Change' on a Saturday night (went again the very next day for the Sunday matinee) and left that theater with a new love for the arts and knowing for sure tat this is what I was supposed to be doing with my life.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#12re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 4:39pm

Musicals that inspired me:

Into the Woods and Secret Garden: These are the musicals that, many years ago, when i took the Cast Recordings out of the library really sparked in me a fascination with all things musical theatre. They showed that musicals could be melodic, intelligent and have great, complex characters.

Ragtime and Rent: These two really affected my lyricist/librettist skills. I had always had a fascination with stories and movies that had interweaving characters and storylines. These two musicals showed me that this could work well in Theatre. My writing shows a lot of influence from these two shows.

Jason Robert Brown: His shows also effect my writing in that he taught me that a flawed character is a real character. He is super intelligent, without it being in your face (like with Sondheim) and doesn't can balance his amazing lyrics, with amazing music.

I am sure I am forgetting a lot, but those are the ones that just popped into my head right now.


NightLaughs Profile Photo
#13re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 5:29pm

I saw Annie (The movie, at the time we weren't near the city) when I was about 3 or 4. I watched it so frequently and obsessively that my parents had to "accidentaly tape over it". (They bought me another copy a few years ago to make amends re: Musicals That Inspired You ) Ever since then I've been involved in theater. Musical theater is my favorite, but sadly, my weakest point. I look forward to college but feel sad that my days in the theater group at school will be over. I won't be majoring in theater in college and wonder how much room there will be for a non-theater major in the college productions.

Rent inspired me greatly as well. It sounds cheesy but after I feel in love with the show, I started to view the world slightly different. It opened up my eyes to many things, many people, and new music. Through Rent I came to appreciate (and love) other musicals, and have come to adore the theater experience. There are few things that give me bigger thrills that seeing a Broadway show, I absolutely love it. Some people never find anything they love as much as I love theater. I feel fortunate to have found a piece of magic. :) And Rent started me off.

If you limit your choices to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise."- Robert Fritz

CurtainUp Profile Photo
#14re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 5:32pm

Rent, Hedwig, some music from Songs For a New World, pieces of Into the Woods and Les Mis

Rosencrantz: "Be happy - if you're not even HAPPY what's so good about surviving? We'll be all right. I suppose we just go on." - from Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

Racetrack Profile Photo
#15re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 5:35pm

The first time I think I realized theatre was what I want to do and pursue was when I saw Les Miz done live and Beauty and the Beast.

Also a great friend of mine has inspired me to go for my dreams and he is the one who sparked this passion I have for theatre. Even though now we're hundreds, even thousands of miles apart he still inspires me.

Going to the theatre constantly just inspires me and makes me strive even more for what I want to do.

"The weight of this sad time we must obey, Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say. The oldest hath borne most; we that are young Shall never see so much, nor live so long"-Edgar in King Lear

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#16re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 5:37pm

CATS first got me into theatre and made me want to dance
LES MISERABLES made me first want to sing
INTO THE WOODS made me want to act.

After that, I was completely inspired by:


"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#17re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 5:42pm

les mis - the first shwo i ever saw

BroadwayDiva Profile Photo
#18re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 5:42pm

Guys & Dolls was my first show, and I could sing almost any song from it by the time I was two. And I always loved to perform when I was really little, so my parents put me in theatre classes.

Then I discovered JCS when I was really little, too, and became obsessed with it by the time I was 4. I once did the whole show using action figures as the characters.

RENT made me really obsessed. Up until then, I saw shows, listened to recordings once in a blue moon, but didn't LOVE anything really. Once I found RENT, I became hooked, then tried everything else Broadway.

So, my final answer is G&D, JCS, and RENT.

I have my books and my poetry to protect me...

Elphaba3 Profile Photo
#19re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 7:21pm

Wicked has inspired me to me a better person. Incredibly lame, I know. But it's true.

LaeloftheLakes Profile Photo
#20re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 7:31pm

Les Miserables. I'd always loved theater, but when I saw Les Mis (when I was eight) there was no turning back. I've been in a show almost constantly ever since.

"I am special, I am special! Please, God, please, don't let me be normal!" ---Louisa, The Fantasticks
Intolerant of intolerance.

#21re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 7:43pm


Anway- OMG, DAREK!!! I had that line the first time I did Music Man!

TabooWickedFan Profile Photo
#22re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 9:46pm

my first musical when i was nine which was Beauty and the Beast made me want to be involved with theater but the show that has impacted my life so greatly was Taboo. also Rent is another one that has impacted me

"But I relish every brillant inspired moment. This is who I'm determined to be- an actor/singer/dancer-no, I take that back, this is who I am. These people are my tribe, my destiny. I know it. -How I Paid for College; A story of sex, theft, friendship and musical theater.

edenespinosalover Profile Photo
#23re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 11:44pm

My first show that inspired me was "Anything Goes". I was in a production of "Cinderella" when I was 10 and it was the first show I had ever been in. "Anything Goes" was the show that the directors of "Cinderella" were all in, so I went and seen it and I just kinda fell in love with it. I loved the dancing, and the singing and it was really funny. . . So that's when I started dancing and actually took an interest in musical theater.

SummerInOhio Profile Photo
#24re: Musicals That Inspired You
Posted: 12/24/04 at 11:49pm

First musical I saw was a production of South Pacific in Philly. I was so impressed seeing kids on stage (I was maybe 6 at the time...). Then my parents took me to see Phantom, and that's when it became an obsession. As a 6 year old, I had every word of that musical memorized. My parents, realizing there was nothing else for them to do, let me audition for a local production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and I had such an amazing time in the children's chorus, that I never looked back!

"There are mouths to be kissed before mouths to be fed, and there's many a tryst and there's many a bed. There's a lot I'll have missed, but I'll not have been dead when I die! And a person should celebrate everything passing by."
