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N2N's Final Weekend

steven22 Profile Photo
#50N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 12:45am

anyone can track? PM me

PurpleFanta Profile Photo
#51N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 12:50am

I could hear the competitive crying upstairs, which is ridiculous. I mean, I was very emotional too (rather quietly, I might add), but to be that loud and obnoxious is just rude. That said, it was an amazing night of theatre. It was the most I'd ever heard Marin belt, and that was thrilling to me. It was certainly a night of theatre I'll never forget.

#52N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 12:50am

steven, I would agree that it was so electric (appropriate.) I think that the audience for the show brings something so special, just as the cast, the writers, the producers...everyone that David Stone thanked...does. And when you get the best of the best together in one theatre, tonight happens.

Honestly, coming down from the high (s and lows of the night) though, I feel like I put my dog down or something. It was such a bittersweet evening in the end, but still the electricity coursing through the theatre was undeniable.

The one thing I missed was the collective audience gasp during two specific moments in the show (the birthday cake in the first act, and doctor Madden's key info share in act II) - of course we all knew those things were coming...but I always loved those.

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#53N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 12:58am

I was at the show tonight as well and competitive sobbing was the perfect word for it. There was a middle-aged woman in front of me who kept gasping and going "ohhh" and "oh god" and after "So Anyway" she let out a little "noooo." It really started to get annoying.

That said, the show was wonderful. The whole cast was clearly giving their all and I was so moved by Marin and Meghann especially...I completely (silently) lost it when Meghann started openly crying toward the end of the 2nd act. David Stone's speech at the curtain call was also very emotional and lovely. If anyone cares about details just ask, I'll be happy to share but right now I'm too tired/lazy to type out a whole long post haha. Profile Photo
#54N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 1:02am

Oh thank god I'm not the only one that was kinda annoyed by the sobbing. I mean it's a sad show but honestly when I can hear people crying more than I can hear the singing it's kinda distracting. I was sitting beside one women that not only was sobbing but would audibly cry out "oh god" or "just tell her his name" and three sobbing tweens in front of me. I just don't understand how you can enjoy a performance when you are sobbing so loud you can't hear the music and your head is in your hands for the whole show. Honestly by the end it was getting kinda funny and totally killed the mood for me.

Other than that the actual show was AWESOME!!! They were all at their best. I thought Marin and Meghann really shined in this performance. What a great cast to close with! Curtain call/speech was really awesome too. You could really feel the love in the room between all those involved.
Updated On: 1/17/11 at 01:02 AM

steven22 Profile Photo
#55N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 1:10am

Megan really got teary during Maybe. Megan and Marin together, amazing daughter/mother combo.

#56N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 1:16am

Meghann got teary at any emotional juncture in the show, I think. First at Perfect For You when Adam cried, then in Gonna Be Good, then before she sang Superboy, and yeah, we were pretty much gone from there. It killed me when her knees almost gave out during Why Stay. Honestly though, it didn't even bother me. I'm so happy to see that this show meant so much to the cast. I hate to see them go through what it looks like they went through tonight, but it makes ALL of their performances so much more special, knowing that they were always giving from their hearts, something that was really important to them.

And yes, Marin and Meghann as mother and daughter was and has been amazing. They seem to connect so so well.

CockeyedOptimist2 Profile Photo
#57N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 1:19am

"And yes, Marin and Meghann as mother and daughter was and has been amazing. They seem to connect so so well."

^ I saw the show twice during BC/EFA collections and while someone was making the speech, the two of them were hugging in a very cute mother/daughter way. It happened both times and then tonight during David Stone's speech. They are so cute. Tonight I noticed Marin and Meghann connecting across the table during "Better than Before" more than I had noticed before. Profile Photo
#58N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 1:19am

@perfectlymarvelous you must have been sitting behind me! I was sitting beside that middle aged women. She was pretty annoying. Before the show she told me she had seen the show 27 times. So I really don't know why she kept on acting shocked when ever something happened. Oh well.

Also, being 5 rows behind Anthony Rapp!! SOO COOL!

steven22 Profile Photo
#59N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 1:56am


if you see this, turn on your PMs

helloworld2 Profile Photo
#60N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 2:08am

Sorry - on now!

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#61N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 2:21am

That is too funny klacombe...she told my mom and me (without prompting) that she had seen the tour nearly every night when it was in Los Angeles and that she had been or was going to San Diego and San Francisco to see it but she *had* to be there tonight.

I know how intensely personal this show can be (it is for me), but it seems like I and many others were able to control themselves and keep the noise while getting emotional to a minimum.

Marin and Meghann were really adorable together at the curtain call, they had their arms around each other for a lot of it. After their bows, the whole cast hugged each other too, which was a really sweet moment.

GatorNY Profile Photo
#62N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 7:24am

I was in row D, center, and while I was aware of other audience members who were feeling the emotion, it didn't seem like a competition. I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the amount of applause after the reprise of "I Am the One." Jason sat with his face in his hand visibly moved for quite some time. It was a nice way of telling him and KDM how beautiful their seen had just been.

"The price of love is loss, but still we pay; We love anyway."

dragonlp86 Profile Photo
#63N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 11:08am

MI was there last night as well. I don't know what I can add that hasn't already been said. The entire cast was absolutely amazing, and it is such a shame I won't be able to see them together on stage again. Adam breaking down during "Perfect for You (Reprise)" totally broke my heart and it did take both him and Megann a while to recover. There was applause at the end of "I Am The One (Reprise)" and I thought it was very touching. That scene is always one of my favourites, and Jason and Kyle killed it.

Yes, stage door was insane. I got out there right afterthe curtain speech and there were already lots of people out there. Which, I thought it kind of rude to leave during the speeches, but whatever. Everyone came out, even understudies (and I adore them as well). Adam Kantor was there, and managed to leave without much hassle. J.Robert Spencer wasn't quite so lucky, partially thanks to the fact that he did a little dance for attention. Then he got trapped...Also, I'm sure that some fangirls have black eyes/bloody noses from fighting over the stuffed toys Kyle threw to the crowd or the plastic soldiers Louis and Adam gave out.

So yeah. An insane, emotional night. There was some slightly annoying crying in mezz left, but I was able to zone most of it out. Oh, and long, standing ovation for Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey. They deserved it.
Updated On: 1/17/11 at 11:08 AM

wdwfreak Profile Photo
#64N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 11:18am

I second everything that was said. This was my first time seeing Marin, Jason, & Meghann in their roles, and I'm very upset that I won't be able to see it again with them. Some things bothered me about the audience. I understand giving applause to entrances of the actor's, but at some points, I felt it was the typical fangirl thing. On stage, they seemed like "ok, can we get on with the show?" kind of look. That might be just me and this was my fifth final performance of a show, and I don't ever remember it being like that but whatever.

The sobbing kind of got me annoyed too. The lady next to me was crying from the beginning of "Just Another Day" all the way to the end. Although for a second the sniffling was a tad annoying, I zoned it out. I would rather have listened to her cry like that for the entire show than hear those couple of fangirls in the mezz hysterical. Pathetic!

The whole evening was something I don't think I will ever forget. It was truly breath-taking and extremely emotional at the end.

One of the best things happened when the show ended, when I got up, there was a playbill on the wall behind me (in the last row of the mezz) so I picked it up, and without noticing it, it was signed by Brian Yorkey and Tom Kitt. And on the back it says "The Price of Love is Lost. There will be light." I am so happy I found it.

Updated On: 1/17/11 at 11:18 AM

dragonlp86 Profile Photo
#65N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 11:24am

^ Oh, very nice find!

Wishing Only Wounds Profile Photo
Wishing Only Wounds
#66N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 11:27am

Final speech is up:

Formerly: WishingOnlyWounds2 - Broadway Legend - Joined: 9/25/08
Updated On: 1/17/11 at 11:27 AM

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#67N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 11:32am

That video is actually only the second half of Stone's speech, which was really lovely.

I had a row of kids behind me (probably around 17 or so...maybe younger) who were just out of control with the crying. Audibly sniffling and sobbing and gasping for air like they had just recieved news that their entire family was killed. It was really ridiculous. I get choked up almost every time I see N2N but I wasn't alerted the loudest cryer, or the one who showed that the show meant most TO THEM through their tears, won some kind of award by the end of the evening. It was really, really annoying.

And then there was the kid in front of me, who did the same thing. He had his hands over his head for a good portion of the second act, like it was too painful to watch. I mean...come on. When he clapped, he THREW his hands over his head and screamed and "whoo"-ed like no one's business. And when he cried, he made sure everyone knew he was crying. Letting out a few "oh God..."s and other mumblings.

As sad as it is to see this show go, I have to say I am honestly happy the fangirls have to move on to something else now. Because the audience last night was really frustrating and annoying. And I'm just glad I wasn't the only person who thought so. I was expecting them to be loud, in terms of applause, which they were, but the crying and sobbing and gasping for air like they were auditioning for a remake of Sophie's Choice was just...a little much to say the least.
Updated On: 1/17/11 at 11:32 AM

Wishing Only Wounds Profile Photo
Wishing Only Wounds
#68N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 11:40am

"That video is actually only the second half of Stone's speech, which was really lovely."

Found a better video and edited the link.

Formerly: WishingOnlyWounds2 - Broadway Legend - Joined: 9/25/08

#69N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 1:59pm

I was there as well, and I found it to be SUCH an amazing evening. I was also annoyed by all the crying, and in the quiet moments of the second act, I could hear nothing but sniffling all around. And having not seen the show since the OBC plus Kyle two summers ago, I was also blown away by Jason, Marin and Meghann's performances. Marin especially was really astounding, and I will always remember the two women I saw as Diana as two of the most impressive performances I've seen onstage. I will really miss this show!

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."-Stephen Sondheim

JillianSch Profile Photo
#70N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 4:23pm

The sobbing from the audience was a little too dramatic and most defiantly annoying. However, it did not ruin the performance. The most dramatic part of last night was during "maybe" between Megann and Marin. When Megann went to sing the line "...that's way too far away, but something next to normal would be ok" she paused for a nanosecond, finding it hard to say 'next to normal.'
Beyond beautiful experience and I fell so blessed to have seen this show and to have been apart of last night.

dragonlp86 Profile Photo
#71N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 5:00pm

Wdwfreak...where were you sitting? I was rear mezz as well

wdwfreak Profile Photo
#72N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 5:23pm

I was in the center of row H. like 104 or something like that. Don't have the ticket in front of me.

#73N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 5:31pm

Hey wdwfreak from the person who was standing next to you at the stage door. :)

The cast was simply amazing.

wdwfreak Profile Photo
#74N2N's Final Weekend
Posted: 1/17/11 at 5:35pm

Well hello to you too! :)
