In the middle of rows, away from staging areas....which are clearly marked.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/22/14
PS: Our seats were 4-5 from the aisle seat in the row. I didn't see anything clearly marked lol
Chorus Member Joined: 11/28/16
Does anyone know if there is another Natasha understudy? The only one playbill lists is Lauren Zakrin. Don't equity rules require that two understudies are needed for a principal role?
It's possible there could a standby who is "unlisted" -- actors can make the choice to either be listed in the Playbill as a standby or to receive a full page insert when they go on - and otherwise remain 'unlisted' in the playbill.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/28/16
Queen Alice, I was thinking that could be the case. Zakrin has been the Natasha understudy since the offbroadway production and has gone on a few times when the show was offbroadway also. So I figured she was the first cover. I know the show is getting three new swings so it's possible one of them will cover Natasha. I also realized Anatole only has one understudy too. So it's possible that another new swing would cover him too.
I saw someone mention that they knew Josh was out December 15th. Is there somewhere you can see his planned absences? I can't find anything on the show website (am I missing it?). I have tickets for next week, and had am travelling from Canada. I know there is no guarantee of any actor (people get sick), but I already had a hard time convincing my hubby to see this one (he hates shows with audience interaction and would rather see comedies than dramas), so Josh being out could be the dealbreaker for him.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/25/08
spikethebunny said: "I saw someone mention that they knew Josh was out December 15th. Is there somewhere you can see his planned absences? I can't find anything on the show website (am I missing it?). I have tickets for next week, and had am travelling from Canada. I know there is no guarantee of any actor (people get sick), but I already had a hard time convincing my hubby to see this one (he hates shows with audience interaction and would rather see comedies than dramas), so Josh being out could be the dealbreaker for him.
I was just going to ask this. However, I think we can say that he won't be in the show this Wednesday evening, since he's performing at the Christmas Tree Lighting that same night. I do not want to see this show without him.
Telecharge Overview page has the deets.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
Re: the tree lighting, many of those performances are pre taped, so Josh probably pre taped his.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/25/08
neonlightsxo said: "Re: the tree lighting, many of those performances are pre taped, so Josh probably pre taped his.
Oh, interesting... ok thank you!
BroadwayConcierge said: "Telecharge Overview page has the deets.
Thank you so much! I knew it had to be somewhere!
***Potential spoiler alert (maybe?)***
In the beginning of the show, Natasha comes out screaming "No," does anyone know why? I presumed it would be explained later on in the show but I don't think it was. I was in the mezzanine so I might have missed any indication explaining why. Is it in regards to Andre going into war?
***End of potential spoiler alert***
Yes, she has to say goodbye to him as he's going off to war. Since this happens in the first minute if the show, not too much a spoiler to worry about.
dramamama611 said: "Yes, she has to say goodbye to him. since cell this haoo er me in the first minute if the shoe, not too much a Spoiler to worry about.
Theatricality said: "***Potential spoiler alert (maybe?)***
In the beginning of the show, Natasha comes out screaming "No," does anyone know why? I presumed it would be explained later on in the show but I don't think it was. I was in the mezzanine so I might have missed any indication explaining why. Is it in regards to Andre going into war?
***End of potential spoiler alert*** "
Yes. She's upset that Andre is going to war.
icecreambenjamin said: "dramamama611 said: "Yes, she has to say goodbye to him. since cell this haoo er me in the first minute if the shoe, not too much a Spoiler to worry about.
Fixed....with apologies.
Was reading about Grace McClean's debut in Comet here:
And stumbled upon this gem. She apparently wrote it herself, shes hilarious! So spunky and fun
GreenGables said: "Was reading about Grace McClean's debut in Comet here:
And stumbled upon this gem. She apparently wrote it herself, shes hilarious! So spunky and fun
I was in the section of the audience where Grace was handing out dumplings when the show is about to start. Her repartee with audience members was delightful.
Saw the show last Sunday! Who makes the pierogis? Caught one - it was good.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/11/16
Looks like a placed called the Russian Samovar -
I'm jealous! :P I didn't get one when I saw the show (I did get an egg though :)) Hopefully I'll see it again and catch one then!
thanks for the information...
Chorus Member Joined: 11/11/16
Rhoda4 said: "thanks for the information...
Oh, was that a rhetorical question? My bad.
Huh? she thanked does that imply rhetorical question?
These aren't pierogi, they are now dumpling. ew
Chorus Member Joined: 11/11/16
Sorry, I thought that I misinterpreted her initial question and that I messed something up somehow. I've been misinterpreting a lot of signals, so I was just projecting a little. Don't mind me :]
What's the difference between pierogi and dumpling? (genuinely curious)
Understudy Joined: 9/29/15
So glad to hear all the positive words on the show! I'm seeing the show early January, and managed to buy some onstage seats- specifically the Upholstered Armchairs that are in front of the main stage- can anyone comment on these seats? Thanks!