Disney = ABC
^yes Disney has something prepared on ABC
Shocking they couldn’t get wicked to do something considering it’s already a NBCuniversal property.
Wonder if the network is also paying for these performances too.
ABC is doing their on holiday special that will feature cast members from The Lion King, Aladdin & Frozen.
Casts of Disney's Frozen, The Lion King, Aladdin Will Reunite on Broadway for ABC's The Disney Holiday Singalong
Looking at pictures, it appears everyone filmed their performances this past weekend. All performances were filmed in front of their respective theaters except for Jersey Boys and the Rent reunion.
ACL2006 said: "Looking at pictures, it appears everyone filmed their performances this past weekend. All performances were filmed in front of their respective theaters except for Jersey Boys and the Rent reunion."
Not to be “that guy”, but looking at the pics it looks like Ain’t Too Proud is the only one that filmed in front of their theaters. Mean Girls, Chicago, and Jagged don’t look like their theater facades.
Photo Flash of NBC Broadway Special
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Featured Actor Joined: 10/14/19
This just reinforced my desire to not see Mean Girls.
Mean Girls was great with the OBC. This cast is trash.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/17/17
Who are the Seasons Of Love people? I can’t recognize a single one of them.
ACL2006 said: "Who's watching?"
Enjoying it so far. Was very nice to see Tamika Lawrence.
Featured Actor Joined: 10/14/19
jonah3500 said: "Who are the Seasons Of Love people? I can’t recognize a single one of them."
I was just about to ask the same thing. Are they from the 20th anniversary tour that just won’t close?
I only recognized Tamika Lawrence(soloists). But that gave me my first cry of the night.
That version of Seasons of Love was my favorite number so far. Also enjoying the personal stories from performers about the importance of the theater.
Jordan Catalano said: "All that talk of Barbra appearing. lolol"
Yeah, a bit of a let down. I mean she could have at least performed a song from her home or something like that.
Caroline Bowman was in the Seasons of love performance. It honestly looked like it was a handful of the performers from the ABC Disney on Broadway segment from their recent Holiday Sing Along.
Barbra's voiceover was quite good and sentimental.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/9/11
almost an hour in and nothing they have shown would sell any tickets
very sad
That Jagged Little Pill performance was miles better than the one on the parade! Probably because Lauren Patten is the best thing about the show.
It’s unfortunate this is only a celebration of... a few shows.
LAUREN PATTEN. That was pretty good, much better out of context.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/9/11
agree on Lauren Patton. She is so good you can almost ignore the director ripping off Totally F*CKed.