Taz, that's probably the road it's taking: more soapy ... unrealistic and over-the-top.
Even if they lose viewers like me, they will likely gain a whole different and much bigger audience in the end who love crazy soaps and may or may not care about the theatre part. There are a lot of people who are into those shows, simply for the "who's sleeping with who" shock-value aspect. They could be set in a bar or a brothel or a balloon factory, it wouldn't matter to them as long as it was "juicy."
The only "soapy" series I've been hooked on in a decade is Downton Abbey. That's a rare exception to the rule for me, but I also love the subject matter, setting, and the era. And it leans toward the drama side of "soapdom" rather than the over-the-top comedy side.
For the very reasons Miss Penny mentioned, I still hope Smash is a smash and has a nice run, even if it's not for me.
See- I'm one of those who enjoyed the show and one who is mostly watching for the performances. Katherine and Megan are amazing talents and it's worth watching the show just for that. Everything else is just icing on the cake. I don't look too hard into the storylines. I guess I'm just shallow when it comes to watching this show. I, too, am so happy for a scripted show with people who actually have talent and don't need to be autotuned. :)
I think they're leading up to an Ellis and Borle (can't think of the character's name) hook-up.
Followed by Ellis demanding some compensation/credit...and possibly blackmail?
Or he'll turn Borle against Messing. That dynamic has already been established.
But who knows. Guessing is half the fun!
Actually, it's the one plot element that DOES bother me: Deborah Messing's character ought to be all over Christan Borle's saying things to the assistant like "Well, after all, it was your idea" and "I'm looking forward to your input..." (I can't remember exactly what he said.)
She should have had their lawyer immediately sign the kid to a collaboration agreement limiting his participation to a fraction of what he might eventually ask for.
I like Katherine, don't love her yet, but I like her. She has a natural screen presence. I adore Megan, Debra and Anjelica. I want to smack the sh*t out of Christian Borle's character. Am I alone in this? I don't buy it. His performance leaves me cold.
That's an interesting point, PJ. I hadn't thought of it.
My thought, after reading this thread (and many others) is... If you don't like the show: fine.
If I do like the show: fine.
You don't have to convince me not to like it. I don't have to convince you to like it.
Even if we're friends with similar tastes, we all have our own preferences, and some things speak to us while others don't.
If you didn't like it, don't feel obligated to give it another try because I liked it.
If you want to give it another try, do so because you're curious about the show. And, after an episode or two, decide if it's something you want to watch.
Either way, it's fine by me.
A discussion about various plot points and how they work into a show is always interesting. I'll look forward to it as the program unfolds.
I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. And you can't change mine. Only the show can do that.
Well said as always Addy.
Pennywise (hi!), I don't know how they're gonna deal with Raza's character, but he's into politics and that always leads to friction.
Also, I hear the adoption is not going to go over and their teenage son is getting a bigger story arc.
Here's the link to the
NY Magazine's Scott Brown weighs in:
"n the pilot, aside from a few covers, we’re dispensed one full original production number (“The National Pastime”), one snippet of a chorus of a torch-song (“Never Give All the Heart”), and one propulsive non-diagetic duet/duel (“Let Me Be Your Star”). And yes, musical-phobes — that last song features people bursting into song in the “real world,” y’know, whatever that is. "
New York Magazine Stage Critic Scott Brown Reviews Smash’s Show-Within-the-Sho
Broadway Star Joined: 6/26/11
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
Brian d'Arcy James has confirmed on Twitter that he will be singing on the show.
Twitter Watch: Brian d'Arcy James to Sing on SMASH!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/11
Taz, since Raza's character works for the City of New York, maybe he'll have an affair with Paul McCartney's new wife!
Addy, I called him first!
Understudy Joined: 8/16/11
Swing Joined: 12/27/11
I enjoyed the pilot the second time around. I did feel there were too many cliches, but I'm hopeful that the scripts will gain some footing as the show moves forward.
"One of the things that I did not notice the first time was that Alex Wong from 'So You Think You Can Dance' and will also be part of the Broadway musical 'Newsies', was one of the dancers in the baseball number."
I noticed Alex as well as two other SYTYCD alums in the pilot, Ellenore Scott & Thayne Jasperson (who is also in Newsies). Last season's Jess Leprotto (another who is in Newsies), along with Ellenore, just taped a new dance number for an episode for later this spring. This show should be a great one for spotting some of my favorite SYTYCD dancers. I'm almost as interested in that as I am the development of the plot!
In the first photo, Curtis Holbrook is the guy all the way to the right.
Hey, PJ, you may "Call Raza," but he plays for MY team, Nyah Nyah.
Chorus Member Joined: 6/19/11
Another thank you PalJoey for the recap link. Laughed my ass off-esp. loved this bit:
"Frozen Dad pauses angry salad-making to remind Cousin Debbie that she is supposed to be taking a break, because they are supposed to be adopting a baby this year, and if you so much as breathe the words “Bernadette Peters” to a Chinese adoption official they will drown you in a wok filled with boiling corn oil, and also, she promised not to have any more ideas ever because it’s his turn, goddammit, and he has needs, too, and this goddamn ****ing salad is finished, and she forgot to get pine nuts, so he just hopes she’s happy, even though she and her stupid brain ruin everything!"