Understudy Joined: 8/8/15
Both Wilson and Levi have a good fan base. Santino Fonatana will also be great in White Christmas.
I sure would love to see this happen and a treat to see Patrick Wilson doing a musical. As I have said before its also about time they go with something festive at this time of the year.
Understudy Joined: 8/8/15
it sure would be different from what we got for the past three years, and yes something to look forward too. But difficult to obtain rights from the RNH organization that handles the Irving Berlin catalog. I definitely dont see this happening anytime soon.
Chorus Member Joined: 12/15/15
Danster said: "it sure would be different from what we got for the past three years, and yes something to look forward too. But difficult to obtain rights from the RNH organization that handles the Irving Berlin catalog. I definitely dont see this happening anytime soon.
If they managed to do Sound of Music, I cant see why White Christmas should be hard to do. It makes no sense.
Understudy Joined: 8/8/15
The Rodgers and Hammerstein organization owns The Sound of Music entirely, as for White Christmas its owned by the estate of Irving Berlin and Paramount Pictures, who definitely will not grant rights to Universal.
Zachary Levi is my pick for Albert. And Rosie O'Donnell as Mae!!
Get Andrea Martin to come back for Mae! She was so delightful to see in Hairspray, but she needed more screen time...Lol
I have a feeling they'll go for an unknown as Kim, ala Maddie and Shanice.
Steve Carell for Mr. MacAfee?
I'd like Rainn Wilson as Mr. MacAfee- he's not doing too much these days but he's surely well-remembered still on NBC.
Mrtrobz said: "The time feels right for West Side Story Live. I just think it would dazzle on TV and it's one f those classics that people will tune in for.
West Side Story live could be so great. Get real, young Broadway dancers. You could get star power with Tony and Maria. The problem is, I think they'd be tempted to cast "stars" as Anita, Riff, and Bernardo. I would like to see those parts with hardcore dancer/singer/actors.
I still really question the wisdom of following up HAIRSPRAY with BYE BYE BIRDIE, which is essentially the same kind of musical set in the same time period. Given the ratings were so down for HAIRPSRAY, I think they should have waited to announce and instead gone with something more contemporary.
Understudy Joined: 8/8/15
Actually I rather they would have taken a well known classic like West Side Story or Fiddler on the Roof. Maybe get Kelsey Grammer as Tevye.
Understudy Joined: 8/8/15
Levi should be cast in White Christmas than this. He will be perfect.
Understudy Joined: 8/8/15
QueenAlice said: "I still really question the wisdom of following up HAIRSPRAY with BYE BYE BIRDIE, which is essentially the same kind of musical set in the same time period. Given the ratings were so down for HAIRPSRAY, I think they should have waited to announce and instead gone with something more contemporary.
Hairspray is more well known than Bye Bye Birdie and it failed miserably. I also wish they would shelf it now before its too late.
Chorus Member Joined: 12/15/15
I only hope it wont be the end of the tradition. Whoever they cast Birdie will not be a rating smash.
Understudy Joined: 8/8/15
lovebwy said: "Mrtrobz said: "The time feels right for West Side Story Live. I just think it would dazzle on TV and it's one f those classics that people will tune in for.
West Side Story live could be so great. Get real, young Broadway dancers. You could get star power with Tony and Maria. The problem is, I think they'd be tempted to cast "stars" as Anita, Riff, and Bernardo. I would like to see those parts with hardcore dancer/singer/actors.
I couldn't agree more. Tough I did read that Greenblatt said the rights are currently withheld due to a remake which is supposed to be directed by Spieldberg.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/2/14
Any chance they would change the next musical due to Hairsprays ratings?
Nope. Press Release issued, promo already aired on TV plus Jennifer Lopez herself not only co-producing it as well as headlining it fully confirms it's happening. We're now at the point of no return stage. December 2017 here comes BYE BYE BIRDIE, bitches! No matter what!
Understudy Joined: 8/8/15
Bye Bye Birdie is already in production so it won't be canceled. However I do believe that they are not expecting ratings from this one. My predictions would be around 6 to 8.
jenn3258 said: "Nefertiti said: "White Christmas gets my vote.
Patrick Wilson as Bob Wallace, Zachary Levi as Phil Davis, Laura Benanti, Laura Osnes could really shine if it ever had to happen
And who besides theatre fans would be tuning in to see this cast?
Broadway Star Joined: 9/15/16
I know it won't happen, but NBC really needs to shelf BYE BYE BIRDIE LIVE while they still can. It's just the wrong choice for so many reasons...I really don't want to see this tradition end.
Understudy Joined: 8/8/15
Bye Bye Birdie is already in production, so it is very unlikely this would be changed, unless the network decides to cancel these live broadcasts because of the decline in ratings which is more likely to happen.
Understudy Joined: 8/8/15
Was The King and I live ever considered? I think it had enjoyed a nice run at the Lincoln center and it would be a hit, if they had to bring either Ken Watanabe or Daniel Dae Kim to reprise their role for TV.
Chorus Member Joined: 12/15/15
I also thought and would love to see King and I on television. If Sound of Music was done, I cannot see why they cant go for another show from the R&H catalog. Maybe for 2018
Maybe I'm just nostalgic right now (since it's on ABC tonight) but Mary Poppins would work well. It has the same appeal as Sound of Music.
It probably won't be shelved unless they either fire the producers, Jennifer Lopez has a "scheduling conflict " and has to pull out, or if they simply decide to cancel it because of the poor ratings this year. But it sounds like part of the impetus behind these live musical productions is for the "prestige factor " - even when they don't do well in the ratings they do generate a lot of buzz for the network.
It probably won't be shelved unless they either fire the producers, Jennifer Lopez has a "scheduling conflict " and has to pull out, or if they simply decide to cancel it because of the poor ratings this year. But it sounds like part of the impetus behind these live musical productions is for the "prestige factor " - even when they don't do well in the ratings they do generate a lot of buzz for the network.