What about "Annie Get Your Gun" with Reba reprising her role as Annie Oakley?
Now I adore the eternally young Reba, but she is 61 years old and that's just way past playing the role of 17 year old Annie Oakley on film. But I think the musical would be fun. How about Hailee Steinfeld in the part?
QueenAlice said: "Now I adore the eternally young Reba, but she is 61 years old and that's just way past playing the role of 17 year old Annie Oakley on film. But I think the musical would be fun. How about Hailee Steinfeld in the part?
Hey, if Barbra can play (Grand)Mama Rose, ages don't exist!
But Hailee would be fab. I feel she would need one more major film under her belt before they'd consider her the "big name" for the role. My fear is that they would try for somebody like Nicole Scherzinger or another pop star for the role.
Another idea I had when they were first doing these live musicals was Hello, Dolly! starring, well, Dolly Parton. Now that the 2017 revival is on the horizon, I could see them doing it with Bette Midler once the revival closes.
Bette Midler doing HELLO DOLLY for TV makes a lot of sense.
For BYE BYE BIRDIE, do you think they would bring back either Dick Van Dyke or Chita Rivera for a role like they did for Harvey Fierstein with HAIRSPRAY and Stephanie Mills with THE WIZ?
I'd love to see Chita Rivera as Mae Peterson, especially if they added, "A Mother Doesn't Matter Anymore."
Bump. Now that we've seen after Jesus Christ Superstar that NBC can actually do a live musical.
Whatever they do, I hope they keep it like this. I think they've learned that musicals work best on stage infont of an audience. I'd love to see them do Evita with Lady Gaga now.
GeorgeandDot said: "Whatever they do, I hope they keep it like this. I think they've learned that musicals work best on stage infont of an audience. I'd love to see them do Evita with Lady Gaga now."
I agree, Gaga Evita next. They'll regret it if they go through with Bye Bye Birdie. Evita or maybe even Little Shop.
I literally thought of Evita during tonight's broadcast and was waiting to see if anybody else would add it before me. It's the perfect choice, and Gaga would be beyond perfection.
i’m not being sarcastic or hyperbolic when i say i would literally donate a testicle to have a live television production of Evita starring Stefani Joanne Germanotta.
Understudy Joined: 2/19/04
JCS got me thinking that Joseph... and The Who's Tommy could be exciting
Featured Actor Joined: 12/6/05
I was also thinking of Joseph and Evita, because they would work well in the staged concert setting.
Also, has anyone mentioned Chicago? The musical is different enough from the movie. With minimal staging and the orchestra on stage, it could really sizzle on tv. Plus, like Jesus Christ Superstar it seems eternally relevant.
Given that the Broadway revival of Chicago is still up and running, I doubt that the rights to do it on television will be available anytime soon.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/17
How about Guys and Dolls with Seth McFarlene and Zachary Levi
Featured Actor Joined: 12/6/05
Given that the Broadway revival of Chicago is still up and running, I doubt that the rights to do it on television will be available anytime soon.
Yes, but they filmed Legally Blonde while it was still running and made movie versions of Chicago, Mamma Mia, and Phantom while those were still running. I don't really know if the overlap matters so much anymore, especially with a show like Chicago that has been running years and years. It's also been licensed to community theaters, etc. for some time now. A live version of Chicago could actually help the box office returns of the Broadway production.
I'd love to see them doing Legally Blonde. I think it would make for a perfect live TV musical. And Mamma Mia (probably a couple years from now because of the new movie). Gentlemen's Guide To Love & Murder would be a hoot as well, though it doesn't have quite the same name recognition to actually be picked up.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/3/06
do you think this JCS format is here to stay for NBC??? Remember they advertised it as a "live concert".
Major differences between JCS and other shows?
JCS is completely sung through. The Band is visible the entire time, and its ONE SET, one location really. Its def more of a "Live concert"
With titles like GUYS AND DOLLS or BYE BYE BIRDIE or even EVITA there are multiple locations, major costume changes, etc.
Not that it couldn't happen in front of a live audience, but I imagine it would have to create a more standard "theatre" like experience like the design of THE WIZ LIVE, where they basically built a proscenium theatre. Now add a live audience, and you'd be golden.....
Like i said in the other JCS thread, this "concert" format worked well, and I think we can use it for Evita, and other musicals. I think that other shows could use a one main set , and maybe a few pieces that come in and out. I feel like it can be done.
I will say this "concert" is better than the "concerts" of Les Miserables, where even in the confrontation and other songs where two characters are speaking to one another, they stare straight ahead, no connection between the characters. They are sooooooo painful to watch...hence why I've never watched the full 10th anniversary one.
They should have learned that they need to stay away from traditional old shows.
Evita, Little Shop, In The Heights, HAIR, Matilda... honestly live broadcast Spongebob from the Palace and I'd be a happy camper.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/29/18
lightguy06222 said: "do you think this JCS format is here to stay for NBC??? Remember they advertised it as a "live concert".
Major differences between JCS and other shows?
JCS is completely sung through. The Band is visible the entire time, and its ONE SET, one location really. Its def more of a "Live concert"
With titles like GUYS AND DOLLS or BYE BYE BIRDIE or even EVITA there are multiple locations, major costume changes, etc.
Not that it couldn't happen in front of a live audience, but I imagine it would have to create a more standard "theatre" like experience like the design of THE WIZ LIVE, where they basically built a proscenium theatre. Now add a live audience, and you'd be golden....."
Been awhile since I've seen it, but isn't the band on stage for Chicago as well? Agree with others that that'd have broad appeal...
What about Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat? Its family friendly enough, been ages since there has been a revival and ALW loves the publicity. It would be great to see them put a new spin on the show.
The filmed one with Donny Osmond and Maria Friedman is kinda fun but so uncanny-valley-like and kind of sterile that I'd love to see it being given a JCS Live-type of treatment.
I hope NBC drops the idea of doing BYE BYE BIRDIE. It will come off as absolutely archaic after what they've accomplished last night.
The musicals done on television so far that have fared the best and have received positive audience and critical responses have been those shows that have been rock-based: GREASE, HAIRSPRAY and now JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR. The traditional Broadway ones haven't save for THE SOUND OF MUSIC, but I attribute that success more to the fact of it's recognizability and it being the first one done so the curiosity factor was high. THE WIZ and PETER PAN were dismal misfires in my opinion. GREASE and JCS have been the absolute stand outs in the bunch and "the ones to beat". If they use what was done last night as a template for the upcoming RENT and cast it correctly then it will be an unqualified success.