^Yeah I know what you mean, but I'm also confused. Are we not supposed to think that Daniel's a total f*ck boy and a jerk and kind of a downright self centered, horrible person?
I guess, but don't you just want to scream at Ti Moune "Gurl, guy's not worth crossing the wild and the city with no shoes! Swipe left and keep your soul!" There's no love involved in that relationship, it's very one sided infatuation.
The score is flawless, the choreography, characters - amazing. But a huge let down on the themes.
(Apologies for the entirely hidden post! But don't want to openly discuss the ending.)
blaxx said: "
My response:
Interesting... I know the line is "a tree that watched over Daniel..." but I always took the important part of that to be "A tree that sprang up and cracked the walls of the hotel Beauxhomme so that its gates could never close again." That's the "why we tell the story" part - that as completely tragic as the story of Ti Moune is, her love is what ultimately helped end some of the classism/racism on the island.
(Disclaimer that I know the original show well but haven't seen this revival yet, so I don't know if the emphasis is different in this production.)
I'm starting the conspiracy theory that Audrey II is really Ti Moune taking revenge!
Lol! I think some of the discomfort I feel about this show also comes from the way in which it presents a false dilemma for Ti Moune...
...between unhealthy love, and unhealthy hate/death. Ti Moune has to either keep loving jerkface Daniel 4evah, or outright kill him. It's rather depressing that she loves him to the very end, and that some of the show's lyrics present this as a triumph: "Ti Moune...proved that love could withstand the storm...and survive even in the face of death!" Not the greatest message for any young people in the audience. The original novel, IIRC, more unambiguously portrays the Ti Moune character's undying love as the tragedy it is.
In the moment of truth in the show, when Ti Moune has to make her love/death decision, I wonder if it would work for her not to say "I can't... Daniel, I love you!", but rather something like "I can't... I won't harm him the way he has harmed me. But I made a deal, so take my life if you must." That way, Ti Moune stops playing the gods' game, and both gods lose their callous bet: Ti Moune's love (rightly) hasn't survived, but she has also (rightly) not brought death to Daniel. This would be further removed from the novel, but perhaps more suited to the hopeful tone of the musical; what should bring hope is the survival of Ti Moune's goodness, not of her love for an a$$hole.
(I do like the show by the way, most days; I just think it has its flaws.)
I expect these lines to be changed as of tonight, I demand it!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/24/09
I was there last night and honestly this was one of the most surprisingly magical experiences i've ever witnessed. It was PURE JOY and so so lovely. I had zero expectations, just seeing it to see it because I see everything. I was enraptured from start to finish. I hope they don't make any big changes because it was glorious. (well except maybe the children at the end. I liked how they used them as the framing device but their entry felt a little too cutesy.
This cast seems like a big family and everyone is fantastic. Boykin is always SO freaking strong! And Alex Newell brings down the house. And Merle is insane. And when Haley finished her first song, you could feel a swell of pride in the audience, like so happy for her. Really I've never wanted to be onstage and be a part of a group of actors more. There was so much love in that room and so much joy. It was magic.
I was sat in F102 and it was fine, but for full price I'd avoid it. There's a piece of board there for the scenery and it's kind of annoying. It isn't necessarily restricted but it will be the bottom of your field of vision and just bleh I wish they had said something. Also I had to sit on a cushion. Maybe it should be marked restricted!
SO many spoiler tags up in here! Here is some more.
Not having seen this production yet (Tickets for December, can't WAIT I love this score so much) but I don't get the message that.... dang spoiler tags about blaxx's spoiler tag and really... all the spoiler tags since.
RE: The ending
I don't get the message from the cast recordings I have heard that she turns into the tree to watch over him but the fact that she turns into the tree and tears down the wall between the hotel and the outside is her way of breaking down the wall that separated the two of them from having a chance at love. It just happens that the one to benefit from this action is his son but also another peasant girl just like her that will not suffer her same fate
RE: Daniel
I suppose it all depends on how Daniel is played. The way he is written, it's a thin line between playing him as a man that is trapped within the social constrictions of the world he was raised in that can't break free to be with the woman he truly loves OR he can be played as a total ass hole that is playing Ti Moune from the start and doesn't really love her but simply loves the idea of having her as his mistress. Having never read the script, only hearing the score, there might be more in there I have missed that tilts him more one way or the other. Even the action of Daniel giving Ti Moune the coin at the end can tilt one way or the other. It could be pity for her or a final farewell to the one he truly loves. It all depends on the direction and actor's way of playing it. Heck the same does for Andrea as well. Is she a stuck up rich bitch mean girl or is she to trapped in a world that expects her to blindly follow what she is told to do. Does she feel threatened by Ti Moune? Does she feel sorry for Ti Moune? Does she feel victorious that she has Daniel in the end?
I think that's what I love so much about this show. It's a simple story but it can be interpreted so many different ways.
Updated On: 11/10/17 at 10:54 PM
Isaac Powell and Arden form a different take on Daniel. He's definitely sexy and yet goofy and young at the same time. He isn't a villain, just a boy caught up in the age-old class struggle who knows what he is born into. He forgets for a time and falls in love with Ti-Moone, his simple rendition of SOME GIRLS is sung beautifully and also shows him growing up as he goes from a boy to a man while dressing for the Ball, the staging is perfect and serves both purposes. This is a fable and TiMoone has already pledged her life for his so his rejection of her is predetermined. Isaac Powell is a fresh new talent who can sing, is a fine dancer and oozing charm. Just what Daniel should be to make us like his character and feel for his situation.
Updated On: 11/10/17 at 11:31 PM
CurtainPullDowner said: "Isaac Powell and Arden form a different take on Daniel. He's definitely sexy and yet goofy and young at the same time. He isn't a villain, just a boy caught up in the age-oldclass struggle who knows what he is born into. He forgets for a time and falls in love with Ti-Moone, his simple rendition of SOME GIRLS is sung beautifullyand also shows him growing up as he goes from a boy to a man while dressing for the Ball, the staging is perfect and serves both purposes. This is a fable and TiMoone has already pledged her life for his so his rejection of her is predetermined. Isaac Powell is a fresh new talent who can sing, is a fine dancer and oozingcharm. Just what Daniel should be tomake us likehis character and feel for his situation."
That makes me VERY happy to read. I am so excited for this show. I wish my schedule could have allowed for an earlier date. Waiting another month is gonna kill me.
The character of Daniel, as written, is a total villain even if one wanted to defend his actions as immature or 'unaware'. They may want to soften the portrayal, but nowhere in the book does he struggle with his choices or in finding redemption. When singing 'Some Girls' it is evident that he knows his commitment to Ti Moune is merely temporary and has no real future, while she has totally given all she has, family included, for this jerk of a stranger.
Then he leaves her to die at the side of the road. There is little to feel for him. Had the musical's book shown an internal fight to follow his true emotions, he would be more sympathetic. The truth is that he just never questions his future with the Beauxhommes. That makes Ti Moune's journey pathetic and tragic instead of powerful.
And the lyrics do say she turns into a tree to watch over him and his family. Because, you know, he did so much for her to get divine protection for generations to come.
The musical is very much 'girl waiting for man to save her' fairytale, like it or not. No different than an early Disney princess film. It was written at the time when this kind of perspective on female characters was not as frowned upon as it is today.
Wow WOW Wow WOW wow! I saw BOTH the matinee and evening performances on Saturday and it was amazing how there were definitely subtle changes between the two.
First off, I was amazed by this show. Both performances were sold out and even had SRO. Between the two, I slightly enjoyed the matinee more. The two performances were mostly the same except in the matinee, ***spoiler***
it actually *rained* when Daniel had the car accident. In the evening performance, there was no rain. I wasn't sure why they didn't do the rain in the evening performance but I definitely preferred the light rain.
Also, in the matinee, during the storm, they had winds like *winds* that we the audience felt. It felt like we were in the storm too like 4-D. In the evening performance, I didn't feel any winds during the storm. I definitely preferred the winds (they weren't super huge strong winds but you definitely felt the gusts.)
Overall, kudos to Michael Arden for directing this show and letting us see his vision. Wow. I mean WOW. We saw both Nikki James (Assistant director) and Michael Arden today and they were very kind and nice. At stage door, everyone came outside to sign and it was a *fun* stage door with cast members taking selfies with us and telling us stories and also taking a video of us, etc.
I think I'm still in cloud 9 over this that I can't think of any cons at the moment but I definitely plan on seeing this show again after previews. I wonder if they will keep the rain scene (I hope they do) but at the same time I understand if they do not.
I hope you guys will come out to see this show. Wow. Just wow! :)
Wow, I wonder why the storm elements were missing from tonight's show. I hope that they're still in the show when I see it. It sounds pretty bada**.
For those who have seen this are the "100" area seats or "200" area seats better?
Understudy Joined: 3/10/12
I saw it last night and was very impressed. Amazing set, orchestrations sounded great, fantastic performances and direction. For those asking about seating, I’m not sure you can really go wrong. But I think the even 200s and the closer to the 100s part of the odd 200s are probably a little better. Sat in G 207 and it was great.
Swing Joined: 4/24/06
One thing that caught my eye during the show — at least 2 of the actors from the stage joined the orchestra playing instruments at certain points (would not be visible to the entire audience). They would stand on the left hand side of the 18 wheeler truck over in the corner below the rest of the orchestra. The one I could pick out was an actress in the blue dress during the ball scene — looked like she was playing flute in the blue dress perhaps just prior to the ball scene. I didn’t see this credited in the Playbill.
I am so happy to review these positive thoughts! I can't wait to see this next week!
Does anybody have advice for getting a ticket for this for under $45 for a Sunday matinee? I would love to see this next week, but if I don't win the in-person lottery I'd love to have a backup plan.
I didn't see rain or feel wind when I was there.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/22/16
disneybroadwayfan22 said: "I didn't see rain or feel wind when I was there."
When did you see the show?
I was in the first preview and there was rain, no wind though, but I’m guessing that depends on where your seats are?!
I definitely got the impression that if you are on the first row, you might get hit with a bit of water or sand at some point...
For anyone interested, tickets for tonight's show are 50% off at TKTS South Street Seaport and Lincoln Square.
I saw today’s matinee, and I’ll echo the raves already in this thread. A thrilling production, full of life, love, and beauty. The staging is incredibly dynamic and engaging, the music is beautifully rendered in every regard, and the performances are strong all around. The gods in particular have incredibly powerfully stage presences and voices.
I did have a few minor quibbles:
The book/general narrative was kind of a mixed bag for me. I found it engaging and emotionally resonant, but I think there was perhaps more complexity in the societal themes than the production seemed willing to truly explore. The ending in particular seemed somewhat sugar-coated to me.
I was also sort of bothered by the way the design shifted in the high-society scenes. I understand they were trying to create a stark difference between the two class worlds, but the fancy clothes, furniture, and chandeliers seemed to be breaking the framing device of the villagers telling the story with what they had.
As a result of those 2 things I mentioned, my attention did waver in and out a bit in the middle of the show.
But overall, this is quite an achievement. Definitely a must-see, and a strong contender to win the Tony.
I lost the in-person lotto today, but I was able to buy standing room for the same price, and the person said they also sometimes have a lotto-loser deal.
Featured Actor Joined: 2/24/07
Looking at seating and there is a strange gap on the left side of the seating chart that cuts a path through rows AA to D (in the 200s - odd numbers). For those who have seen the show can you tell me what this is? And would seats in that area be OK?
That’s a path the actors use - Lea Salonga is often hanging out in that area. Seats should be fine. The show is AMAZING - enjoy!
Patty3 said: "Looking at seating and there is a strange gap on the left side of the seating chart that cuts a path through rows AA to D (in the 200s -odd numbers). For those who have seen the show can you tell me what this is? And would seats in that area be OK?"
Those are great seats! If you get the front row of the small triangular section that looks like an island in itself, you literally walk on the set (sand) to get to your seat.
Tehre reallly is no bad seat in the theater and it feels immersive like you're in the island as well but there is no explicit audience participation during the show (so in case you're nervous to sit in the front row, don't worry!)