I was glancing at this thread and reminded of something that puzzled me when I saw this in previews and that is the significance of Flatbush. Was this supposed to be a "Notorious RBG" thing 'cause she grew up a few blocks away from where I did in Midwood. As a born and bred Brooklynite I spent a good chunk of the show trying to figure this out so any enlightenment (if any exists) would be greatly appreciated.
Stand-by Joined: 5/31/17
any news of a cast cd of the show
Stand-by Joined: 8/3/23
bryan32 said: "any news of a cast cd of the show
With their grosses hard to imagine this makes it past labor day - and a cast recording is another significant expense? So I'm doubtful?
I would be surprised if there wasn't a cast recording. I think this is the kind of show that could do very well regionally and in schools, and a cast album usually goes hand in hand with those kind of shows (even when they tank on Broadway).
Ryann Redmond will return from injury on September 5, and Amy Hillner-Larsen will go back to Goldilocks.
Ryah Nixon will continue with the show as an offstage cover through October 2.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
EDSOSLO858 said: "Ryann Redmond will return from injury on September 5, and Amy Hillner-Larsen will go back to Goldilocks."
I wonder if there's any chance she'll get to, or be able to, go on earlier. Really sucks that their closing date is right before she was supposed to return.
Stand-by Joined: 5/23/21
Saw the show two nights ago. It was truly awful. Bad design, script, bad use of the songs. I felt for that cast. they deserved better.
I thought it would at least be so bad it's good but no, just bad.
Jennifer Simard singing toxic was amazing however. She is such a talent.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/13
Maybe it will have better luck on the road.
BETTY22 said: "Maybe it will have better luck on the road."
I have a feeling the tour for this will go the way of the tours announced at the closings of Wonderland, Bonnie and Clyde, Diana, Leap of Faith, and many more... it will not materialize.
This whole show has been very odd to me.
Britney has not been in a good place for a while and it seems -- from my limited perspective -- she's trying to find a way to own her narrative...so why would I want to see another product centered around her work when she is not in control of it? As a fan, doesn't that undermine the artist in some way? I understand the show is not about her life but it is centered around her work and from what I can tell she's never set foot in a rehearsal room or the theater.
Also, it's a show about female empowerment but the artist herself is still somewhat trapped in a complicated spiral of abuse with the media, her family, her associates, and her friends.
It feels dark. Just my two cents.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/30/16
theatregoer3 said: "I understand the show is not about her life but it is centered around her work and from what I can tell she's never set foot in a rehearsal room or the theater."
A quick google would tell you she attended a workshop of the show in 2018.
Yes, there is a great deal of uncertainty and perceived darkness in Britney's life right now, but of all of the factors, this show is the least of which that are making her life harder.
Redmond will now return on September 1 and do the final four performances.
"A quick google would tell you she attended a workshop of the show in 2018."
That's back when she was still in a conservatorship that she said gave her zero control of her life, her career, and her day-to-day activities.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/30/16
theatregoer3 said: ""A quick google would tell you she attended a workshop of the show in 2018."
That's back when she was still in a conservatorship that she said gave her zero control of her life, her career, and her day-to-day activities."
And there have since been several stories which her team corroborated saying that this was one of the first contracts she signed post-conservatorship. She posted about it postively (and we know if she felt otherwise, she would certainly say so). If you want to approach this conspiratorially, by all means go ahead, but it's divorced from reality.
That said, I am sure the producers would have LOVED if she had attended or done more. But as with everything else, she's living her life on her own terms which is what everyone said they wanted from Free Britney. It wasn't until she was actually free that people started realizing they'd only be satisfied if she was free and working.
Just had to share that my friend and I keep entering the lottery this week...and losing. Maybe we just have the worst luck but looking at the houses for this weekend, I'm shocked they're not just filling it up for closing. I snagged an online rush ticket to Bad Cinderella's final performance hours before curtain. I'm just annoyed!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/27/21
truly sad this show can't even fill up its last week of performances
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/27/21
Going to closing was such a mistake. An awful show exacerbated by an awful self-involved audience.
5 standing ovations? give me a break.
how this show cost $20 million dollars beats me, there was barely a set.
The fact the original director left says a lot and I felt bad for Jennifer Simard and Adam Godley slumming it in this slog.
Not everything has to be high art but damn at least make it make sense, you can make your entertainment smart, turning a song about threesomes into a song about reading? My brain almost exploded out of my head from the stupidity.
On the way out I heard someone go "Now what am I going to do with my life?"
oh honey, the things you can do.
Understudy Joined: 1/3/23
you literally one post ago: “why aren’t people seeing this show??”
also you: “how dare people enjoy a show during its last performance!!”
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/27/21
you really should look up the definition of literally. Because I literally did not say what you said I literally said.
what I said was it was sad that even in its final week they were playing to subpar houses, not "why aren't people seeing this show??"
I know why people didn't see the show, because it was bad, the advertising was bad, the lack of rush tickets was a bad move, opening in the summer was a bad move, opening a show whose director bailed was a bad choice.
I know why people didn't see it and boy are they blessed for missing such a trainwreck
Understudy Joined: 7/9/22
Saw this over the weekend, still quite empty in the mezzanine. To my own surprise, I LOVED the show! I thought it was funny and used the songs in a clever way. Justin was perfect for the role and Jennifer’s performance was outstanding. Her stepdaughters were funny too. I did not like Cinderella’s speaking voice. The post-curtain-call Megamix with the bracelets ended on such a high note.
Everyone’s comments about the show’s inevitable fate are helpful but I’m still sad it didn’t find an audience. Haven’t seen &Juliet so can’t compare. I love Glee and Pitch Perfect, the latter similar tonally.