Leading Actor Joined: 9/16/13
Gastons costume is meant to be more like this:
First look at Lumiere, Cogsworth, Le Fou and sort-of Gaston
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
I love the designs for Lumiere and Cogsworth! Lumiere is covering his face, so it will be interesting to see what it looks like!
Even more excited now to see fhe other objects!
Love the design and the look of the film.
First look of Dan Stevens as the Prince.
I think Dan looks amazing as the prince! the more images we are seeing now is getting me even more excited for this movie. Pity we can't see Luke close up as Gaston. Josh Gad looks really good as LeFou in the distance from what we can see from the photo uploaded.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
I agree that the design looks great. I am very excited for this.
Josh and Danny look 100% perfect. I'm not sold on Cogsworth and Lumeire yet
Broadway Star Joined: 1/29/16
These all look great! I will say that the objects are pretty creepy looking. Now I am keeping in mind that they are probably in their dormant state, like the article says.
From what I have read from the http://disneybeautyandthebeast.tumblr.com page, the stills were taken from footage shown on the https://www.amazon.co.uk/Beauty-Beast-DVD-Blu-ray-Packaging/dp/B003KTN0U0 edition of the movie, so does that mean we won't see anything from the 2017 version on the https://www.amazon.com/Beauty-Beast-Anniversary-DIGITAL-Blu-ray/dp/B01G4N5Q28/ref=sr_1_1?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1472299740&sr=1-1&keywords=beauty+and+the+beast+25th+anniversary edition that is going to be released on September 20th?
^That's impossible. That first Blu-Ray edition you have listed was released in 2010, before the live action film even started filming.
We have Audra MacDonald's character (I think????? I might be wrong) and Mrs. Potts and Chip!
I hope Emma looks a hell lot better in the movie
Understudy Joined: 9/25/13
Is this really Mrs Potts' face? Because this looks awful
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
The pics of the other objects are concept art--not the final product. I hope Mrs Potts looks different in the final film, than in that concept art because that's pretty creepy.
Agreed. Mrs. Potts's face looks horrible and photoshopped. And Chip looks too big to be a kid. The Wardrobe, on the other hand, looks wonderful and natural.
The Wardrobe, on the other hand, looks wonderful and natural.
Even as a piece of furniture, Audra can do no wrong :)
should i be worried about this article that was posted this morning (August 29th) @ 07:11 AM EDT?...
LINK = http://www.gamenguide.com/articles/41606/20160829/beauty-and-the-beast-2017-movie-release-date-news-update-first-look-at-dan-stevens-as-beast-premiere-moved-to-2018.htm
No, it's just clickbait. They even mention Disney shooting the rumor down. If something like that does get leaked they would confirm it.
Oh thank god! i panicked then after reading it.
This video was posted on the http://disneybeautyandthebeast.tumblr.com and http://pltravers.co.vu/post/149564026160/emma-talks-a-bit-about-beauty-and-the-beast-here pages of Emma Thompson mentioning the Mrs Potts character.