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Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys- Page 9

Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#200Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/28/16 at 11:18pm

So do I. I just wish this wasn't what was preceding it.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#201Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/28/16 at 11:32pm

I love Spring Awakening more than I've ever loved any other show, and I really want to see this cast perform on the Tonys. It is embarrassing and shameful that this production's commercial producers are using its disabled cast members as an excuse to guilt mostly very young fans into paying to ensure a return on their investment. This whole thing is so unethical and puts a stain on this production's beauty and power. 

E. riley
#202Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/29/16 at 9:41am

GreenSharpie said: "neonlightsxo said: "Wilmingtom said: "Neon, when you call DW to make a donation, or submit it on their site, where do you think the money goes if not to them?"

I don't understand what you aren't getting. Money donated directly to Deaf West DOES go to them. This Kickstarter DOES NOT.

This Kickstarter is attached to the Deaf West Theater account, which means it's attached to them financially. The money is going directly to them. Even if someone (or many people) fronted the bills for the performance, if they are getting paid back by Deaf West that means ultimately the money is coming from Deaf West, and someone was willing to help them out in the interim.

This is not Lion King or Spongebob the Musical, this is a tough sell and does not easily rake in the big bucks, but it is a beautiful, once-in-a-lifetime production. Maybe it needs to be slightly subsidized compared to other shows. It's important and has touched many people, and some are more than willing to pitch in a little bit (or a lot for those who easily can) to something they believe is an important cause worth further promoting on national television. It would be a shame if they were the only show nominated for Best Revival of a Musical that could not perform because they can't afford it. If fans think it's worth footing the bill, let them do it- it's their money. Earlier this year a gentleman subsidized the Spring Awakening lottery to give all of the winners free tickets, and that was just because he loved this show and wanted to share it with people who couldn't afford it.

Yes, Ken Davenport has very iffy Marketing tactics that I think he definitely needs to work on, agreed.

But in the end of the day as I see it this particular cause is for Deaf West.




E. riley
#203Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/29/16 at 9:49am

I reposted above comment but clicked too soon.

These kids were amazing. Deaf West is amazing. They deserve this amazing opportunity!! It IS a unique situation. If this kickstarter helps make it happen I am glad. It will HELP Deaf West, Deaf Culture and  Theatre in the long run!!  Do you want to tackle the integrity of every producers dime on Broadway. There would be alot of ugly to bring us much beautiful.

Give it a rest. Appreciate the beauty of this show and support the journey of these talented kids!

Updated On: 5/29/16 at 09:49 AM

HogansHero Profile Photo
#204Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/29/16 at 10:00am

E. riley said: "If this kickstarter helps make it happen I am glad. "

But the point is, it will NOT help because no help is needed. They will perform on the broadcast regardless of how much is raised because the money has already been spent. The money being raised will simply reimburse the for-profit funder of these expenses. If you want to support DW, then this is not the way to accomplish that. This campaign is about taking money from (mostly) poor people and giving it to rich people by chicanery-perhaps not illegal but certainly immoral.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#205Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/29/16 at 10:18am

E. riley said: "These kids were amazing. Deaf West is amazing. They deserve this amazing opportunity!! It IS a unique situation. If this kickstarter helps make it happen I am glad. It will HELP Deaf West, Deaf Culture and  Theatre in the long run!!  Do you want to tackle the integrity of every producers dime on Broadway. There would be alot of ugly to bring us much beautiful.


Your intentions are good, but your logic is not.

They don't need the kickstarter to "make it happen." It's already going to happen and Davenport just wants to refill his pockets. With a fundraising deadline of June 11, do you really think they're going to wait and see if they have enough moolah, then beg the Tonys for a 5-minute slot?


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

TigerBait88 Profile Photo
#206Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/29/16 at 4:36pm

I am a huge supporter of this particular production but after reading this thread I have cancelled my pledge. 

#207Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/29/16 at 6:05pm

They are ALREADY PERFORMING! No more money is needed for them to attend. This is all to pay back a LIARS LOAN! Ken Davenport you are horrible for this! 

#208Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/29/16 at 9:50pm

Broadwaystar2 said: "They are ALREADY PERFORMING! No more money is needed for them to attend. This is all to pay back a LIARS LOAN! Ken Davenport you are horrible for this! 




yup. exactly. Not sure why people have such a hard time understanding that 

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#209Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/29/16 at 9:57pm

I need Edward Snowden to show me the emails Davenport sent the cast asking them to pretend this is how it's all going down. That'd be rich.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#210Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/29/16 at 9:58pm

It must be downright indefensible if Mr. Social Media hasn't responded by now. There are questions about this all over here, Facebook, and blogs (including his own), and there have been since the campaign began. 

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#211Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/29/16 at 10:03pm

Save Davenport's motivations, the lack of response to questions about the campaign on here, on social media, on the Kickstarter itself, as Scarywarhol noted, is completely reprehensible and truly shady.

#212Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/29/16 at 10:48pm

I can't wait to see Davenport to try to explain himself for all of this once the announcement of Spring Awakening performing comes out and they haven't reached their Kickstarter goal yet.

MaddieBB12 Profile Photo
#213Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/29/16 at 11:09pm

^My guess is they will meet it before then.

Updated On: 8/10/19 at 11:09 PM

HogansHero Profile Photo
#214Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/30/16 at 12:01am

RW3 said: "I can't wait to see Davenport to try to explain himself for all of this once the announcement of Spring Awakening performing comes out and they haven't reached their Kickstarter goal yet."

If you read this thread, and I know that's a lot to ask of a person, you will learn that the goal will be met, by a last minute wash donation from the funder. That, in fact, is what was intended all along-to subsidize the cost with the misguided contributions of people who have good souls. 

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#215Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/30/16 at 12:04am

I don't mean to be incendiary, but given that the campaign has been framed by outright lies intended to raise money, I have to wonder about its legality. 

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#216Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/30/16 at 12:07am

It's been reported multiple times but is still up. I wonder how long it takes for Kickstarter to take something down? Or not reply if they choose to leave a campaign up?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#217Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/30/16 at 1:01am

I wondered the same thing, since I reported it myself - but I now notice it has a 'things we love' endorsement from Kickstarter on the page. Very sad to see Kickstarter complicit in this scam 

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#218Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/30/16 at 10:44am

Gee. They seem SO confident...

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

DramaTeach Profile Photo
#219Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/30/16 at 11:04am

RW3 said: "I can't wait to see Davenport to try to explain himself for all of this once the announcement of Spring Awakening performing comes out and they haven't reached their Kickstarter goal yet.


Realistically, if they're $50,000 away from their goal, he could contribute that last $50,000 and then get all of the other contribution money.  So even if he is spending that money to reach their goal, he still saves money in the process because instead of paying $200,000, for them to perform, he has only paid a portion of it.  I don't actually understand the ins and outs of this whole situation, but mathematically, that makes sense.  


E. riley
#220Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/30/16 at 11:17am

HogansHero said: "RW3 said: "I can't wait to see Davenport to try to explain himself for all of this once the announcement of Spring Awakening performing comes out and they haven't reached their Kickstarter goal yet."

If you read this thread, and I know that's a lot to ask of a person, you will learn that the goal will be met, by a last minute wash donation from the funder. That, in fact, is what was intended all along-to subsidize the cost with the misguided contributions of people who have good souls. 

Okay...I am one of the dupes. This show changed my daughters life. I am a widow raising kids and really pulled money I didn't have to contribute 100.00. There is so much conjecture on this thread. Perhaps there is producer greed involved but can you really say with certainty? I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me if they KNOW......for certain or if this is just conjecture.

Not just based on producers reputation etc. I have this ( as does my girl all over our FB trying to raise money. She is literally upset that the dollars have stalled) I hope all this negativity is fact based because in the end I really want Deaf West and this beautiful production to have this moment.  



Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#221Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/30/16 at 11:25am

This campaign is to pay back costs. 

I would cancel my contribution. 

Updated On: 6/7/16 at 11:25 AM

NJ_BroadwayGirl Profile Photo
#222Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/30/16 at 11:27am

E. riley said: "Okay...I am one of the dupes. This show changed my daughters life. I am a widow raising kids and really pulled money I didn't have to contribute 100.00. There is so much conjecture on this thread. Perhaps there is producer greed involved but can you really say with certainty? I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me if they KNOW......for certain or if this is just conjecture.

Not just based on producers reputation etc. I have this ( as does my girl all over our FB trying to raise money. She is literally upset that the dollars have stalled) I hope all this negativity is fact based because in the end I really want Deaf West and this beautiful production to have this moment.  "


I don't work for Deaf West or Davenport or anything involved in this production, so I can't tell you 100% of what's going on with it. But what I can tell you is that the Tony performance schedule absolutely has to be set by this point, and was back when this fundraiser started. That means that if Spring Awakening is to perform at all, it has already been booked and paid for. There will be no "we got the money now we're in" on the eve of the Tony's. The money has been fronted, the performance time paid for and the show will perform regardless of whether or not the Kickstarter "repayment" money is raised. 


I like a good rhyme more than a good time

E. riley
#223Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/30/16 at 11:29am

Thank you. Happy they will be performing. Sad that people take advantage of pure theatre love Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys

Anakela Profile Photo
#224Official Kickstarter to get Spring Awakening to perform on the Tonys
Posted: 5/30/16 at 11:32am

They should have made the end date for the Kickstarter the day before the performances will be announced, rather than the day before the show itself. At least that would be a smidge more realistic of a "deadline" on this. So I'm guessing the night this Kickstarter reaches its "goal," the next day will be the Tony Awards press release about performances?

And I still can't believe Davenport's blog - "it wouldn’t be fiscally responsible for us producers to ask our investors" to pay? That's literally one of the very definitions of producer!
