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Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread

Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread

#1Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/16/09 at 8:45pm

With over half of this year's productions already open and running, it's time to start the predictions:
(Note, I've yet to see any of this year's plays, so you'll have to excuse me from those predictions)

Best Featured Actress
Karen Olivo- WSS
Haydn Gwyne- BE (I'm pretty sure she's featured, no?)
Mary Testa- G&D (Okay, am I the only one who isn't wishing this?)
Jennifer Damiano-NtoN
Kathy Fitzgerald- 9to5

Other Possibilities:
Susan Blackwell
Heidi Blickenstaff
Martha Plimpton
Natalie Toro

Featured Actor:
Christopher Siber- Shrek
Daniel Breaker- Shrek
Greg Jbara- BE
David Bologna, Frank Dolce- BE
Marc Kudicsh- 9to5

Other Possibilites:
Aaron Tveit
Andy Karl
James Carpinello
Constantine Maroulis
Will Swenson
Titus Burgess
Steve Rosen

Best Scenic Design
9 to 5
Guys and Dolls
West Side Story

Billy Elliot
Tale of Two Cities

Best Costume Design:
Tale of Two Cities
9 to 5

Billy Elliot
Guys and Dolls

Best Lighting Design:
Billy Elliot
A Tale of Two Cities
9 to 5

Other Possibilites:
Guys and Dolls

Best Sound Design:
Billy Elliot
Guys and Dolls
West Side Story

Other Possibilities:
9 to 5

Best Choreography:
Billy Elliot
West Side Story
9 to 5

Other Possibilites:
Guys and Dolls

Best Director:
Billy Elliot
Next to Normal
9 to 5

Other Possibilites:
[title of show]

Best Book:
9 to 5
Billy Elliot
[title of show]
Next to Normal

Other Possibilities:
Tale of Two Cities

Best Score:
9 to 5
Billy Elliot
[title of show]
Next to Normal

Other Possibilities:
Tale of Two Cities

Best Revival:
West Side Story
Pal Joey
Guys and Dolls

Best Actor:
Brian D'Arcy James- Shrek
Trent/Kiril/David- BE
Gavin Creel- Hair
Craig Bierko- G&D
Matt Cavenaugh- WSS

Other Possibilites:
Hunter Bell
Jeff Bowen
James Barbour

Best Actress:
Allison Janey- 9to5
Megan Hilty- 9to5
Stephanie J. Block- 9to5
Sutton Foster- Shrek
Kate Jennings Grant- G&D

Other Possibilities:
Josefina Scaglione- WSS
Alice Ripley- NtoN

Best Musical:
9 to 5 (LOCK)
Billy Elliot (LOCK)
Shrek (LOCK)
Next to Normal
[title of show]

Other predictions:
*Rock of Ages and 13 will not be nominated for anything
*Billy Elliot and 9 to 5 will be tied for the most nominations, with Shrek being the Mary Poppins of the nominations (Design, Actors, and Musical, no Book or Score)
*title of show and Tale of Two Cities will atleast be nominated for something
*Pal Joey will be the Grease of the season

Here's my predicted winners:

Featured Actress- Hayden Gwyne
Featured Actor- Christopher Siber
Scenic Design- 9 to 5
Costume Design- Shrek
Lighting Design- Hair
Sound Desgin- Billy Elliot
Choreography- Billy Elliot
Director- Billy Elliot
Best Book- Billy Elliot
Best Score- 9 to 5
Best Revival- Hair
Best Actor- Trent/Kiril/David
Best Actress- Allison Janey
Best Musical- Now when it comes to this, I'm split. Clearly Billy Elliot is a great musical, but 9 to 5 could easily be revised and become the easy Hairspray of the night, sweeping away many of the awards. Also, if Next to Normal turns out to be a bigger hit than we expect, who knows! Shrek even has a possibility! Right now, I'm saying 9 to 5, though noone ever knows.

Your turn!

Also, if I had to chose, I would say either dividing the Estate, or Irena's Vow will win Best Play.

#2re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/16/09 at 8:48pm

....... these prediction are pretty terrible

#2re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/16/09 at 9:01pm

Is this some sort of joke?

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

#3re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/16/09 at 9:14pm

G&D is not getting acting noms. Shrek is FAR from a lock for Musical. 9to5 is not getting 5 acting nominations (probably 2, 3 at the most). Sutton Foster is giving her WEAKEST broadway turn ever, she likely will miss out. As much as I love N2N, Jennifer is not going to be nominated, the role isn't tony bait, the people in that show that are most likely to be nominated are Alice, Aaron and Robert (in that order). Daniel breaker is not going to be nominated. Sieber will likely be the only Acting nomination from that show.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#4re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/16/09 at 9:16pm

Best Actress:
Allison Janey- 9to5
Megan Hilty- 9to5
Stephanie J. Block- 9to5
Sutton Foster- Shrek
Kate Jennings Grant- G&D


Pianolin717 Profile Photo
#5re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/16/09 at 9:16pm

the boys from BE are not going to win Best Actor.. there is no way they would

CapnHook Profile Photo
#6re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/16/09 at 9:17pm

Is this thread an early April Fool's Joke?

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#7re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/16/09 at 9:20pm

lolol you honestly dont think that Alice Ripley will get a best actress nod??? i think she could win it

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

#8re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/16/09 at 9:25pm

Best Scenic Design
9 to 5
Guys and Dolls
West Side Story

Um, are you f*cking kidding. Was that a joke. BE is a LOCK for a set design nom, and that Guys and Dolls set was horrendous. The projections didn't work at all.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

#9re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/16/09 at 9:30pm

i really want to hear people's thoughts on the possible play nominations

#10re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/16/09 at 9:46pm

Frank Dolce/David Bologna?


Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#11re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/16/09 at 9:52pm

These predictions are absolutely retarded.

I'm ashamed of this message board if THIS thread, with these braindead thoughts, becomes the "Official" predictions thread.

God, Please... No.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#12re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/16/09 at 11:31pm

I disagree with a lot of these predictions like everyone else but can't we attempt to be semi-respectful?

The sore thumb in this list (for me) is Matt Cavenaugh for Best Actor. If he gets a Tony nod...oy vey. The Actor in a Musical category is real slim-pickin's this year.

And SHREK as a lock for Best Musical? Ehhh...

#13re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/17/09 at 6:18am

Well, gee, thanks alot. I spent a ton of time on those predictions, and I get riduculed by people who are this bitchy? I'm sorry if my predictions aren't correct, and what if they aren't, they're predictions!, but if you feel they aren't, you can simply post your predictions in a kind, respectful manner. What was just displayed in this thread can be seriously considerred harrasment, which for all of the posters on this board who have yet to learn this word in school, means very bad things. I posted my thoughts, just as you all have, and this it what I get? Really, if this is to get some sort of inner anger out about something, go punch a squirrel, or better yet, your computer.

#14re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/17/09 at 6:27am

And another thing, calling a person retarded is not only unppofessional, it's just in bad taste in these current cirrcumstances. I go see the same shows as you do, I like many of the same shows and performers as the rest of this board. A year or two ago, I was really inspired to branch out with the shows I saw because this board spoke so pleasently about shows I had never considerred. now I post a thread with predictions considerred debateable, and this is what I get? Also, many of the predictions I made, since I haven't seen every show on Broadway up for Tonys this year (and who really has? it's a f**king recession!), were based on reviews of the very same people who just called me such words as "retarded" and "a joke". It's what I generally thought everyone had expected. Sorry for obviously misinterpretting this information.

Jesus christ, I spend two hours writing predictions, and this is what I get. Really, you people are just downright bitchy...

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#15re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/17/09 at 8:55am

There's absolutely NO LOGIC to your predictions!!

If you actually spent two hours on that, perhaps you should focus on your education rather than your theatrical musings.

Maybe that's a little harsh but if you honestly think the predictions you wrote are JUST "debateable", you have some big problems. They're much worse than "debateable"... They make no sense.

#16re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/17/09 at 9:03am

HIs first sin, among many, was putting WSS into the choreography category. I guess he just doesn't know the rules.

#17re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/17/09 at 9:05am

Just to get the bad taste of out our mouths, here's the musical categories first:

Best Musical
"Billy Elliot"
"Next to Normal"
"Nine to Five"

Best Revival
"Pal Joey"
"West Side Story"
"Guys and Dolls"

Best Director
Mantello-"9 to 5"

The Billys-"BE"
James Barbour-"ATOTC"
Gavin Creel-"Hair"
BD James-"Shrek"
JR Spencer-"Next to Normal"

Sutton Foster-"Shrek"
Allison Janney-"9 to 5"
Alice Ripley-"Next to Normal"
Josephina Scaglione-"WSS"
Stockard Channing-"Pal Joey"???

Featured Actor
Chris Sieber-"Shrek"
Daniel Breaker-"Shrek"
(Aaron Tveit-"Next to Normal")
Will Swenson-"Hair"
Greg Jbara-"BE"
Marc Kudisch-"9 to 5"

Featured Actress
Karen Olivo-"WSS"
Martha Plimpton-"Pal Joey"
Megan Hilty-"9 to 5"
Sasha Allen-"Hair"
Hadyn Gwynne-"BE"

"Next to Normal"
"9 to 5"

"Next to Normal"
"9 to 5"

"9 to 5"
("White Christmas")

"White Christmas"
"9 to 5"

"White Christmas"
"9 to 5"

"White Christmas"
"Next to Normal"
"9 to 5"

"9 to 5"

Be gentle.....

#18re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/17/09 at 10:50am

Best Musical
Billy Elliot
Next to Normal
9 to 5

Best Revival
Guys and Dolls
Pal Joey
West Side Story

Best Director
Stephen Daldry, Billy Elliot
Arthur Laurents, West Side Story
Joe Mantello, 9 to 5
Diane Paulus, Hair

David/Trent/Kiril, Billy Elliot
Brian D'Arcy James, Shrek
J. Robert Spencer, Next to Normal
Gavin Creel, Hair
Malcolm Gets, The Story of My Life

Allison Janney, 9 to 5
Alice Ripley, Next to Normal
Sutton Foster, Shrek
Kate Jennings Grant, Guys and Dolls
Josefina Scaglione, West Side Story

Featured Actor
Christopher Sieber, Shrek
Marc Kudisch, 9 to 5
Gregory Jbara, Billy Elliot
Will Swenson, Hair
Aaron Tveit, Next to Normal

Featured Actress
Karen Olivo, West Side Story
Haydn Gwynne, Billy Elliot
Stephanie J. Block, 9 to 5
Megan Hilty, 9 to 5
Martha Plimpton, Pal Joey

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

#19re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:23am

Piragua, im whit you...

best musical, best director, best actors: BE

BroadwayBoy2 Profile Photo
#20re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:29am

neil30043...I like your predictions.

I would like to see everyones PLAY predictions.

I'll have them clawing at eachother, like drag queens at a wig sale"

BroadwayBoy2 Profile Photo
#21re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:32am

This is the list of every show that opened this season.

June 2008
June 26 - Cirque Dreams Jungle Fantasy (Broadway)
July 2008
July 17 - [title of show] (Lyceum)
Aug 2008
Sept 2008
Sept 18 - A Tale Of Two Cities (Hirschfeld)
Sept 25 - Equus (Broadhurst)
Oct 2008
Oct 2 - The Seagull (Kerr)
Oct 5 - 13 (Jacobs)
Oct 7 - A Man for All Seasons (AA)
Oct 14 - To Be or Not to Be (Friedman)
Oct 16 - All My Sons (Schoenfeld)
Oct 23 - Speed-the-Plow (Barrymore)
Nov 2008
Nov 13 - Billy Elliot (Imperial)
Nov 17 - American Buffalo (Belasco)
Nov 20 - Dividing the Estate (Booth)
Nov 23 - White Christmas (Marquis)
Dec 2008
Dec 3 - Liza's At The Palace...! (Ummm... Palace)
Dec 7 - Slava's Snowshow (Hayes)
Dec 14 - Shrek: The Musical (Broadway)
Dec 18 - Pal Joey (54)
Jan 2009
Jan 15 - Sould of Shaolin (Marquis)
Jan 22 - The American Plan (Biltmore)
Jan 25 - Hedda Gabler (AA)
Feb 2009
Feb 5 - You're Welcome America. A Final Night with George W Bush (Cort)
Feb 19 - The Story of My Life (Booth)
Mar 2009
Mar 1 - Guys and Dolls (Nederlander)
Mar 9 - 33 Variations (O'Neill)
Mar 15 - Blithe Spirit (Shubert)
Mar 19 - West Side Story (Palace)
Mar 22 - God of Carnage (Jacobs)
Mar 24 - Impressionism (Schoenfeld)
Mar 26 - Exit The King (Barrymore)
Mar 29 - Irena's Vow (Kerr)
Mar 30 - Happiness (Newhouse)
Mar 31 - Hair (Hirschfeld)
Apr 2009
Apr 2 - reasons to be pretty (Lyceum)
Apr 7 - Rock of Ages (Brooks)
Apr 15 - Next to Normal (Booth)
Apr 16 - Joe Turner's Come and Gone (Belasco)
Apr 19 - Mary Stuart (Broadhurst)
Apr 23 - The Norman Conquests (Circle)
Apr 26 - The Philanthropist (AA)
Apr 27 - Desire Under the Elms (St. James)
Apr 29 - Accent on Youth (Friedman)
Apr 30 - 9 to 5 (Marquis)
Apr 30 - Waiting for Godot (54)
Apr 30 - Tony Nomination Cut Off

I'll have them clawing at eachother, like drag queens at a wig sale"

madbrian Profile Photo
#22re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:33am

To me, the most interesting category this year, BY FAR, will be Best Actress in a play. I think/hope Tovah Feldshuh will win for Irena's Vow, but there have been many fine performances this season, with high expectations for shows still to open (Mary Stuart).

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

#23re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:37am

BB2, I have no idea why you stuck HAPPINESS in there. It's off-Broadway, and thus, ineligible for the Tonys.

It really does look like a spectacular season when you list every show that opened.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

#24re: Official Tony Award 2009 Predictions Thread
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:38am

This thread is hilarious.

Jagfkb, nothing anyone posted regarding your comments can be considered harassment. Further, TheCharleston didn't call you retarded; he called your predictions retarded.
