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On The Twentieth Century Previews- Page 12

On The Twentieth Century Previews

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
#275On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/3/15 at 10:59am

The "Babbette" scene just keeps running through my head and I end up smiling like a dope. Seriously, I'm so in love with this musical and its cast!

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#276On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/3/15 at 11:55am

Hoping to see the show!
Updated On: 3/6/15 at 11:55 AM

Patash Profile Photo
#277On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/3/15 at 3:57pm

Is Peter Gallagher back in?

tazber Profile Photo
#278On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/3/15 at 4:05pm

I believe he is back in starting tonight.

....but the world goes 'round

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
#279On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/3/15 at 4:05pm

^Their website is not saying anything about him being out, so I assume that he will be back tonight.

Theatrical Landladies Profile Photo
Theatrical Landladies
#280On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/3/15 at 6:06pm

Can't wait hear about Peter's return!

"Your eyes..... they shine like the pants on my blue serge suit"

#281On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/3/15 at 6:52pm

Saw the show on Sat 2/28. Peter or no Peter this show is awesome! James Moye is excellent as Oscar! He may not have the star power of Peter but I am pretty sure his singing is so much more superior than Peter! Just my opinion. He and Kristin were also very gracious at the stage door!

Updated On: 3/3/15 at 06:52 PM

Kad Profile Photo
#282On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/3/15 at 11:49pm

Saw the show tonight. It's a helluva fun production. Gallagher was quite good- not the strongest singer and was straining a bit, but no sign of his recent illness. He brings a certain crazy-eyed manic nature to the role that's quite fun. I do miss a John Cullum-type voice singing the role, and think the rewrite to "The Legacy" is sort of weak, though I understand the decision to do it- but I just found the moment now doesn't land and isn't the 11 o'clock moment for Jaffe it should be.

The show really belongs to Chenoweth and Karl. Chenoweth is a bit shortchanged by a "Veronique" that's not as showstopping as it wants to be- largely due to transformation that seems too early- but her "Never" and "Babbette" more than compensate. She channels Kahn a lot, and doesn't rely on her cutesy schtick at all. It's a great role for her.

Karl milks every physical comedy bit, particularly during the sextet. He's a great physical comedian and I hope he has more opportunities to show that off in the future.

The production is full of art deco glamor and a lot of laughs. The show on its own is not without its flaws (including a rushed denouement), but this is still tuneful and a welcome revival.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
#283On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/4/15 at 5:56am

^EXACTLY about the Veronique thing. I don't know if it's because I've been spoiled with listening to Kahn on the cast recording. I still loved Cheno's though. I just didn't realize how much choreography went into that song while she sang it!

Speaking of Cheno mannerisms. This may contain spoilers but I have a question:
What exactly does everyone mean by her portraying Kahn? I noticed some Cheno things, like her spitting out her water back into the glass and her holding her boobs while she ran (both d which I've seen her do in other works). What about her licking her middle finger and turning pages with it during "Never"? Was that a Kahn or Cheno thing?

I wish I was alive during the original production!! Updated On: 3/4/15 at 05:56 AM

jayinchelsea Profile Photo
#284On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/4/15 at 10:30am

I attended the opening night of the original production back in 1978 (and had the thrill of seeing Prince with Sondheim, Adolph and Phyllis, and the wonderful Betty). I liked the show, and loved Cullum, who had his first chance on Broadway to break loose and show us the manic comic chops he had, plus that great voice, and Kevin Kline, who stole every scene he was in. Ms. Kahn was variable; some scenes were really funny, others seemed a bit out of focus. She did have that thrilling voice, and the score certainly took advantage of it. But each time I saw her in a show (SISTERS ROSENZWEIG, a SHE LOVES ME concert in the 70s, the ANYONE CAN WHISTLE concert, where I felt that Angela Lansbury, who was the narrator that night, could have still done the part better).

Saw it again in 2001 at Barrington Stage, in a fine production with Kim Crosby and Dennis Parlato, both of whom were quite good.

My favorite performance so far was the Actors Fund concert in 2005, with the perfectly matched Marin Mazzie and Douglas Sills, both chewing up the stage and singing brilliantly, and with Phyllis Newman, who attended the performance with pal Lauren Bacall, giving one of the most hilarious welcome speeches I've ever heard.

Very eager to see this production, the comments on here have added to my excitement. Going tomorrow night, hoping Gallagher is back in full force, I'm a big fan.

Theatrical Landladies Profile Photo
Theatrical Landladies
#285On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/4/15 at 3:19pm

Peter G is out again until Friday! Surely his future in this production is now at risk as the can't push the opening back again (or can they?)!

"Your eyes..... they shine like the pants on my blue serge suit"

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#286On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/4/15 at 3:25pm

At this rate, I do hope that he gets better, but I wouldn't mind seeing James Moye in it on Friday when I'm there.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

#287On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/4/15 at 3:33pm

Sinus infections are usually an easy fix, 10 days of antibiotics, tops. What's the real deal, here?

BwayGeek2 Profile Photo
#288On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/4/15 at 3:58pm

Maybe his sinus' are just REAL infected...??

#289On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/4/15 at 4:16pm

Wow, I wonder if there is more to this that we don't know.

For anyone that saw him in Greece or Guys and Dolls how was he? Being in my twenties, I was too young to see those productions. Gallagher has always took me as an actor that was apart of and excelled at straight plays/television so was a little surprised when he became attached to On The 20th Century. Is it possible he just doesn't have the voice to succeed as the lead of musical and sustain a run?

Kad Profile Photo
#290On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/4/15 at 4:17pm

I'm surprised he's out again. His performance last night didn't want for energy and his voice seemed healthy.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
#291On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/4/15 at 4:25pm

If you don't take care of sinus infections, they just get worse/develop into something else.

I got my first one at the end of last year and it was awful. It went away in about a week, but came back with a vengeance a month later.

I really hope he gets better soon!

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#292On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/4/15 at 4:27pm

I saw him in Guys and Dolls several times and he was good. I had a really bad sinus infection years ago when I lived in NYC, and I was out of work for a good 3 weeks. I had never felt such pain before.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

#293On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/4/15 at 4:46pm

Man you guys are weak.

#294On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/4/15 at 5:05pm

Show must go on!!! Don't move opening nite again! James Moye is excellent as Oscar anyways!! I wish the give Andy Karl a chance as Oscar. I love his Bruce but I'd like to c more of Andy in the show!!! My wishful thinking

Updated On: 3/4/15 at 05:05 PM

MayAudraBlessYou2 Profile Photo
#295On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/4/15 at 5:06pm

What are the chances I could get another HipTix gold seat from roundabout at a later date to see Gallagher? Seeing the show tonight, and don't want to exchange since I'm bringing a friend from out of town and wants to see it. but Id love to see Gallagher at another time. Anyone know if they are strict with the 2 tix per show rule?

Mr. Musical Profile Photo
Mr. Musical
#296On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/4/15 at 11:43pm

I saw this tonight and loved it. I'm honestly glad I saw Moye, because I wasn't loving Gallagher in the promos I was seeing. Kristin was brilliant and was in a role perfectly suited to her comedic strengths and legit voice. Karl was hilarious as others have said.

It was interesting that there were video cameras there tonight. I thought this was weird considering Gallagher was out, but maybe they couldn't cancel so last minute?

#297On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/4/15 at 11:46pm

I saw this tonight. What a delight of a show!

A perfect star vehicle for Chenoweth who really lights up the stage. I can't help but think she will give Kelli (whom I can't wait to see next Friday) some serious competition for the tony. She is hysterical, and her timing and voice are perfection.

James Moye was excellent, and in great voice. I really enjoyed him, though I'd definitely like to see Gallagher too.

The rest of the cast is excellent, especially Karl who is doing some great physical comedy.

The other star of the show is the sets! They are wonderful and the curtain, and the backdrops, some of the prettiest I have ever seen on Broadway. One of my favorite shows of the season.

_IrisTInkerbell Profile Photo
#298On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/5/15 at 1:08am

MayAudra, they are strict with HipTix. I tried and bought a second set of tickets months after the first, they emailed me about 2 weeks later giving the option to keep them and pay full price or return them...

allofmylife Profile Photo
#299On The Twentieth Century Previews
Posted: 3/5/15 at 2:47am

Okay, so I'll admit I've been away for quite a while, but tonight, I watched the commercials for OTTC and I had a strange question. Maybe it's been answered and I don't know, but here it is:

The original 1978 version had four wonderful African-American porters (historically accurate) and this version seems to have just one and three white guys. Now, for some reason, that seems regressive. Even though it was racially insensitive, the Pullman Porters on the posh railway lines in the 30s WERE black. I don't think reducing the number of African American faces in the cast is a step forward, diversity-wise. It seems like they were braver 35 years ago.
