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PBS to record COMPANY this Saturday?- Page 2

PBS to record COMPANY this Saturday?

jochang621 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/27/07 at 6:50pm

if anyone's going by the stage door tonight or anytime soon, can someone ask the actors and get back to us?

this sounds too good to hope for, i'm hoping for an official announcement as well... it's going to be devastating if I believe it and it turns out it was heresay.

it's not going to be quite the same as watching raul sing "being alive" from the front row, but definitely better than nothing!!

artscallion Profile Photo
Posted: 6/27/07 at 6:54pm

Yes! I've got tickets for Saturday Matinee. The aura of my presence shall be permanantly recorded. If it happened, I was there!

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

another_reprise Profile Photo
Posted: 6/27/07 at 6:55pm

God I hope this comes through... I never got the chance to see it so this would make me a *very* happy girl :)

Does the sun really rise in the east?
Does the earth really spin around the sun?
What's it matter in the least?
What's real to me ain't real to everyone.

violet72 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/27/07 at 7:27pm

I am getting excited...I am trying not to get my hopes up....I am still holding my breathe and keeping fingers crossed

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life. Define yourself"

Posted: 6/27/07 at 7:32pm


GoSmileLaughCryClap Profile Photo
Posted: 6/27/07 at 7:37pm

The best part is that the naysayers and the fans will have an actual document to validate or undermine their opinions. As much as we all talk about what the performance was like the night we saw it, there have always been bi-polar disagreements about directorial or performance decisions. The taping should represent a common ground that can be examined and addressed on its own merits.

I think the "fans" will be vindicated Yes.

Posted: 6/27/07 at 7:49pm

"I wish they could air it live, like the Lincoln Center shows.

I just hope they don't wait months to air it.

Granted this all happend. "

Seriously? If it takes months that means they'll release it on DVD. If it's live all we'll have are DVDs from TiVos that don't look as good.

ljay889 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/27/07 at 7:54pm

^ Well that's true. I was thinking air it live AND release a DVD. But you do have a point!

Posted: 6/27/07 at 7:57pm

I just today's matinee.
Thank GOD this is being recorded.
I forgot how much I loved it. - most underrated performers on broadway

jaystarr Profile Photo
Posted: 6/27/07 at 7:58pm

Is this for REAL ? bec. I love Company Revival so much ! I am dying to see this preserve-Can we pls get a confirmation or a link for this one ?


vfd88 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/27/07 at 8:15pm

OMG if there is an official link or press release or something...I can't even imagine what I would do. This is so exciting!!

Posted: 6/27/07 at 8:19pm

"^ Well that's true. I was thinking air it live AND release a DVD. But you do have a point!"

FYI things that are aired live don't get released on DVD. It's a shame but it's just how it works. If something is to be released for life, they'll go back and fix mistakes which they can't do with live broadcasts. There are so many GREAT things out there that were broadcast that will never be released on DVD because of mistakes.

Posted: 6/27/07 at 8:26pm

Well, if its aired on TV, at least it can be recorded in somewhat decent quality. I'm just really hoping that this show gets the kind of preservation it deserves, other than the Lincoln Center archives

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

Posted: 6/27/07 at 8:31pm

Umm have you seen the lincoln center archives? They're beautiful! I mean they can never be shown on TV or released on DVD but they're fantastic recordings.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
Posted: 6/27/07 at 8:32pm

Fire up the DVD recorder

Poster Emeritus

me2 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/27/07 at 8:34pm

Any word if it will be on DVD for those of us with horrible reception?
Broadway Blog: The Road They Didn’t Take (Fixing Follies)

Posted: 6/27/07 at 8:45pm

sondhead, I know. I didn't explain myself very well in that last post (I'm still sad bc I missed my train to the city tonight, hehe).

I know how beautiful the Lincoln Center Archives are. I am a librarian in training, after all Yes.

What I meant was that I really want there to be a video version of the show for preservation purposes, but also for the purpose of distribution and sharing among fans who maybe haven't seen the show, or just love it and want to have their own copy

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?
Updated On: 6/27/07 at 08:45 PM

GoSmileLaughCryClap Profile Photo
Posted: 6/27/07 at 10:26pm

Excellent digital Comcast subscriber here. Email me after it's telecast.

Dancin Thru Life Profile Photo
Dancin Thru Life
Posted: 6/27/07 at 10:32pm

Somebody film me tonight
Somebody put me on air
Somebody capture my show and
Let everyone know, it's too late to go
To see us all live.....

But you can subscribe!
It's the PBS DRIVE!!!!!!!!!

"To love another person is to see the face of God!"

Posted: 6/27/07 at 10:44pm

In the past, when PBS filmed and released Broadway shows or theatrical performances as part of the 'Great Performances' series, the air date was a few months following the taping.

I've always assumed this was because if they aren't going to air it live, then they might as well take the time to make an edit they are happy with.

(Then again, 'Fosse' was re-edited for the DVD - but all for the better.)

It does seem strange that they could be filming in a matter of days and no announcement has been made. You would think preparation for a 2pm Saturday filming would require at least some contracts to have been signed.

BUT I don't care, announcement yet or not - I just hope it happens...

Sondheim Geek Profile Photo
Sondheim Geek
Posted: 6/27/07 at 10:57pm

Dancin - That's my second favorite version of Being Alive, after "Being Lupone"

SondheimGeek: Is it slightly pathetic that you guys get to be Jedi bitches, and I'm Bitchy the Hutt?
LizzieCurry: No, you're more memorable

Posted: 6/27/07 at 11:02pm

that was awesome

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
Posted: 6/27/07 at 11:05pm

These cruel, cruel posts keep popping up, but without real news. So frusturating!

Posted: 6/27/07 at 11:26pm

All I can say about this is YAY!

Posted: 6/27/07 at 11:43pm

illiant, DanchruLife. Brilliant. And you got the meter perfectly.
