from this:
to this:
Wow! Growing up does change us in more ways than one. Her brother looks just as different as how we were first introduced to him via THE OSBOURNES on MTV:
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
Boy, they're really going for that "Mama Morton's the uber-dyke" vibe, aren't they?
She lost A LOT of weight. Good for her.
She looks fantastic!
I am fascinated by the Osbournes. . .
All I'm going to say is please do not forget the power of photoshop.
um. that doesnt even look like the same person.
okay. that looks like her. doesnt look like a child.
Ooooh, that black man is YUMMY! I'd see it for him...
Wow, those pictures are pretty hot. Good for her. I'm still not sure she is talented but she certainly has the look going on and looks very sexy in those pictures.
She looks amazing. I wouldn't be disappointed if she was in the cast.
She looks fantastic! I kinda liked her last album, so I wasn't annoyed or anything when they said she'd be playing the role, but these pictures are very reassuring. I hope she comes to the states.
she looks like she uses leather, whips & chains for punishing the unruly prisoners.
She's way too young, anyways, Im really distracted by that guy's nipples.
she looks like she is a lost cast member from Dance of the Vampires.
I want that top!
I hate stunt casting. That's all.
Boy, Eve Ensler looks great!
She looks good!
I think it will work.
She does like a little on the awesome side her Album "Sleeping In the Nothing" was a pretty good CD. She has a decent enough voice. I can't wait to see a review.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/26/07
She DOES look good, but way too young! The words "Matron" and "Mama" are dead giveaways. They can maybe change the character's name to "Lil' Morton" or "Baby Girl Morton."
Or, the Weisslers can cast Dakota Fanning as Velma and Abigail Breslin as Roxie. And why not Aaron Carter as Billy Flynn. Then it will all look age-appropriate.
Updated On: 7/30/07 at 06:02 PM