Let’s say you’re right and no black woman on Broadway has ever been listened to when making a reasonable request. You remedy that by fighting to have that privilege extended to them. Not by taking it away from others.
I can't believe this thread is still going, but I imagine a lot of it has to do with the election.
Here is my hot take (which I've said before, but that was before T**** got reelected): It is far left, "woke" nonsense like this whole Patti-Kecia debacle and the conversations it has sparked that makes conservatives hate us. The "I'm so oppressed by your microagression" whining, the anti-white racism (or whatever you want to call it), the constant in-fighting and inability to STFU. This whole friggin' thread encapsulates everything about us liberals that the right sees as obnoxious and destructive, and rightly so.
I am a down-the-ballot Democrat but this sh*t is crazy. Plus, it's like the boy who cried wolf. If every not-nice thing that is done by a white person to a non-white person is perceived as racist, and the offended person makes a stink every time their feelings get hurt, when something actually racist happens, it just gets ignored.
Some of you need to get it together. Your behavior is making things worse.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/14/22
I thought we were going to avoid name-calling. But I guess that's racist of me to point that out right? Adjusting one's show to be respectful to another show in the Broadway community isn't and shouldn't be held as if being spat in one's face and it's pure drama queenery to suggest otherwise.
Oh, and for the poster who blames White supremacy, and by extension this board, for Trump's win, I got some bad news for you:
It's this petty bull***t that is making people turn against DEI in droves. Try fighting the real enemy for a change.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
Play Esq. said: "We can be adults here. If people are a little bit more agitated, I think that’s justified. We don’t need a hall monitor, have you seen the **** that’s been posted here before?!??"
Nowhere did I suggest a "hall monitor" or deny people's right to feel agitated. I shared my opinion about what I've experienced in reading and reflecting on the posts.
As someone who facilitates these types of discussions are part of my professional role,I do stand by my assertion that an online chat board, for the many reasons I previously noted, is ill-equipped for a conversation that's become this charged.
While Black voters did end up shfting for Trump, the overwhelming majority voted for Harris - more than any other race.
There has been a lot of disrespectfully childish name-calling towards Kecia Lewis in the thread, which baffles me. One might not agree with her releasing a public statement towards Patti, but I've watched the video over and over and she always comes accross as very polite and didactic.
A black woman saying that she finds the behavior of white actress (and full-time diva) "microagressive" is not the same as her saying "She's a racist!!".
Stand-by Joined: 11/1/23
verywellthensigh said: "I thought we were going to avoid name-calling. But I guess that's racist of me to point that out right? Adjusting one's show to be respectful to another show in the Broadway community isn't and shouldn't be held as if being spat in one's face and it'spure drama queenery to suggest otherwise.
Oh, and for the poster who blames White supremacy,and by extension this board, for Trump's win, I got some bad news for you:
It's this petty bull***t that is making people turn against DEI in droves. Try fighting the real enemy for a change.
Nice try. It was White men, women and Latino men that led the majority vote for Trump. I do my research. You pulling up one article to support your delusion sounds about white. The attitude of some of you on this board reflects what this election represents. Patti's show will close shortly and hopefully we never have to deal with her ego or following ever again.
Stand-by Joined: 11/1/23
kehnahssy said: "While Black voters did end up shfting for Trump, the overwhelming majority voted for Harris - more than any other race.
There has been a lot of disrespectfully childish name-calling towards Kecia Lewis in the thread, which baffles me. One might not agree with her releasing a public statement towards Patti, but I've watched the video over and over and she always comes accross as very polite and didactic.
A black woman saying that she finds the behavior of white actress (and full-time diva) "microagressive" is not the same as her saying "She's a racist!!"."
Say it louder for the people in the back. Any voicing around race relations in theater makes a lot of folks on this board defensive and uncomfortable. That doesn't erase the fact that these dynamics do/can exist.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/14/22
I never said they led the majority, but the shift is not insignificant. You might want to do your research as to why.
Stand-by Joined: 11/1/23
I never said they led the majority, but the shift is not insignificant. You might want to do your research as to why."
The Black male vote didn't win him this election. You're just saying things at this point. The Patti in you is showing.
Patti will be on WWHL tomorrow night (Thursday).
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/26/19
kehnahssy said: "While Black voters did end up shfting for Trump, the overwhelming majority voted for Harris - more than any other race.
There has been a lot of disrespectfully childish name-calling towards Kecia Lewis in the thread, which baffles me. One might not agree with her releasing a public statement towards Patti, but I've watched the video over and over and she always comes accross as very polite and didactic.
A black woman saying that she finds the behavior of white actress (and full-time diva) "microagressive" is not the same as her saying "She's a racist!!"."
Kecia's exact quote was "racially microagressive" , so yes, she accused Patti of racism. Just rewatched the entire video and she keeps going about how the small change affected their entire production. What Kecia Lewis is indirectly implying is that she doesn't think that audience of The Roommate deserves the same experience as her big musical and since its a small show which makes only a third of what HK grosses, they should just stfu and cope until the closing.
Bette's Turban said: "Patti will be on WWHL tomorrow night (Thursday)."
Set my DVR to tape it a few days ago and it said Patti and Mia were scheduled. Just went to check and it now says Connie Chung & Jackie Hoffman are the guests.
gibsons2 said: Kecia's exact quote was "racially microagressive" , so yes, she accused her of racism.
Accusing someone of having a racist action is not the same as saying someone is racist. People can have racist, sexist, transphobic actions - and still not be racist, sexist, transphonic themselves.
It's the equivalent of saying "You did something that ended up hurting me, even though you probably didn't realize it" instead of saying "You hurt me, therefore you a bad person"
Oh good grief, are we really still talking about this nonsense? Move on already. No one really cares.
uncageg said: "Bette's Turban said: "Patti will be on WWHL tomorrow night (Thursday)."
Set my DVR to tape it a few days ago and it said Patti and Mia were scheduled. Just went to check and it now says Connie Chung & Jackie Hoffman are the guests.
. Our girl Patti is at Sunset tonight. Looking forward to hearing her thoughts.
This thread has run its course. Please CLOSE it Moderators same few commenting on bs-nonsense.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/26/19
kehnahssy said: "gibsons2 said: Kecia's exact quote was "racially microagressive" , so yes, she accused her of racism.
Accusing someone of having a racist action is not the same as saying someone is racist. People can have racist, sexist, transphobic actions - and still not be racist, sexist, transphonic themselves.
It's the equivalent of saying "You did something that ended up hurting me, even though you probably didn't realize it" instead of saying "You hurt me, therefore you a bad person""
You sound patronizing. This isn't mandatory corporate HR training session.
Stand-by Joined: 11/1/23
DrMonicaDeMoneco said: "Oh good grief, are we really still talking about this nonsense? Move on already. No one really cares."
Actually Black folks do. People who work in the industry deal with this a lot. Just because YOU don't care doesn't mean it goes away.
Probably time for the Shubert's to start adding some sound proofing between theaters because that is the future of Broadway Musicals. The only way to enjoy Hell's Kitchen is at full blast with the volume up Madison Square Garden style. The dramaturgy and acting scenes are not the thing at the Shubert. I am very much in support of that kind of experience for Hell's Kitchen. But I also respect the straight plays who take us away to another place where we don't need to be reminded, we're in a theater with loud neighbors. Certainly, there's a middle ground that's short of multimillion dollar sound dampening systems.
Understudy Joined: 5/3/24
kehnahssy said: "While Black voters did end up shfting for Trump, the overwhelming majority voted for Harris - more than any other race.
There has been a lot of disrespectfully childish name-calling towards Kecia Lewis in the thread, which baffles me. One might not agree with her releasing a public statement towards Patti, but I've watched the video over and over and she always comes accross as very polite and didactic.
A black woman saying that she finds the behavior of white actress (and full-time diva) "microagressive" is not the same as her saying "She's a racist!!"."
Wow, logic and common sense. Thank you. This was refreshing to read on this thread.
Understudy Joined: 5/3/24
DrMonicaDeMoneco said: "Oh good grief, are we really still talking about this nonsense? Move on already. No one really cares."
You move on. You didn't have to comment. Yes we are still talking about it, and we gonna keep talking about it. As long as people respond with vitriol for a Black woman speaking her mind. It's a message board. Not the best forum for in depth racial discussions of course, but this pertains to the American theatre so I think we are good to continue...
Can a white woman speaking their mind ever be wrong?
Can a black woman speaking their mind ever be wrong?
Understudy Joined: 5/3/24
binau said: "Can a white woman speaking their mind ever be wrong?
Can a black woman speaking their mind ever be wrong?"
This is a patronizing question, yes humans can be wrong.
Also look at what Audra just posted on her IG if y'all think she seriously doesn't support Kecia, I guess you better return those pre bought Gypsy tickets! smh
OharaFosseWolfe888 said: "Also look at what Audra just posted on her IG if y'all think she seriously doesn't support Kecia, I guess you better return those pre bought Gypsy tickets! smh"
Audra made it quite clear she supported Kecia, no?
Understudy Joined: 5/3/24
TotallyEffed said: "OharaFosseWolfe888 said: "Also look at what Audra just posted on her IG if y'all think she seriously doesn't support Kecia, I guess you better return those pre bought Gypsy tickets! smh"
Audra made it quite clear she supported Kecia, no?"
Yes she did. There were many comments earlier that was shocked that she did, and those that wondered if she wished she hadn't shown her support as the issue became "blown out of proportion"
OharaFosseWolfe888 said: "TotallyEffed said: "OharaFosseWolfe888 said: "Also look at what Audra just posted on her IG if y'all think she seriously doesn't support Kecia, I guess you better return those pre bought Gypsy tickets! smh"
Audra made it quite clear she supported Kecia, no?"
Yes she did. There were many comments earlier that was shocked that she did, and those that wondered if she wished she hadn't shown her support as the issue became "blown out of proportion""
I wasn't shocked, but I was surprised because Audra strikes me as a very private person who keeps her cards close to her chest. We know Patti is a diva and holds grudges, so my surprise at Audra's comment was not that she would support Kecia or "take her side," but that she did it in on social media for all to see. If Patti sees the comment she will not soon forget and Audra had to have know that when she posted it.