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"Peter Pan Live"

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:31pm

What are even the points of John and Michael? They're doing NOTHING at all!

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:31pm

I'm getting "worked up" watching PETER PAN?!!! Who knew?!!


Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:31pm

Drinking game!!

Take One Sip When:

- You shamefully think to yourself, "Is it just me, or is that Lost Boy really attractive?"

- Nana The Dog barks/moves at the wrong time

- Something happens that makes you think, "This is all clearly designed for children. What am I doing?"

- There's an awkwardly placed commercial break

- Anyone says the Disney version is better

- You think Allison Williams may be too tall to be Peter

- Someone says/sings the words "grow up"

Take Two Sips When:

- Anyone is flying

- You feel compelled to sing

- Any time you wonder if you should just watch Hook instead

- You "think lovely thoughts"

- Someone you're watching with makes a Marnie/Girls reference

- Someone you're watching with references any of Christopher Walken's roles/lines, save for Hairspray

- There's a costume or set piece mishap

Take Three Sips When:

- Someone is singing and flying at the same time

- A new song makes its debut

- You spy a multi-colored crocodile

- Someone you're watching with references Christopher Walken's singing in Hairspray

- You decide, what the hell, you believe in fairies, too

Finish Your Drink When:

- You look up and see Walken dancing. This is why we're here!

Drinking Game
Updated On: 12/4/14 at 09:31 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:32pm

Brilliant? Well, let's not get carried away. Do I hate it? No. But it is a little boring....and lackluster.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:32pm

The way they broke up "I wont grow up" is just annoying. I don't understand the whole painting x's around Neverland, it is a completely unnecessary additional plot point. And the conversation between peter and tiger lily seemed premature. I think it releases the tension too early.

Also, Wendy is just a fun sucker in this (with the whole diplomacy thing)

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:33pm

It really is lackluster.

all that jazz Profile Photo
all that jazz
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:33pm

Peter Phantom!!

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:34pm

LMAO @ Peter Phantom. Is the candelabra going to rise out of the lake's mist?!!!!

Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:34pm

"I'm shocked to say this but Sound of Music was far better than this. Carrie was weak but she was the only one." Really? IMO..Stephen Moyer was 100X worse... and a couple of those kids were really wooden.

I personally like the Peter Pan kids very much..

jakebloke Profile Photo
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:34pm

Please fall overboard Wendy.

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:35pm

Taylor is perfect as Wendy! Gorgeous voice!

Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:36pm

Did anybody else see like 3 of those mermaids stand up and walk.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:36pm

Me thinks jakebloke can't stand Miss Wendy....

ShakinBaconGirl Profile Photo
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:36pm

They should have cast Christian Borle as Hook. He would have nailed it.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:36pm

That's a BIG ASS COMB!!

all that jazz Profile Photo
all that jazz
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:37pm

I'm loving Wendy, she has such a beautiful voice

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:37pm

"They should have cast Christian Borle as Hook. He would have nailed it."


Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:37pm

I stand by what I said. If they decided to stage this performance on a regular basis with this same cast, say, on Broadway, I'd mortgage my entire life to get to NYC to see it in a heartbeat.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:38pm

Tiger Lily is giving an Emmy Award winning performance as far as I'm concerned....and Borle is really, really good as "Smee".

OperaBwayLover Profile Photo
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:39pm

"They should have cast Christian Borle as Hook. He would have nailed it.



jakebloke Profile Photo
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:39pm

I do think walken is drunk/high

CurtainsUpat8 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:39pm

Can we just get to the real point of this... Peter Pan is not a very well written show. In fact it's an awful show with some nice tunes. And it's only half over. Yikes!

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:39pm

Is it me because I think Walken looks like an aging Geisha girl

sabrelady Profile Photo
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:39pm

OH GAWD r they actually going to do Mysterious Lady?

NO they aren't. Who'd have thunk they'd actually find something worse?

Updated On: 12/4/14 at 09:39 PM

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:40pm

"They should have cast Christian Borle as Hook. He would have nailed it.



