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Phantom to change to "re-staged" production in flagship productions?- Page 12

Phantom to change to "re-staged" production in flagship productions?

#275Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/2/21 at 11:04am

What happens during the overture now? The sparks and rising of the chandelier are ionic!! What a dumb move.

#276Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/9/21 at 3:49pm

Hi all, just curious if anyone who frequents 44th Street/8th Avenue has seen any activity around/near the theater know like a chandelier sitting on the sidewalk.  

whowhatwhenwhere97 Profile Photo
#277Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/9/21 at 10:45pm

DrewJoseph said: "

Get ready for this...

The reason the newest UK tour (that photo) started with the re-staged US tour chandelier is because there were problems with the one they had made for the tour. They were using the US chandelier temporarily until the actual chandelier was ready.


In terms of the lack of angel on the current world tour, it is for logistical reasons. The way the new world tour's proscenium and chandelier are designed is to eliminate front of house rigging which allows it to play a larger number of venues. So, instead of the chandelier being rigged out in the house, the entire mechanism is housed in the pros. That is why there isn't an angel on that tour either because the space where it usually is is taken up by the chandelier mechanics.

Yes, ultimately its not the "brilliant original" which is a problem of false advertising. But it does have its reasons in making the show more adaptable for touring in the current age. I do think if these things were put into the London/NY productions it would hopefully be for structural reasons and not for cost cutting...

greensgreens Profile Photo
#278Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/10/21 at 12:33pm

When I was about 10, I saw the show for the first time. Seeing the angel lower and become a part of the scenery was incredible. When the Phantom rose out of it, it gave you a real jolt. It was the last place I expected him to appear and it was so magical. It really enforced his character and was a beautiful visual to end the first act.

I would truly miss that brilliant moment. I'm disappointed to hear it was having trouble working and at risk even before the shutdown.

morosco Profile Photo
#279Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/24/21 at 2:49pm

This is pure speculation on my part.

I found the following interesting that is taken from the newly released "The Untold Stories of Broadway, Volume 4" by Jennifer Ashley Tepper. This could be part of the reason the design of the show is being tweaked (at least in London). It could be all about finances and saving money. 

Things started changing backstage in the 1980s, and then more rapidly in the 1990s. Disney had a lot to do with it. They began using a lot of the same techniques and mechanisms backstage on Broadway that they were using in their theme parks, and then that spread to other shows. They were pioneers in the way lighting and scenery happened. Now, everything is automated, so there isn't the same manpower backstage. Big musicals used to need many more stagehands in order to make the show happen. Over at PHANTOM, they have a large crew since since the positions are the same as when the show opened in the 1980s. But if PHANTOM came in today, they would need a much smaller crew. That's progress. -Mike Van Praagh, Stagehand

There are rumors about less musicians in the pit as well.

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#280Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/24/21 at 3:16pm

I believe the Phantom orchestra on Broadway stands at 27 members + 4 conductors at the moment, and I think the U.S. tour had 14 at the time of the shutdown?

Tara Rubin Casting also posted today on their social media platforms that they are looking for future Christine Daaé replacements on B'way. I hope this means more ground will be broken, and we will finally be getting our first POC Christine sooner rather than later. I find it hard to believe in 2021 that not one POC has played this role in NY so far.

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.

#281Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/24/21 at 4:07pm

Jordan Levinson said: "Tara Rubin Casting also posted today on their social media platforms that they are looking for future Christine Daaé replacements on B'way. I hope this means more ground will be broken, and we will finally be getting our first POC Christine sooner rather than later. I find it hard to believe in 2021 that not one POC has played this role in NY so far."

Ali Ewoldt would like a word

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#282Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/24/21 at 4:12pm

thedrybandit said: "Jordan Levinson said: "Tara Rubin Casting also posted today on their social media platforms that they are looking for future Christine Daaé replacements on B'way. I hope this means more ground will be broken, and we will finally be getting our first POC Christine sooner rather than later. I find it hard to believe in 2021 that not one POC has played this role in NY so far."

Ali Ewoldt would like a word

I was thinking more along the lines of an African-American playing the role... I already know Ewoldt is of Filipinx descent.

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.

#283Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/24/21 at 5:05pm

Jordan Levinson said: "I was thinking more along the lines of an African-American playing the role... I already know Ewoldt is of Filipinx descent."

Then I would recommend saying that first. To say "POC" and then go "Oh but no not the Asian one" is less than great.

But yes, if a Black actress finally gets to play the role, I'll be very happy to see that happen.

#284Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/24/21 at 6:52pm

I would love to see Denée Benton as Christine 

Lot666 Profile Photo
#285Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/25/21 at 10:42am

ajh said: "I would love to see Denée Benton as Christine"

With all due respect, based on what I saw and heard from her in The Great Comet, she can't meet the demands of this role.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

unclevictor Profile Photo
#287Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/26/21 at 3:54pm

Indigenous Christine!! Lol! Why do I find that so funny? Lol!

Plannietink08 Profile Photo
#288Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/27/21 at 7:37pm

unclevictor said: "Indigenous Christine!! Lol! Why do I find that so funny? Lol!"

You tell us.

"Charlotte, we're Jewish"

joevitus Profile Photo
#289Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/27/21 at 8:03pm

Pushing "African American Christine" or "Indigenous Christine" or "Asian Christine," whatever, are all instances of the sort of raced-obsessed casting notions we were supposed be getting past. I suspect the emphasis on the race instead of the performer and the use of the highly p.c. term "Indigenous" (plenty of the people who belong to this race are quite satisfied with the term "Native American" and even "Indian"Phantom to change to is what makes him find it so funny. 

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#290Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/28/21 at 11:23am

The casting breakdown bothering to list all of these races and ethnicities is a way of telling actors that they will be taken seriously for the role, and it is not at all unusual. They want to be inclusive and there are a lot of people who have every reason to believe there is no point in turning out for a role that they have only seen cast with white women over the course of their entire lives. White actors are included in the breakdown too. I don't know why this board still manages to surprise me with dusty, regressive nonsense.

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#291Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/28/21 at 11:23am

The casting breakdown bothering to list all of these races and ethnicities is a way of telling actors that they will be taken seriously for the role, and it is not at all unusual. They want to be inclusive and there are a lot of people who have every reason to believe there is no point in turning out for a role that they have only seen cast with white women over the course of their entire lives. White actors are included in the breakdown too. I don't know why this board still manages to surprise me with dusty, regressive nonsense.

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#292Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/28/21 at 1:04pm

joevitus said: "Pushing "African American Christine"or "Indigenous Christine" or "Asian Christine," whatever,are all instances of the sort of raced-obsessed casting notions we were supposed be getting past. I suspect the emphasis on the race instead of the performer and the use of the highly p.c. term "Indigenous"(plenty of the people who belong to this race are quite satisfied withthe term"Native American" and even "Indian"Phantom to change to is what makes him find it so funny."

Oh, screw you

I have nothing else to say, because how insane you sound. If you wouldn’t say this with your actual photo and name appearing then don’t say it all.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire
Updated On: 3/28/21 at 01:04 PM

joevitus Profile Photo
#293Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/28/21 at 3:56pm

You went into a high-pitched rant, but I sound insane. Yeah, sure. You don't like what I have to say, so it's "Insane." Speaks volumes about you.

#294Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/28/21 at 5:52pm

joevitus said: "Pushing "African American Christine"or "Indigenous Christine" or "Asian Christine," whatever,are all instances of the sort of raced-obsessed casting notions we were supposed be getting past. I suspect the emphasis on the race instead of the performer and the use of the highly p.c. term "Indigenous"(plenty of the people who belong to this race are quite satisfied withthe term"Native American" and even "Indian"Phantom to change to is what makes him find it so funny."

I don't understand what you mean by " race obsessed casting notions we were supposed to be getting past?" I thought casting notices generally included the "types"(racial or otherwise) that were being considered. 

joevitus Profile Photo
#295Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/29/21 at 1:41am

KFC1991 said: "joevitus said: "Pushing "African American Christine"or "Indigenous Christine" or "Asian Christine," whatever,are all instances of the sort of raced-obsessed casting notions we were supposed be getting past. I suspect the emphasis on the race instead of the performer and the use of the highly p.c. term "Indigenous"(plenty of the people who belong to this race are quite satisfied withthe term"Native American" and even "Indian"Phantom to change to is what makes him find it so funny."

I don't understand what you mean by " race obsessed casting notions we were supposed to be getting past?" I thought casting notices generally included the "types"(racial or otherwise) that were being considered.

They sure don't, as multiple threads on this board suggest, and as people here argue passionately fairly continuously. To turn around and say it isn't a given person of talent, but just someone on the basis of their race we should be considering when imagining casting for a part, that whole argument is upended. 

#296Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/29/21 at 9:08am

joevitus said: "They sure don't, as multiple threads on this board suggest, and as people here argue passionately fairly continuously."

But they do - all it takes is a quick look at current submission notices and almost every single one of them includes the race of the character in the breakdown.

#297Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/29/21 at 3:13pm

While nobody loves a good threadjack more than me, especially one that involves comments such as "screw you", "you're insane", and "Indigenous people love being called Indians", can we please get this thread back on track OR AT LEAST start a new thread about Phantom's casting notice so y'all can demonstrate how none of you know how to argue or get your point across?

That said, any news on the Majestic Theater?  Any workers who've popped in and saw Ruthie II still safely in place?  Anybody see load-out work being done?  I'll be back in town next week for the first time since February 2020 and I plan on giving the Majestic a good lookover 'til the NYPD tells me to move along. 

#298Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/29/21 at 3:49pm

I've got quite a few friends that work in the building in various capacities, and so far, nobody has indicated that any work has taken place.

#299Phantom to change to
Posted: 3/29/21 at 3:59pm

Drybandit, I PMed you. 
