Understudy Joined: 3/13/16
I'm honestly kind of mixed about this, because while I feel that she has reason to be offended when people call her co-workers "mentally r*tarded", I felt that she took more offense to things that were more critical and not true. She seemed really offended when someone said she couldn't hit the high C and that the show was terrible. However, the show hasn't opened with her in it yet, so she should obviously have seen that it was false and that people were trying to get a rise out of her. AndI feel like she could've responded much more professionally by pointing out this hypocrisy instead of going on a huge rant to a small minority of hateful people. Unless they're personally attacking someone in an extremely harsh matter, like saying they wish they were dead or that they're mentally r*tarded in this case, the report button shouldn't be used.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
Randomlink1 said: "I'm honestly kind of mixed about this, because while I feel that she has reason to be offended when people call her co-workers "mentally r*tarded", I felt that she took more offense to things that were more critical and not true. She seemed really offended when someone said she couldn't hit the high C and that the show was terrible. However, the show hasn't opened with her in it yet, so she should obviously have seen that it was false and that people were trying to get a rise out of her. AndI feel like she could've responded much more professionally by pointing out this hypocrisy instead of going on a huge rant to a small minority of hateful people. Unless they're personally attacking someone in an extremely harsh matter, like saying they wish they were dead or that they're mentally r*tarded in this case, the report button shouldn't be used. "
I don't think you understand how this and other online fan communities work. Discussion boards of this nature are always created for the primary benefit of the fans, not as an officially moderated meeting place between people in industry and fans. Imagine it as a fan gathering somewhere, but it's not like industry people are expected to attend. Murin was not required to click a link, and none of the Nerds thread titles were baiting. Even though there are people here who work in the industry to varying capacities, posters do not expect the subjects of these conversations to magically appear or to even read the board. That comment was hardly directed at Murin but was the sharing of a particular belief/opinion to other board members about her. People talking behind other people's backs. That's how every single fandom board works on the internet (except those created under the auspices of the corporate office, such as gaming boards).
she has reason to be offended when people call her co-workers "mentally r*tarded"
Correction: "people" didn't call them that. One person called them that, most likely a child, since only children or extremely immature people use that phrase as a pejorative.
Either way, it didn't warrant calling for our community to be dismantled. She was grandstanding. And her grandstanding got her exactly what she wanted: high-fives from her fellow professionals. But she got those high-fives at the expense of us, the 99 percent who come here out of love for the theater.
It was a brilliant gamble on her part, because she knew that NO ONE would come to the defense of a bunch of "trolls."
And Javier and Steven get to look tough and macho, defending her against us, and no one will criticize them either. Because doesn't everyone love a man who kills trolls?
PalJoey -
I think it was an overreach. And I think that Patti knows she over-reached. But once it was out there - it was out there. I don't think her intention was truly to shut message boards down. I think it was more that she wanted to shut the "trolls" down. Her subsequent posts/comments/etc indicate as such as well. Unfortunate that the first broadcast of the message was large in scope. Much like a "correction" in the NYT - the error might appear on the front page center - but then the correction goes largely unnoticed.
Maybe she should have thought of that when she was writing her initial missive calling for the end of the boards.
It's really kind of inexcusable that she didn't think through what she was proposing.
And I think that Patti knows she over-reached. But once it was out there - it was out there. I don't think her intention was truly to shut message boards down.
Then let her come here and apologize!
But you are wrong, Craig, because she DID call for the boards to be shut down--and so did Steven Pasquale!
Craig said:
I don't think her intention was truly to shut message boards down.
I do think that was her intention I think it because it's what she wrote
Yeah...to say that wasn't her intention when she SAID it was her intention is a little weird.
What does "I am officially asking you, Broadway World, to take down your chat boards." sound like to you?
I read what she wrote too. She was calling more for a separation of BWW and the chatboards than to "shut it down" in its entirety. I know this because I read it too. Bold emphasis is mine
"I am officially asking you, Broadway World, to take down your chat boards. Create a whole new website for them that has nothing to do with the incredible content you generate. But placing that negative bull**** next to a joyous article about a Broadway show opening does not make any sense to me. To be clear, I’m not asking for them to be shut down forever. Everyone is entitled to express their opinions as loudly as they want, just like I am right now. But they should be their own entity entirely, because much of the time, they are not in the spirit of creating, and cultivating art, and supporting people who are taking real risks to do what they love."
To me - that's not entirely the same as her asking for them to be shut down completely. I admit that her blog post rides the fence because she goes between the two ideas.
Well, what do we expect? Craig has virtually tripped over himself to defend Patti and company from us whiny babies in our wet diapers.
LizzieCurry said: What does "I am officially asking you, Broadway World, to take down your chat boards." sound like to you? But it was and is never going to happen. As the Owner of the Boards has patiently said many times now. So she got some publicity but failed and maybe made them a little nicer with more moderating rules already here.
Respectfully, some of you are getting a bit Kanye over this.
This is what she actually wrote: I am officially asking you, Broadway World, to take down your chat boards. Create a whole new website for them that has nothing to do with the incredible content you generate. But placing that negative bull**** next to a joyous article about a Broadway show opening does not make any sense to me. To be clear, I’m not asking for them to be shut down forever. Everyone is entitled to express their opinions as loudly as they want, just like I am right now. But they should be their own entity entirely, because much of the time, they are not in the spirit of creating, and cultivating art, and supporting people who are taking real risks to do what they love.
She wanted them taken off the BroadwayWorld main site and put into it's own seprate site not shut down entirely.
LOL...Craig beat me to it.
You people need to let this go already.
I mean really....
I think you're internalizing too much if that's what you think or have interpreted. Perhaps it's been my absence on the board for an extended time that has given me a different perspective. I don't take things that Patti said personally. And quite frankly - the more vitriolic comments have always been on this board and an underlying issue - so again - this is really nothing new or something that hasn't been discussed by forum members - or members of the theater community that have visited here. AC - you've been here long enough to remember at least a few performers who engaged posters here and were basically driven off, no?
I "returned" to post on the forum because as one of the "founding fathers" of the site - Patti's comments and the support she immediately got stung. You don't want to help build something up to have it torn down in a "flash fire." But that's not going to happen. It's the latest in a long series of issues that existed before and will no doubt continue long into the future.
AC126748 said: "Well, what do we expect? Craig has virtually tripped over himself to defend Patti and company from us whiny babies in our wet diapers."
That is grossly unfair of you AC. Craig hasn't virtually tripped over defending Patti. He was clarifying misconceptions generated by more than a handful of posters on this board who chose and continue to choose to internalize this and take it personally.
And with all due respect you are coming off as a whiny baby in wet diapers.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
We can chalk up a win that the boards aren't going anywhere, but the great losses are the respect for other performers who've directly called for the removal of essentially all fan online discussion sites, as someone else said, and these Broadway performers or industry people who were particularly vocal will have lost a number of customers as well, though they probably won't know it. Murin never bothered to correct anyone using the "shut em down" (something) hashtag, did she?
Pootie2 said: "Murin never bothered to correct anyone using the "shut em down" (something) hashtag, did she?"
What difference does it make if she did or didn't. Like you yourself pointed out the boards aren't going anywhere.
This selective bold-facing is giving me a headache. She said what she said, and don't say she didn't say it, Craig. She called for the boards to be taken down, and her dog-whistle was responded to by a number of her prominent friends.
She used the 99 percent of us to look good in front of her fellow performers, and she owes us a sincere apology.
She said we are "not in the spirit of creating." But maybe she should think about what it means to have the spirit of appreciating?
We appreciate performers. But do she and the others who called for our community to be taken down appreciate us?
Broadway Star Joined: 9/3/14
I don't understand how anybody can be surprised that actors are hurt by mean things said about them anywhere and wants to retaliate. That's basic human nature! It doesn't matter if " it isn't intended for them to read it", it's out there in the public domain.
I understood what Murin meant. I still think it was a gross overreaction, and I still think she has managed to use the situation to make a platform for herself while not actually acknowledging any valid criticism in a meaningful way. While the boards remain here, and will remain for the foreseeable future, this still registers as a victory for... "niceness" or whatever.
People here are frustrated that it became a one-sided issue, and remains such.
Well Kad, no one is putting a gun to anyone's head to stay here and continue to post.
Craig, I have been a member of this board for 10 years and a reader for at least another year or two on top of that, so I have been following this board practically since its inception. I'm well-versed in the history of this board and some of the unfortunate instances in its past. Regrettable though they may be, they do not define this board. And as someone said, the purpose of this board is not necessarily to facilitate a link between the audience and the industry. Now with all due respect, I am really and honestly less interested in your opinion of how this board should function than I am in having a dialogue with the people who are still active members of this board. Prior to this thread, you hadn't even posted on this board for three years. There are many members who are probably not even aware that you had any hand in the creation of this board. You may have had a hand in building it, but I think that There are definitely people in a better position to drive this conversation to you.
as to the rest: Pal Joey said it pretty perfectly so I won't try to say it again.
CarlosAlberto said: "Well Kad, no one is putting a gun to anyone's head to stay here and continue to post. "
That's true, but I don't see how that is even a relevant response to my post.
It's wonderful you've seen the light, Carlos, but you've been participating in the behavior that has been decried here for years, regardless of how you couch it as "defending yourself."
"LizzieCurry said: What does "I am officially asking you, Broadway World, to take down your chat boards." sound like to you? But it was and is never going to happen. As the Owner of the Boards has patiently said many times now. So she got some publicity but failed and maybe made them a little nicer with more moderating rules already here."
Petrialicious wrote "respectfully, some of you are getting a bit Kanye over this. "
Exactly! I agree with what you said, Petralicious.