Not to be that person (and I swore I would never play the thread police), but...could we maybe keep this thread Comet-related? Please?
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/25/05
It is pretty common for a mid-show callout to occur. The thought that Denee's mid-show callout was somehow related to the news that Oak was being replaced is absurd, as she had learned the news several days beforehand.
This thread reads like a series of White House memos.
Yes, mid show replacements happen. People get sick, injured, have emergencies, get bad news....things they can't control. o different then whe any other person leaves work early.
It's odd for about a minute or two, and then you just go with it.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/3/16
trpguyy said: "It is pretty common for a mid-show callout to occur. The thought that Denee's mid-show callout was somehow related to the news that Oak was being replaced is absurd, as she had learned the news several days beforehand. "
For you and anyone else familiar with the circumstances, do you know why they haven't announced anything definitive yet? I assume they're desperately working to save the show?
Must be very difficult mentally/emotionally for the cast/crew to have their jobs so uncertain.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/25/05
The Kagans are anything but conventional producers, so I wouldn't begin to apply conventional wisdom in speculating what they're doing in terms of announcements.
BroadwayRox said: "Not to be that person (and I swore I would never play the thread police), but...could we maybe keep this thread Comet-related? Please?"
In 4 days, we have 13 pages and 300+ threads. It's Comet-related.
One writer made a correlation b/w Denee not returning in 2nd act and Dixon leaving during 1st. So that gets me to wondering. Did Dixon leave the the first act the day it was announced that Mandy would replace Oak, or on the day Oak said he wouldn't return? Any possible connection or co-incidence?
Only thing we have is producer's statement to press that they're working on it "round the clock" whatever that means. No news is good news for now. Maybe Mandy will come back and Oak will give him his blessing.
Yeah right.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/25/05
Oh FFS...
It is pretty common for a mid-show callout to occur. The thought that Denee's mid-show callout was somehow related to the news that Oak was being replaced is absurd, as she had learned the news several days beforehand.
"This thread reads like a series of White House memos."
We have little life....
If the Kagans wanna make it really interesting and draw a lot of press, they could throw everyone out during the middle of the second act on the 13th, or pull the fire alarm.....might as well add more chum to the threads...why not...
JustAnotherNewYorker said: "While they've certainly been allowing refunds for the Mandy shows after the announcement, I haven't seen any indication that if you buy now you can "move it"...."
Telecharge is very good about exchanges into the same show, not worried.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
JayElle said: "Only thing we have is producer's statement to press that they're working on it "round the clock" whatever that means. No news is good news for now. Maybe Mandy will come back and Oak will give him his blessing.
Yeah right.
With no announcement. August 15th the doors open and Mandy just walks out
'"With no announcement. August 15th the doors open and Mandy just walks out "
Now that would be great theater Schubox.....
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/11
As evidenced by this thread, there is enough blame to go around. But backing way up, the moment Groban was signed, wasn't there a meeting to brainstorm who would eventually replace him? As it seems they needed a name to sell tickets, they might have considered a revolving door plan. Jake Gyllenhaal for eight weeks, then Jamie Foxx, Mandy, Usher, Timberlake... Not that they could necessarily have gotten those guys but thinking outside the box might have been in order, as when Reba replaced Bernadette in Annie Get Your Gun to great success. It may not have been wise to recast the role with an actor known only within the theater community.
^Yeah, as much as I wish the show could survive on its own merits, it would've been smart to have a bunch of actors known outside the theatre community lined up to replace Groban (if not as Pierre, at least a replacement of the cast-member-bringing-in-cash).
^but this is the exact opposite of what they did. I don't think that would have worked for this, but it would have made more sense than what they did.
"would've been smart" is out in some other planet from this.
coulda woulda shoulda
Swing Joined: 6/3/16
well, the announcement is out
trpguyy was right.
at least I'll get to see it on the 18th.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
So when do we get to find out all this ugly drama?
schubox said: "So when do we get to find out all this ugly drama?"
Likely if/when a lawsuit is filed.
JustAnotherNewYorker said: "haterobics said: "Just got a great onstage seat for the 27th, so Dave or finale or both, I'll probably go then... (or move it when there is more detail)"
While they've certainly been allowing refunds for the Mandy shows after the announcement, I haven't seen any indication that if you buy now you can "move it"...."
FYI, I moved it to the 3rd (well, rebought the new one and canceled the old one, but still...)
Broadway Star Joined: 12/20/16
haterobics said: "JustAnotherNewYorker said: "haterobics said: "Just got a great onstage seat for the 27th, so Dave or finale or both, I'll probably go then... (or move it when there is more detail)"
While they've certainly been allowing refunds for the Mandy shows after the announcement, I haven't seen any indication that if you buy now you can "move it"...."
FYI, I moved it to the 3rd (well, rebought the new one and canceled the old one, but still...)"
Nice. Same seat? I'm in a Banquet seat for the final show
Presume the discount didn't work (if there was one the first time) as the 3rd has no discounts it seems...
I don't know why they focused on Pierre for the continued stunt casting when they should have been focused on Natasha, Anatole and possibly the aunt. Even if Mandy came, you have the same problem you have with Groban, their typical fan isn't the target audience for the show. Get a Demi Lovato or something like that and you're attracting the 20-35 year old that you need. I love Lucas but the Urie situation shows that hip casting works. I'd have put a One Direction member there and a respected older lady for the aunt.
Coulda, woulda, shoulda...
Despite all this he said/she said stuff, I went to TGC today for both shows...2 and 8...audience members I talked to had little knowledge on the controversy.. Most didn't read or cared....Oak got standing ovations and overwhelming applause as did all the members.
The audience laughed and clapped throughout. You wouldn't know anything was happening. So, why the hell shut down the show? Ticket agents told me they've been getting incredible sales. If Howard Kagan had any brains, he'd post an "show extended another 2 weeks" just to see what happens. It was mobbed. I tweeted Oak & Mandy to work it out and keep the show open. The staff, performers, and customers were all perplexed that they would close it. Is anyone listening? Duhhhhh