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#50SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/18/16 at 9:50am

PalJoey said: " 

I'm tingling such delicious tingles.

Side effects include tingling such delicious tingles. If they persist for more than 24 hours, proceed to Blackbird immediately.

#51SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/18/16 at 9:53am

Saw it last Friday. I loved it.

'Take me out tonight where's there's music and there's people and they're young and alive.'

Jshan05 Profile Photo
#52SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/18/16 at 9:58am

DottieD'Luscia said: "These reviews make be very happy that I bought my ticket back in January (saw it last Saturday and loved it).  Hope to see it again."


I couldn't agree more! Bought my tickets in November and so happy I did after reading these magnificent reviews! Can't wait to see it in a couple of weeks!

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#53SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/18/16 at 3:20pm

MrsSallyAdams said: "I'm surprised the critics are referring to it as sugar and whipped cream. One of the reasons I like this show is because of the streak of darkness lurking underneath. The plot does after all include


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Two tawdry affairs, a violent suicide attempt, and a song/monologue about dismemberment. 


There's a very real chance these characters could have ended up dying alone. That they manage to find love without rewriting their personalities is one of the reasons the show is so satisfying."


Has this revival kept the Tango Tragique or has it been cut like in the Roundabout's last revival? (or was it just cut from that recording?)

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

Harriet Craig Profile Photo
Harriet Craig
#54SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/19/16 at 5:23pm

I saw the show last night, and enjoyed it more than anything I have seen on Broadway since the Rylance "Twelfth Night" (not exactly comparable, I know, except that both shows were sheer theatrical bliss). I want to thank everyone who posted the reviews here on Thursday night. I had been on the fence about getting a ticket (I love the original cast album, was disappointed in the 1993 revival, and wondered if I really needed to see another revival), but as soon as I saw the raves coming in, I grabbed a good seat (center orchestra, Row K) for Friday night, using a discount code that was about to expire. Without the nudge provided by reading the reviews early on this board, I probably would have ended up paying more for a less good seat -- so thanks, all.

This is a very minor point, within the context of the overall gloriousness of Laura Benanti's performance, but I just want to mention what a joy it was to hear her superb diction. For example, in "Vanilla Ice Cream", when she sang, "And for the first time, we were together without a spat", she made it clear that the "t" in "first" and the "t" in "time" are two separate sounds (without being heavy-handed about it). You don't hear that so much on Broadway these days (or maybe you do and I just haven't noticed it), so kudos to Ms. Benanti and her voice teachers.


#55SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/19/16 at 5:27pm

indytallguy said: "PalJoey said: " 

I'm tingling such delicious tingles.

Side effects include tingling such delicious tingles. If they persist for more than 24 hours, proceed to Blackbird immediately.


That's actually what I'm doing in May! Friday evening She Loves Me & Blackbird Saturday matinee. SHE LOVES ME Reviews


poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#56SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/19/16 at 7:09pm

I went this afternoon. Absolutely enchanting show, and Benanti was even better than I anticipated. Full review here:

PalJoey Profile Photo
#57SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/20/16 at 8:53am


For those who have never seen Jack Cassidy, the original Kodaly, here is is at the 33:40 mark singing the title song from She Loves Me. Don't judge his performance too harshly. Shortly after this performance, he committed suicide by arson, burning himself to death in his apartment.




Updated On: 3/20/16 at 08:53 AM

#58SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/20/16 at 10:31am

I saw Jack Cassidy in person singing this and he was fabulous...the performance to beat.

However, committed suicide? I remember that he was acting erratically but that he just got drunk (as he often did) and was acting weird. He then fell asleep on his couch after dropping a cigarette that he was smoking, ignited his couch and yes died in the fire because he was too drunk to wake up.  But I don't think it was ever ruled a suicide, was it?


henrikegerman Profile Photo
#59SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/20/16 at 10:36am

From Wikipedia:

By 1976, Cassidy was living alone in a penthouse apartment in West Hollywood.

According to ex-wife Shirley Jones, on December 11, 1976, Cassidy asked her over for drinks, but she declined his invitation. He then invited actress and singer Donna Theodore out for a date. According to Theodore in a 1999 interview, which was featured in the Mysteries and Scandals episode on Cassidy, she began noticing strange mood swings in Cassidy, notably one incident in which he ran all over the nightclub to which they had gone. Feeling uncomfortable, she asked him to take her back to her house, which he did. After eating dinner alone at an Italian restaurant, Cassidy returned to his apartment alone, by which time he was drunk, as he had consumed alcohol at various bars across West Hollywood that evening. In the early morning hours of December 12, Cassidy lit a cigarette and fell asleep on his Naugahyde couch.[10] He then dropped the cigarette, which ignited the couch. The flames quickly spread throughout the apartment and the building.[4] At 6:15 a.m., the blaze was discovered by Deputy Sherriff Jon DiMatteo, who evacuated the building and entered Cassidy's apartment. A charred body was found in the doorway of the apartment. As Cassidy's car was missing,[1] his family hoped that he had traveled to Palm Springs, as he had apparently intended the following day. But[11] the body was soon identified as Cassidy's by dental records and a signet ring that he wore, bearing the Cassidy family crest.[1][12] The car had been borrowed by a friend, who later returned it. Cassidy's remains were cremated and scattered on the Pacific Oce

Very sad.

#60SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/21/16 at 10:37am

Out review.

The last revival "soared". This one is "enjoyable". Benanti's 'Vanilla Ice Cream' a "true highlight", and Krakowski's "adorable".

Scroll down.


Updated On: 3/21/16 at 10:37 AM

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#61SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/22/16 at 12:32pm

Absolutely lovely interview with Benanti and Levi on TODAY this morning.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#62SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/23/16 at 1:23pm


I feel a combination
Of depression and elation;
What a state!
To wait
Till eight!


Or, actually, early curtain on Wednesdays, so "till seven."

#63SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/23/16 at 1:48pm

Okay I definitely missed something!


I saw it last night & was bored silly.  I ended up leaving at intermission-- something I've only ever done once before.  crying


I just thought it was so dated & corny.  The cast was fine but the material was boring.  I feel like I've seen the story & heard all the jokes 100 times already.  It was full of stock characters from the 50s-- like the effete waiter?  Ugh.  The score didn't do much for me either but I'm admittedly not a big fan of soprano singing.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#64SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/23/16 at 4:53pm

That's your opinion, even though it's a worthless opinion based on only one act.

Saw it again this afternoon and it's like being on a sugar high. The production is a marvel. Definitely one of my favorite revivals in years. I would love to see it several more times. 

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#65SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/23/16 at 4:57pm

I'm honestly pretty sad for you, mattyp4. While I can understand your sentiment that the first act perhaps didn't really live totally, 100% up to the high expectations many have set for this production, the second act is what completely brought it home for me and I fell in total love.

#66SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/23/16 at 6:01pm

ljay889 said: "That's your opinion, even though it's a worthless opinion based on only one act."

Yes.  You are correct.  It is my opinion.  I never claimed it was a fact.  My opinion was that the first act was dull.  Therefore I left at intermission.  That was just my opinion & I felt the need to share it.  I am not advocating for every audience member to follow suit.  (Please do not alert the moderators either.)

#67SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/23/16 at 6:05pm

BroadwayConcierge said: "I'm honestly pretty sad for you, mattyp4. While I can understand your sentiment that the first act perhaps didn't really live totally, 100% up to the high expectations many have set for this production, the second act is what completely brought it home for me and I fell in total love."

You don't have to feel sad for me.  I only paid $25 with HipTix.  Not a huge financial investment on my end.  I considered staying for Act 2 but I knew exactly where the story was headed-- I had seen it a hundred times before.  Act 1 had me nodding off.  I felt I owed it to lady next to me to leave so I wouldn't end up snoring on her shoulder during Act 2! 

And I realize that people aren't seeing She Love Me for the plot twists & turns, but the score didn't really do it for me either.  I am well aware that I am in the minority but I just personally found the show a little on the dull side.  The production values were nice though.  And the cast was great.  I just didn't dig the material.  No harm, no foul.


NYadgal Profile Photo
#68SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/23/16 at 7:52pm

I've never seen that video, PalJoey...  interesting.

I'm seeing this next Thursday (3/31), and I CAN'T WAIT!  

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#69SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/23/16 at 8:48pm

Ljay, so glad you saw it and enjoyed it. Isn't it simply perfect from beginning to end? I smile whenever I think about it. I just can't think of a time I've felt so much joy at a show, and there's something so romantic about the whole production.

And I respect everyone's opiniom but I can't imagine leaving a theatre after seeing Jane Krakowski's brilliant switch from musical comedy perfection in "Ilona" to the most heartbreaking rendition of "I Resolve," let alone leaving after the dinner scene that plays like gangbusters culminating with Benanti's impeccably sung and deeply layered take on "Dear Friend."

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

#70SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/23/16 at 11:41pm

ray-andallthatjazz86 said: "And I respect everyone's opiniom but I can't imagine leaving a theatre after seeing Jane Krakowski's brilliant switch from musical comedy perfection in "Ilona" to the most heartbreaking rendition of "I Resolve," let alone leaving after the dinner scene that plays like gangbusters culminating with Benanti's impeccably sung and deeply layered take on "Dear Friend.""


I love Jane but I didn't love her character.  I didn't see the nuances.  And the restaurant scene is what actually did me in.  Too hokey.  I also couldn't take the waiter stock character(s).  That's pretty much when I decided I wanted to go home.


I didn't mean to come on here to rain on everyone's parade, or sound like some sort of contrarian or curmudgeon.  I decided to post b/c I'm honestly agonizing over this!  After reading all the reviews it's driving me crazy as to why I found this show so dull & uninteresting!  I'm doing some real soul-searching here!  What was I missing?  I always considered myself a theater fan.  I always thought I had good tastes.  But maybe I don't know what I'm talking about!  Perhaps these past 15 years of regularly attending theater was all for naught!  Maybe I should take up a new interest.  What about architecture??  laugh


So I don't know what kind of conclusion to come to.  Maybe I'm just REALLY not into romantic musicals from the 50's & 60's?  (That means I'll be skipping a lot of Roundabout productions from now on!)  I do tend to like more contemporary shows... though Gypsy & Mame are two of my absolute faves.  Hmm.  Or maybe I should avoid chat board hyperbole in general??  (No offense. But it's not just this chat board.)  The glowing critical reviews are one thing but the user comments really got my head scratching.  People are making it sound like there was no light in their lives before She Loves Me came along.  It's making me think that there's seriously something wrong with me. 


I debated buying another ticket since I didn't give Act 2 a fair chance, but then I thought that was silly.  If I didn't like the first half then I probably wouldn't have liked the second half.  (My friend who stayed for Act 2 pretty much confirmed this.  He said I "would have barfed."SHE LOVES ME Reviews  I shouldn't have to force it. 


Anyway, carry on with the She Loves Me love-fest.  I have to say I'm a little envious.  I wish I could partake. broken heart I should probably avoid reading any more reviews! 

mc1227 Profile Photo
#71SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/24/16 at 12:07am

Maybe, mattyp4, you weren't in the right mood for that type of show.  Many times, I have found myself at a show not really being up for it on that particular night.  It can happen.  Or as you said, not your type of show.  Your opinion is as important as anyone else's on here.  You don't have to apologize for not liking a show.  

The only review of a show that matters is your own.

#72SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/24/16 at 12:10am

I posted my "meh" feelings before as well. Don't get me wrong I would give it a "B" or a "B-" but not feeling all the ultra-love either. The production is very well put together with solid performers, but the musical itself I found very old-fashioned and predicable in a bad way. The songs were not memorable at all to me. Now I did watch it all and didn't even think about walking out, I laughed a little as well. It was ok to me or just slightly better than ok. Just wanted to let you know that you aren't all alone.

#73SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/24/16 at 10:29am

Thank you, NFools & mc1227.  I was feeling like I should had to join a Broadway support group or something!  Yes, I was a little tired when I saw She Loves Me.  Maybe that was it.  (Though I've seen shows after work when I was tired before & loved them.)  I might even give it another shot b/c I can still get $25 tix.  We'll see.  Thanks for making me feel like I'm not a leper though! 

PalJoey Profile Photo
#74SHE LOVES ME Reviews
Posted: 3/24/16 at 11:22am


I feel sorry for people who can't appreciate She Loves Me in the same way I feel sorry for people who can't appreciate an eclair or an oyster or a dessert wine or a massage.

Your lives will go along just fine without oysters. They are called acquired tastes because what makes them wonderful is so delicate that it can be missed at first taste--or even deemed too sickeningly sweet, as in a pastry or a sweet wine, or distasteful, as in the texture of an oyster. A sense for them comes only after time, and only as an act of will.

Once you have acquired these tastes, each memory of having partaken in them can help to make the bad or unpleasant parts of life better. I don't judge or criticize those who don't like She Loves Me. I just wish for you that you have plenty of other things in your lives that give you the pleasure I derive from this show, as well as from the Ernst Lubitsch movie it is based on, The Shop Around the Corner, with Jimmy Stewart and the magical actress Margaret Sullivan.

(But beware of "meh." "Meh" is a non-emotion, a non-opinion that will suck the life out of you. Far better to say "I don't like it" than to say "meh." There is a curse on the word "meh": Those who express "meh" too often, often start to seem "meh" to other people.)

Back to She Loves Me. This revival is near-perfect, near only because the revival by the same director, Scott Ellis, 23 years ago was absolutely perfect. Absolute perfection is seldom attained in life, so I think this nearly perfect revival is probably the best and truest representation of this musical we'll see for a long time.

Laura Benanti is a treasure. She finds a different humor in the role than Judy Kuhn or Barbara Cook (whom I know only from the recording) or Margaret Sullavan. They were waifs who effected a veneer of a sophistication to protect themselves. She is sharper, wiser, snappier. The other Amalias were throbbing with vulnerability and the aching pain of love postponed. (In the Lubitsch original, Amalia describes herself, endearingly, as "psychologically confused"--a line I've always wished was in the musical.) Benanti's Amalia may ache inside, but on the outside, she is all determination and independence, even if under a false bravado.This is an Amalia for 2016.

The first act ends with the soaring soprano notes of the lyric "Don't let it end, dear friend": in previous versions, you dried a tear as the lights came up on intermission, knowing how heartbroken that poor girl was. Benanti's voice, however, soars. Her Amalia is not a victim. She will survive. She, in fact, will soar.

The rest of the cast is winning, and, in case, perfect: I have loved every Ilona I've ever seen--especially Sally Mayes--it's that kind of wisecracking-dame role. But Jane Krakowski takes us on a journey from dependence on the attentions of a undeserving man to a kind of self-actualization that is at once contemporary and true to the 1930s period. (She and Laura Benanti both create characters that are appealing in their simultaneous rightness to both period and contemporary womanhood.) I left wanting someone to write her a whole musical just about Ilona for jane Krakowski. Barring that, I would settle for any old starring vehicle for Jane Krakowski.

I liked Zachary Levi, and I liked that he brings such an audience of teenage girls to the theater. (I had no idea Chuck left him such a big star.) His hitch kick and cartwheel while singing the title song made me surrender to him completely--a galunk who can do a cartwheel? I'm there. And I love his chemistry with Laura Benanti.

How adorable is Gavin Creel? Almost too adorable to play a villain--I'm used to the kind of oily, campy, actor-ry ego with which this part is usually played. But with Gavin Creel, you understand exactly how this Kodaly attracts both Ilona and the older women.

And finally, a word for Michael McGrath. He has become one of those "oh, he's always funny" actors, like Peter Bartlett, who plays the Headwaiter. But I felt a special fondness for Michael McGrath's Sipos: He was the one actor in the show who most approached "the Lubitsch touch." And if you don't know what that means, please watch The Shop Around the Corner.

The while thing made me smile. I'm still smiling.

Updated On: 3/24/16 at 11:22 AM
