Well it’s about time.
Stand-by Joined: 7/10/18
"It's about time"?
I read a similar article about a decade ago. If a nobody like me knows how awful he is to his staff it is pretty common knowledge by this point.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/11/05
Maybe the Shuberts will finally get some courage and stop letting him push them around.
unclevictor said: "Well it’s about time.
This has been common knowledge for ages. He’s his own boss which why he continues. Taking on employment with him is at your own risk. If his behavior bothers you, don’t take the job. Simple as that. I’ve worked with incredible artists who are total monsters and I knew what I was getting into. No regrets. No bitching or whining on my part as I went in fully aware of their behavior. Like all things, there were great times and a few bummed times but I loved working with them. You gotta take the good with the bad. Nothing in life is perfect.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/14/11
Yes, people have known about this for years, but we're living in a much different time now, so it still is significant that people are formally coming forward. Everyone knew Harvey Weinstein was a sexual predator 15 years ago, but it took people formally making these accusations a few years ago for him to finally be blacklisted in the climate of 2017. So while I'm not saying this is necessarily going to finally bring an end to Rudin, this is much different than just "some common knowledge within the industry of how he is".
This is one of the many articles written about him - this one with HIS cooperation:
Nothing new!
And I’m sorry - but even mentioning Weinstein is way out of bounds!
Being an a-hole isn’t a reason to cancel someone. As previously said - if you don’t like it - don’t work with him!
I guess I should have said that here’s ANOTHER article about Scott Rudin’s horrid behavior. Maybe this time people will think twice about working with him? Maybe there will be some sort of consequence?
Yes, I’m very well aware about his behavior. I’ve been around a long time. I’ve witnessed it, I’ve read the emails, I’ve heard the stories, I’ve read the many articles.
He’s horrid
Frankly Scott Rudin is lucky that this takedown didn't mention some other behaviors that are pretty well known in the business too.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/11
KFC1991 said: ""It's about time"?
I read a similar article about a decade ago. If a nobody like me knows how awful he is to his staff it is pretty common knowledge by this point."
Yes, but during this time, when people-- awful, evil people like Rudin are being held accountable, it needs to be stated again. And again and again!
But we are part of the problem. I wish I had the strength, after reading this THR article, to trash my tickets to "The Music Man" and boycott his productions from now on. But, unfortunately....I know I won't....
Maybe you guys have heard of a little known Broadway producer and generally regarded nightmare name David Merrick???
Difficult and even abusive in a Miranda Priestly way isn’t anything new in show business. You all keep mentioning that you are aware of this, and then say because of the times we live in now that this has to stop-they aren’t the same things, not even close.
The people who have been canceled because of sexual misconduct and harassment are crossing a line that is incredibly dangerous to the victim. I’m not saying mistreatment like those who’ve worked with a Scott Rudin doesn’t have lasting effects - but there’s literally no comparison, and if that line of work doesn’t work bc of the high stakes and difficult personalities-I’m sorry, but you’ve gotta find another line of work.
I know a lot of people who have worked at the highest level of the Broadway theater-performers, directors, press agents, producers, even marketing - they all say the same thing. When your working with the best the business has to offer, you’ve gotta have thick skin. Tempers flare, stakes are extremely high.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/11
castlestreet said: "Maybe you guys have heard of a little known Broadway producer and generally regarded nightmare name David Merrick???
Difficult and even abusive in a Miranda Priestly way isn’t anything new in show business. You all keep mentioning that you are aware of this, and then say because of the times we live in now that this has to stop-they aren’t the same things, not even close.
The people who have been canceled because of sexual misconduct and harassment are crossing a line that is incredibly dangerous to the victim. I’m not saying mistreatment like those who’ve worked with a Scott Rudin doesn’t have lasting effects - but there’s literally no comparison, and if that line of work doesn’t work bc of the high stakes and difficult personalities-I’m sorry, but you’ve gotta find another line of work.
I know a lot of people who have worked at the highest level of the Broadway theater-performers, directors, press agents, producers, even marketing - they all say the same thing. When your working with the best the business has to offer, you’ve gotta have thick skin. Tempers flare, stakes are extremely high."
Because it needs to be said again and again: "tough" and "demanding" =/= abusive.
Tough, demanding bosses demand the best work and they usually get it.
Abusive bosses cause people to shut down and quit.
This article's opening anecdote details a time that Rudin smashed a glass computer monitor on an assistant's hand, putting said assistant in need of immediate medical attention. That's beyond "being a tough boss." That's beyond "assh*le behavior." That's assault.
His behavior may be common knowledge, but to suggest that those seeking employment with Rudin are doing so "at their own risk" also suggests that Rudin need not be held accountable for his behavior, and only allows his abusive practices to continue unchecked. It's textbook victim blaming, placing the fault squarely on the abused rather than on the abuser.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/14/11
castlestreet said: "Maybe you guys have heard of a little known Broadway producer and generally regarded nightmare name David Merrick???
Difficult and even abusive in a Miranda Priestly way isn’t anything new in show business. You all keep mentioning that you are aware of this, and then say because of the times we live in now that this has to stop-they aren’t the same things, not even close.
The people who have been canceled because of sexual misconduct and harassment are crossing a line that is incredibly dangerous to the victim. I’m not saying mistreatment like those who’ve worked with a Scott Rudin doesn’t have lasting effects - but there’s literally no comparison, and if that line of work doesn’t work bc of the high stakes and difficult personalities-I’m sorry, but you’ve gotta find another line of work.
I know a lot of people who have worked at the highest level of the Broadway theater-performers, directors, press agents, producers, even marketing - they all say the same thing. When your working with the best the business has to offer, you’ve gotta have thick skin. Tempers flare, stakes are extremely high."
Castlestreet, so just to clarify, you think smashing a laptop on someone's hand and sending them to the hospital is appropriate workplace behavior? I'm not saying that this hasn't been happening for years. People have also been sexually harassed at work for years, have seen white actors filling the cast of The King and I for years and have been fired for being too fat for years. My point is, none of those behaviors are deemed acceptable in the theatre industry anymore and neither is this. So yes, it's a big deal that in 2021 this is once again being brought to light.
Um, not sure smashing a laptop screen against someone's hand would have been okay 50 or 100 years ago either.
Then I hope all of you will join me in canceling Sutton & Hugh for working with him. Same goes for Bette and all the others.
The extreme behavior is out of bounds and I should of clarified-that’s on me.
But the entertainment industry has always and will always cater to these types as long as their creating something we all want.
This is REALLY bad. This isn't being "tough". It is being cruel and unhinged.
This entire thread is so hypocritical.
You go to his shows, watch his movies, and support his enablers- all the performers we all love who have read the same articles and heard all the same rumors.
You want to take him down - cancel his enablers and stop patronizing his products.
But that won’t happen, as one of you already alluded to regarding The Music Man.
But responding “ew” and “truly delusional” to me on a message board for stating the obvious will certainly bring about the change you all claim to be seeking.
The era of abusive assholes getting a pass because of what they create is over. Sorry.
And that is what Rudin is: abusive. Not "tough," not "demanding." Abusive.
If he treated a spouse this way, he would've been in court years ago.
Yeah, that’s not a difficult boss. That’s a violent sociopath. Dude sounds unhinged. He seems to have no ability to regulate his emotions. As is the norm, he probably protects and treats A-listers with kid gloves and gives them everything, which is why they all sing his praises. He then turns all of his rage and insecurities on those underlings who work for him. What a bastard.
It’s a horrible form of gaslighting. When people like Bette Midler, Laurie Metcalf, and Denzel are singing your praises publicly it makes it very hard and intimidating for someone with no power to speak out. It requires someone with power to call him out or refuse to work with him in order to check him. Sadly, many celebrities shed their integrity to keep working. We saw this with Weinstein. Many of the big names didn’t speak out until it was clear he was going down. Disgraceful.
To those saying, “you know what you’re getting when you sign up, so suck it up” are deluded. Individuals are entitled to a workplace free from abuse, both mental and physical. Workplace stress and a demanding supervisor are a far cry from what is described here.
Kad said: "The era of abusive assholes getting a pass because of what they create is over. Sorry.
And that is what Rudin is: abusive. Not "tough," not "demanding." Abusive.
If he treated a spouse this way, he would've been in court years ago."
Okay folks - If it’s over why are the likes of Sutton and Hugh still working with him. I’ll say it again - if you are all so outraged by this put your money where your mouths are. Stop going to his shows and movies and stop giving a pass to those in the industry who continue to work with him.
But we all know that won’t happen.
castlestreet said: "Kad said: "The era of abusive assholes getting a pass because of what they create is over. Sorry.
And that is what Rudin is: abusive. Not "tough," not "demanding." Abusive.
If he treated a spouse this way, he would've been in court years ago."
Okay folks - If it’s over why are the likes of Sutton and Hugh still working with him. I’ll say it again - if you are all so outraged by this put your money where your mouths are. Stop going to his shows and movies and stop giving a pass to those in the industry who continue to work with him.
But we all know that won’t happen.
How much abuse do you think is permissible in a work environment?
I think that’s a question better suited to Sutton Foster, Hugh Jackman, Denzel Washington, Bette Midler, Viola Davis and the list goes on.
He doesn’t sign my paycheck so my hands are clean!