Never been a big follower of Rudin personally but this is good news- it's LONG past time that the theatre world and the entertainment industry stop letting abusive behavior under the guise of "That's just how it is' go unchecked.
Sutton Ross said: "I love when Lizzie ANNOUNCES over and over again she has blocked people on this website.
Nobody cares, dear."
Why was Hogan's insults ok?
Soaring29 said: "Never been a big follower of Rudin personally but this is good news- it's LONG past time that the theatre world and the entertainment industry stop letting abusive behavior under the guise of "That's just how it is' go unchecked."
But they are! Broadway has reopened with a flourish AND NOTHING HAS CHANGED. The abusers are still there and they’re ready to start making $$$. It’s disgusting
JayElle said: "Sutton Ross said: "I love when Lizzie ANNOUNCES over and over again she has blocked people on this website.
Nobody cares, dear."
Why was Hogan's insults ok?"
If Hogan is being a mega d*ckhead I can pm him and we can talk about it, because he's cool and intelligent. The other poster made an official announcement about blocking me and has stated how happy she is about her blocking choices over a dozen times. Since I'm pretty sure nobody cares who anyone blocks around here, I always find it amusing.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/4/13
Sutton Ross said: "JayElle said: "Sutton Ross said: "I love when Lizzie ANNOUNCES over and over again she has blocked people on this website.
Nobody cares, dear."
Why was Hogan's insults ok?"
If Hogan is being a mega d*ckhead I can pm him and we can talk about it, because he's cool and intelligent. The other poster made an official announcement about blocking me and has stated how happy she is about her blocking choices over a dozen times. Since I'm pretty sure nobody cares who anyone blocks around here, I always find it amusing.
Or maybe you and Hogan are one and the same?
Ha, I love that idea but I sadly cannot take credit for Hogan and his famous rants.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/4/13
Sutton Ross said: "Ha, I love that idea but I sadly cannot take credit for Hogan and his famous rants."
Or can you?
Papi2013 said: "Sutton Ross said: "Ha, I love that idea but I sadly cannot take credit for Hogan and his famous rants."
Or can you?"
What are you trying to accomplish here, Papi?
Featured Actor Joined: 5/4/13
JBroadway said: "Papi2013 said: "Sutton Ross said: "Ha, I love that idea but I sadly cannot take credit for Hogan and his famous rants."
Or can you?"
What are you trying to accomplish here, Papi?"
Featured Actor Joined: 5/4/13
Sutton Ross said: "Yeah no, that's clear."
Look at you with the little stingers. Just like Hogan.
Oh man, you must be so bored and miserable. But, shockingly, more than one person on this website can be quick-witted and deliver "stingers". I know, I know. It's hard to believe.
Have a super day though, worst screen name ever. Kisses.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/4/13
Sutton Ross said: "Oh man, you must be so bored and miserable. But, shockingly, more than one person on this website can be quick-witted and deliver "stingers". I know, I know. It's hard to believe.
Have a super day though, worst screen name ever. Kisses."
Broadway Star Joined: 9/23/11
Just a wild guess but I'm assuming Paul Rudnick is not a poster on this board.
Papi2013 said: "Sutton Ross said: "Oh man, you must be so bored and miserable. But, shockingly, more than one person on this website can be quick-witted and deliver "stingers". I know, I know. It's hard to believe.
Have a super day though, worst screen name ever. Kisses."
Don’t waste your time on either of them, Papi. They’re both trolls
Papi2013 said: "Or maybe you and Hogan are one and the same?"
I have no recollection of you ever posting here before. Have you? Have I ever interacted with you previously? Did I step on your toe or something? Or are you just making a failed attempt at being clever? In any case, I am not impressed with your choice of bedfellows but enjoy them to your hearts content.
Obviously, if you paid attention to this board even out of the corner of your eye you would realize the idiocy of suggesting Sutton and I are one and the same. I have probably excoriated Sutton as much as any person on this board except the poseurs and trolls. So I must ask, what in heaven's name are you talking about? Or are you just spewing nonsense? Maybe laying off the vodka stingers would cure what ails you.
...and now there's swatting.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
LizzieCurry said: "...and now there's swatting."
They produced a 1,500 word article on the swatting without knowing literally any details about it other than it happened. That is incredible. Variety is putting in work.
Shielding Scott Rudin: How the Super-Producer Avoided Answering for Abusive Behavior for Decades
Good read LizzieCurry. At least we now know the West Side Story a holdup, among possibly others. Kinda figured it was in this twisted contractual mess.
"Sources familiar with the New York Times-Rudin relationship say he provided one of the biggest ad revenue streams...."
Money talks, BS walks. Not surprised the NYT wouldn't touch Mr. Rude until other media did.
If a district attorney/grand jury indicts Mr. Rude ala Weinstein, those industry folks who remained silent will run far from him. Until then, expect his entertainment lawyers to get enormous exit payouts and keep Rude's participation low-key elsewhere.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
JayElle said: "Mr. Rude ala Weinstein"
One has anger management issues that manifested itself in abuse of employees, the other was accused of rape a dozen times over.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
JayElle said: "Good read LizzieCurry. At least we now know the West Side Story a holdup, among possibly others. Kinda figured it was in this twisted contractual mess.
"Sources familiar with theNew York Times-Rudin relationship say he provided one of the biggest ad revenue streams...."
Money talks, BS walks. Not surprised the NYT wouldn't touch Mr. Rude until other media did.
If a district attorney/grand jury indicts Mr. Rude alaWeinstein, those industry folks who remained silent willrunfar from him. Until then, expect his entertainment lawyers togetenormousexit payouts and keep Rude's participation low-key elsewhere.
On what crime(s) exactly would you have a DA file charges in order to have a grand jury indict Rudin? I don't think being a "big meanie" would hold up in court.
Great article for those interested:
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poisonivy2 said: "Didn't Kelli O'Hara say once that there's a few people in the industry she won't work with? I wonder if she meant Scott Rudin."
I have a feeling it was him and The Music Man was probably the production.