Count me in the very impressed, but know it needs work column.
I found the first act, on the whole, to be an absolute thrill. The dancing is absolute dynamite, the show is pretty much choreography from beginning to end, which I love. Yes, there is tons of exposition, but complimented by continual movement. One impressive moment had Joshua Henry tapping on a short set of stairs with dancers upstage mirroring the steps, as a sort of shadow.
The roles feel like a good fit for much of the cast. Henry doesn't quite have enough to do, Dixon is very charming, as is Warren. Billy's role feels tailor-made to his skill set, he gets a lot of one liners and an exceptionally soulful solo in Act 2 that is shatteringly good.
I didn't find the details of Audra's character's story to be particularly compelling, but damn does she know how to go to the depths of a character. There is one moment in particular when Stokes Mitchell's character is singing a rousing number to inspire the cast to not give up after a production setback, and her reaction to that moment is really touching. And her solo in Act 2 is really special. Shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, but her vocals are rangy and dynamic throughout. And such a great ease with the comedy!
Haven't seen much said about Stokes Mitchell so far, but I thought he was great. Voice sounded as lovely as ever and handles the "moral of the story" moments he gets at the end with gravitas and warmth.
Act 2 does lose quite a bit of energy and tries to cover so much ground, none of the incidents that occur after Shuffle's run are covered with enough depth to have enough impact. And the long, odd Josephine Baker section is the obvious cut that is needed. But the three big solos is Act 2 are among the highlights of the night, and the season.
Really enjoyed the lighting and meticulous and joyous costuming. And again, the choreography and execution by the cast as a whole (from principles to ensemble) is impressive and infectiously exciting. I'm sure the piece will evolve and tighten over previews and the running time will come down, but the raw materials for something really transcendent are there. Wishing luck to everyone involved.
dramamama611 said: "3/26 for me!"
Me too! Will you be at the matinee or the evening performance? My mom and I have tickets to the matinee.
dramamama611 said: "Jshan05 said: "dramamama611 said: "3/26 for me!"
Likewise! I'll be seeing the evening performance. Absolutely cannot wait!
Me, too.....I'm seeing Bright Star in the afternoon."
Never mind. My question has been answered.
"It's extremely unfair to judge a show during the preview period. The preview period is generally used to gauge what works, what doesn't and make the appropriate changes before the show officially opens.
It's a test run."
It is a test run. And we are giving our test run feedback. With the hope of helping the work be gauged, and suggesting changes. No one here seems to be judging the show in preview form unfairly, least of all for sport.
This show needed an out of town tryout. The creators got cocky with this one.
BroadwayNYC2 said: "This show needed an out of town tryout. The creators got cocky with this one."
@henerikegerman: ^ ^ ^ Like I said....
Carry on. I've got tickets for next week. I will refrain from reading anymore of these "reviews" lest they ruin my enjoyment of the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
CarlosAlberto, I think anyone who paid for a ticket is entitled to share their opinion.
This seemed fairly definitive to me: "It seems far too ambitious that Wolfe could now rework the libretto for it to begin to meet the worthy ambitions hinted at in the final scenes."
It's that tone that I sort of think is weird... that... like... "oh this is impossible, they should have gone out of town" tone that seems to pop up in these sorts of threads. For the most part, your criticisms seem fair and sound valid.
@neonlightsxo: Yes you're right. They are.
When they are fair opinions, Not of the "producers got cocky with this one" variety.
Maybe I should just stay away from preview bad. Sorry.
KJisgroovy said: "It's that tone that I sort of think is weird... that... like... "oh this is impossible, they should have gone out of town" tone that seems to pop up in these sorts of threads. For the most part, your criticisms seem fair and sound valid."
Yes. KJisgroovy that's what I was thinking as well.
But it is what it is.
Carry on.
My opinion is more than fair. I paid money. I shared my opinion that this would have benefited from an out of town tryout because this show is far from ready. I'm hoping it comes together, but it was not first preview ready. You don't get to decide what we can post or what several audience members around me had to say.
But hey, it is what it is.
Carry on.
I don't think anyone is saying you can't post what you want. I think people are just posting their opinions about your opinions. YOU DON'T GET TO DECIDE WHAT WE CAN POST.
Like. Don't be defensive about being defensive. It's fine. Post whatever you want. A lot of folks' negative criticisms here seem really valid and and thoughtful and I appreciate that they've shared them. I also have thoughts. And I shared them.
BroadwayNYC2 said :"I shared my opinion that this would have benefited from an out of town tryout because this show is far from ready."
And you feel this way, why?
In your opinion in what shape does a show have to be in before going into previews?
Carlos, I don't think BroadwayNYC2 was saying it should have been totally done and set and perfect by last night. He/she is simply saying that the show has a ways to go before it freezes.
BroadwayConcierge said: "Carlos, I don't think BroadwayNYC2 was saying it should have been totally done and set and perfect by last night. He/she is simply saying that the show has a ways to go before it freezes.
No BroadwayConcierge that is not what he said. What he DID say was that it should have gone out of town to do previews and that the producers were too cocky for previewing it here in NY.
It's common knowledge that when a show is in previews whether it is here or in Peoria that the show isn't necessarily frozen. That's what the preview period is for. To work out the kinks.
And I am honestly asking him in what shape does he feel a show should be in before going into previews.
I know you weren't asking me, but I think there is a difference between working out the kinks (what I agree previews on Broadway in this day and age are for) and having to do major overhauls of the structure, tone, focus, character development, etc. (I think the tone of Shuffle Along was consistent and fine- I was just giving examples of when I personally think a show is ready for previews in New York.)
I agree that this would have benefited from an out of town. I don't know the creators personally and wouldn't assume to call them "cocky." In fact, I don't think they were full of themselves and skipped an out of town out of hubris. I think they were very ambitious- always a good thing- and when you are developing a project as ambitious as Shuffle Along sometimes it's good to have a month run in Boston and then 4-5 months to really take time to work on changes and hone focus.
Just my opinion.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
I have to wonder, also, if maybe they skipped an out of town run due to the caliber of the talent involved.
I realize also that a try-out can be very expensive and difficult schedule when you have such busy people as McDonald and Brian Stokes Mitchell involved. Still, when a work is aiming as high as Shuffle Along is I think the time and money spent would seem to be well worth it.
I think that's exactly why this has such a long preview period with time set aside to rework the show without performing at night. Unconventional and very smart.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/30/15
Seeing it tonight, don't know if i should have waited after hearing about it so far.
You see Whizzer, that's why I have the utmost respect for you because at least you take the time out to explain your perspective and why you have the opinion that you do, and that doesn't necessarily mean we have to agree on said opinion but still at least I know where you are coming from.
It's worth noting that another George C. Wolfe production, The Wild Party, took advantage of its preview period to greatly reduce running time.
That being said, shows do not generally differentiate previews vs. post-opening performances. Most people who buy tickets would probably be unaware they are seeing a "preview." An out-of-town tryout makes it clear they are, well, trying it out. A preview period on Broadway is treated, for all intents and purposes, the same as regular performance.
Kad said: "A preview period on Broadway is treated, for all intents and purposes, the same as regular performance."
No it isn't or else they wouldn't advertise it as such.
If audiences seeing this show now don't know they are seeing a preview then they aren't being attentive. All the advertising for the show states preview and opening dates.
KJisgroovy said: "This seemed fairly definitive to me: "It seems far too ambitious that Wolfe could now rework the libretto for it to begin to meet the worthy ambitions hinted at in the final scenes."
It's that tone that I sort of think is weird... that... like... "oh this is impossible, they should have gone out of town" tone that seems to pop up in these sorts of threads. For the most part, your criticisms seem fair and sound valid.
Fair enough, KJ. Perhaps Wolfe can still work real magic here. I was merely pointing out that it strikes me as a tall order (and I suggested lesser ways in which the show might be improved).
Carlos, with all due respect, everyone on this website might know what a preview is, but I doubt a tourist who sees "now in previews!" would think twice about buying tickets. They don't know what a preview is and how it might differ from the final product. Obviously, they are not writing reviews but not everybody is as knowledgeable about theatre as we are here.
As I said above, Wolfe is a miracle worker and I have no doubts the final product will be a completely different animal. I'm looking forward to seeing it - hopefully once in the next week than again after it freezes.