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Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London- Page 8

Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London

#177Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/22/18 at 9:39am

I am a singer/actor of Asian background in Australia and I also sit on the committee of the Actors Equity Diversity Committee here in Oz. I noticed many argue that if people from all minority backgrounds should be able play roles such as Caucasian characters in Hamilton, why can't Caucasian people play other roles? Yes at the end of the day the best job should go to the best person. But this argument only stands IF there was a level playing field! When there is this equality, then go for it! There is a very simple and straight to the point explanation using bowls of chocolate covered raisins that our committee found online to explain what I mean. I thought I'd share it here.

Updated On: 4/22/18 at 09:39 AM

philly03 Profile Photo
#178Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/22/18 at 10:08am

Where was the outrage at Lea Salonga playing Mother in Ragtime, which was specifically written as a "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant"?


I am in the boat of the best singer/actor should get the job, regardless of race/etc.

#179Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/22/18 at 10:10am

philly03 said: "Where was the outrage at Lea Salonga playing Mother in Ragtime, whichwas specifically written as a "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant"?

I am in the boat of the best singer/actor should get the job, regardless of race/etc.


Let me take a wild guess... you are white. DING DING #privilege

Elfuhbuh Profile Photo
#180Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/22/18 at 10:14am

Dave28282 said: "wssinsider said: "Fact the Proms get recorded and played everywhere. There goes another generation of brown little girls seeing a white old lady play Maria . See OUR point? 

If it was for you, there would be another generation of brown girls that feel they are not equal, because you create issues and separation."


So now Dave is saying theatre shouldn’t be for little brown girls. Got it. I guess those Latinas who are upset about their roles being taken away time and time again are just being whiny for not sticking to the white status quo.

"Was uns befreit, das muss stärker sein als wir es sind." -Tanz der Vampire

#181Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/22/18 at 10:18am

Elfuhbuh said: "Dave28282 said: "wssinsider said: "Fact the Proms get recorded and played everywhere. There goes another generation of brown little girls seeing a white old lady play Maria . See OUR point?

If it was for you, there would be another generation of brown girls that feel they are not equal, because you create issues and separation."

So now Dave is saying theatre shouldn’t be for little brown girls. Got it. I guess those Latinas who are upsetabouttheir roles being taken away time and time again are just being whiny for not sticking to the white status quo.

Exactly. The board is full of entitled white people that couldn’t care less about the way other people feel. 

When a group of people in this case, latinx, is telling us they feel marginalized, not represented and ignored in theater, the first thing white people say is “she was the best person for the role”. They are that dumb

starcatchers Profile Photo
#182Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/22/18 at 11:47am


the artist formerly known as dancingthrulife04 Check out my Etsy shop: And please consider donating to my Ride to Remember, benefitting the Alzheimer's Association:
Updated On: 4/22/18 at 11:47 AM

#184Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/22/18 at 12:30pm

Tapping23 said: "wssinsider said: "philly03 said: "Where was the outrage at Lea Salonga playing Mother in Ragtime, whichwas specifically written as a "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant"?

I am in the boat of the best singer/actor should get the job, regardless of race/etc.

Your U ion

Let me take a wild guess... you are white. DING DING #privilege

If thebest argument you have is to scream white privilege please just take a seat and be quiet. Stop using that as a way to silence discussion. We can’t have difficult discussions that need to happen because arguments are ended with lazily calling someone a racist or privileged. I’m more outraged at my union who is wasting money on a diversity director who is just running around handing out awards and “listening” pretending to adress an issue is far different than actually addressing the issue. That’s ok Equity can now claimto be woke and pat themselves on the back for the appearance they are doing something when it is a big smoke screen. Gotta love the anonymous social justice warriors who think clicking like on facebook or a message on a chat board is actually doing anything.

“Your Union”? Lol. You are just another unemployed actor on a Broadway world chat board. Go get a job! And let the people that want progress fight for it. #CheckYourPrivilegeAtTheDoor

#186Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/22/18 at 5:39pm

Tapping23 said: "wssinsider said: "Tapping23 said: "wssinsider said: "philly03 said: "Where was the outrage at Lea Salonga playing Mother in Ragtime, whichwas specifically written as a "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant"?

I am in the boat of the best singer/actor should get the job, regardless of race/etc.

Your U ion

Let me take a wild guess... you are white. DING DING #privilege

If thebest argument you have is to scream white privilege please just take a seat and be quiet. Stop using that as a way to silence discussion. We can’t have difficult discussions that need to happen because arguments are ended with lazily calling someone a racist or privileged. I’m more outraged at my union who is wasting money on a diversity director who is just running around handing out awards and “listening” pretending to adress an issue is far different than actually addressing the issue. That’s ok Equity can now claimto be woke and pat themselves on the back for the appearance they are doing something when it is a big smoke screen. Gotta love the anonymous social justice warriors who think clicking like on facebook or a message on a chat board is actually doing anything.

“Your Union”? Lol. You are just another unemployed actor on a Broadway world chat board. Go get a job! And let the people that want progress fight for it. #CheckYourPrivilegeAtTheDoor

Actually I don’t perform anymore but stay a member to support my peers. You are on a Broadway chat board telling actors to shut up. Give me a break. If you also look at what I said I am for progress I just think you’re a joke. Let’s be offended by everything to not have real conversations or actually make change. Spare me your hashtag activism.


Hashtag activism is exactly right.  When anyone has to trot out the cliches to stop conversation then that person has lost the game.  White privilege this week, what's next week's cliche of the week?  But that's the world we live in these days.  All this outrage - where was it a decade ago, five years ago?  And where will it be when they've moved on to whatever the next "thing" is.  

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#187Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/22/18 at 6:17pm

Tapping23 said: "But where was the outrage when Ali Ewoldt played the role in a concert a month ago?"

There wasn't any. Nobody actually cares about historical accuracy. They care about excluding whites only.

Repeating history to get even and pretend it's a good solution.

#188Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/22/18 at 6:28pm

Leaving aside this specific concert,

Can anyone see the directorial choice for casting a white Maria. A girl who doesn’t fit into her culture and crossing these lines leads to the cultural gang warfare?

I think Maria can be cast as a white actress but Anita I wouldn’t.

Also in this argument of race and ethnicity I see it as problematic. I understand the problems with representation but we are not out protesting that all gay roles should be played by gay actors, sexuality seen as something that can be put on, in the argument with race are you not ultimately furthering the us vs them narrative by saying who can and can’t play roles.

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#190Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/22/18 at 6:56pm

Gizmo6 said: "I understand the problems with representation but we are not out protesting that all gay roles should be played by gay actors, sexuality seen as something that can be put on, in the argument with race are you not ultimately furthering the us vs them narrative by saying who can and can’t play roles."

Great point. It's basically the same thing, because sexuality is congenital too. Protesting that all gay roles should be played by gay actors is ridiculous too. The difference is that gays are still beheaded and stoned in many countries today while poc are not. 

BWAY Baby2
#191Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/22/18 at 7:20pm

POC speak of white privilege- but perhaps those people want POC privilege. Neither i good. We all know that POC- and gays- and Jews- and people who are not thin, and.....have not always played on an equal playing field. The answer might have been, to one point, quotas- but that time might have past. Personally, I feel that the best person for the job should get it. And yes, I am white. Yet, I do not feel that every gay role needs to be played by a gay person- and I am gay- and I do not feel that only Jews should play Jews. I understand that the diversity movement is very positive- but, IMO, if it starts to veer off into privilege for any group- be it Latinos or whoever- then it defeats the entire premise. I know people want an extra advantage- who doesn't? - but this is simply not fair- and you cannot change history to make it more so. That is just the way history has gone- the remedy is not more of the same- but equality and justice starts now- not after POC get to oppress other races to even the field. Best person for the job- period.

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#193Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/22/18 at 7:59pm

Not that this ridiculous thread needs my input, but here we go:

First of all, there is no such thing as "the best person for the part" except in the director's mind (or the producers'Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London. Casting is subjective. Period.

When I did WSS fifteen years ago in college, almost all of the Puerto Ricans were played by white people who could "pass" as Latino. It was Indiana. Not a lot of Latinos in Indiana. I'd still argue that for school productions, different rules should apply as it is an educational setting.

However, in non-educational production, especially in a top-tier professional one where they can cast out of New York City and London, in this day and age there is no reason to have a non-Latino play a Latino role. I mean, come on.

Can we move on now?

#195Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/22/18 at 8:06pm

But I actually believe it does not matter who plays the role as long people believe you as the person you are playing. But Sierra should be far far away from musicals 

BWAY Baby2
#196Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/22/18 at 10:53pm

I definitely agree that WSS should be played by the actors and actresses of the races they are supposed to represent. And I think the recent revival on Bway- where Spanish was actually spoken by the Sharks- sounded very interesting- I did not get to see it but did want to. When the Spielberg movie of WSS comes out- if it really is made- I expect it will be as authentic as possible. That said, I think it is great that so many prominent gay actors are going to be starring in Boys In The Band. I recently saw Denzel in Iceman Cometh- and he was amazing in the role- so each case is a little bit different- and no rules must apply- except personal taste. Political correctness should not be as prevalent as it has become- in my opinion.

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#197Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/22/18 at 11:58pm

bk said: "gypsy101 said: "Dave, we get it; you’re racist. you’ve been spouting off your weird theories about theater and race for years now. you still just come off as racist.

also the afforementioned studio cast recording of WSS with all kinds of different races and singers far too old for the roles was some kind of long-wanted operatic recording of the score, and it was actually 34 years ago, not 20. we’ve come along way in regards to casting since then.

Says the guy who's moniker is "gypsy 101" you'll want to change that soon, yes? Unless you're a Roma of of that descent, which is I'm sure what you'll say :)

nope i’m not of Roma descent, when i chose my name i just picked my favorite musical and some random numbers. where i’m from in rural Michigan i probably didn’t even know what a Roma was at the time, to be honest; we didn’t have many of them growing up.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

#198Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 12:07am

JBradshaw said: "Question. Such outrage over this. Why was never any outrage over the many non Latinas that played Mimi in “Rent”?"

Outrage is usually quite selective.  You could split hairs until the next millennium over any number of roles.

I remember the discussions about the recent revival of TKAI.  "Finally... a mostly 'Asian' cast."

Wasn't the King in this show the leader of Siam?

The actor who played him was Japanese.  The man playing him on tour is Filipino.

Couldn't they find an actor from the region once known as Siam to lead this show.  I mean, grouping all Asians together as if they are all the same just because they come from the same continent isn't very culturally sensitive.


gypsy101 Profile Photo
#199Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 12:21am

this thread gave me an interesting idea: a version of Hairspray set in an alternate reality where all the characters originally played by white actors are instead played by black actors and vice versa for the black characters. i think that would be kind of fun. Amber Riley could play Tracy!

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

#200Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 10:07am

theatreguy12 said: "JBradshaw said: "Question. Such outrage over this. Why was never any outrage over the many non Latinas that played Mimi in “Rent”?"

Outrage is usually quite selective. You could split hairs until the next millennium over any number of roles.

I remember the discussions about the recent revival of TKAI. "Finally... a mostly 'Asian'cast."

Wasn't the King in this show the leader of Siam?

The actor who played him was Japanese. The man playing him on tour is Filipino.

Couldn't they find an actor from the region once known as Siam to lead this show. I mean, grouping all Asians together as if they are all the same just because they come from the same continentisn't very culturally sensitive.


Because no actual Thai person would probably be caught dead doing The King and I. 

Babe_Williams Profile Photo
#201Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 12:05pm

I just want to know if linnamonrole listened to WSS yet angel

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#202Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 1:48pm

This discussion is just disgraceful. Because most people casting, directing, and producing theatre are white, they will almost always default to white actors. That’s a sad reality. People of color are rarely seen for romantic or charismatic leads. People of color never have an equal opportunity. That is not just opinion, that is true. If you think that’s a lie, you’re delusional. If you say people of color need to produce their own work to get seen, that’s also ridiculous because it’s already being done and people aren’t supporting those endeavors as much as terribly written/directed/produced shows usually by straight white men. People don’t want to step out of their comfort zone and take a chance on something different. And when roles written specifically for people of color are played/sung by white actors, people think it’s wrong to protest.

Rent was done at a time when casting was very different. But hey, at least they almost always cast nonwhite actors for Mimi, Benny, Joanne, Angel, and Collins, as well as several ensemble tracks. Phantom, Les Misérables, Chicago, and many other household titles have eventually come around to casting people of color in leading roles.

I honestly don’t think Hairspray with race reversed would be very good at all. White people being the minority would give the show a very tone deaf connotation in today’s alt-right-friendly society.

If we’re complaining about the ethnicities of people who have played the King of Siam because the actors come from different Asian countries, let’s please equally complain about Kelli O’Hara not being appropriate for Anna (did she grow up in Singapore or England?) or Francesca (that last name of hers does not sound Italian).

Yes, I do think more gay people should play gay people, but sexuality is not worn on the skin like skin color. People make split-second judgments based on race and the optics of an actor’s race in relation to the character they play...that is not the same as someone who is or isn’t LGBT.

As West Side Story is literally about two people of different race, I cannot support a white woman taking a romantic leading role away from a person of color. I don’t care how big a fan I am of Stephanie J. Block, for example, I would never want to see her sing Kim in a concert of songs from Miss Saigon. I’d never want to see John Lithgow or Mark Rylance narrate a concert of Pacific Overtures. And I wouldn’t want to see Amber Riley in a concert of Hairspray as Tracy because it doesn’t make sense for them to have put her Tracy on TV when the character literally fights for integration of black people on the air.

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
#204Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 2:18pm

Sierra has officially backed out of the concert.

"Last week, it was announced that I will be singing in a concert of West Side Story at Royal Albert Hall for the BBC Proms in London. Because it was a concert presentation and not the show proper - I had signed on to lend my voice to honor Leonard Bernstein in his centennial this year, with an orchestra I have loved singing with for years, following in the long list of sopranos who have all sung the score before me.

After much reflection, I've realized that if I were to do this concert, it would once again deny Latinas the opportunity to sing this score, as well as deny the IMPORTANCE of seeing themselves represented onstage. And that would be a huge mistake. Since the announcement of this concert, I have had many conversations about why this is a crucial time, now more than ever, to not perpetuate the miscasting of this show. I apologize for not coming to this realization sooner and as an artist, I must ask myself how I can best serve the world, and in this case my choice is clearer than ever: to step aside and allow an opportunity to correct a wrong that has been done for years with this show in particular. I have therefore withdrawn myself from this concert and I look forward to continuing to be a voice for change in our community and our world!"

Happy to see she has backed out. I wish her team would have advised her better from the get-go.


"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards
Updated On: 4/23/18 at 02:18 PM

#205Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 2:22pm

Bravo!! Thank you Sierra. Beautiful apology
