came from Brazil for this!
It's 2023, and we're about to watch the person who wrote the lyrics for West Side Story in the 1950s debut his latest work. Crazy. Retro. And with a new librettist, which historically has worked well to spark new life in Sondheim's work. Will the show be the next SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE or ROAD SHOW? Will a concept where people get stuck in a room and therefore 'can't sing' seem like an absurd cop-out because they could not get Sondheim to give another note from his quill/Blackwing pencil, or will it be hailed the latest genius innovation that will change the very face of Broadway for all of eternity and inspire Lin Manuel to write 3 Hamilton sequels? Soon, I promise. Sooooooooooon.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/25/22
Very excited for those of you seeing the show tonight. I hope it's a triumph and not a weird cobbled-together "huh?"
At least there was something new left behind to experience. Thank you SS.
Understudy Joined: 5/30/19
For those going tonight, please document if there's merch.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/25/22
And keep your eyes open for celebs!
Broadway Star Joined: 3/29/23
My expectations going into tonight is simple. Similar to the partygoers who heard Frank and Charley play "Good Thing Going," we are fabulously fortunate to be the first paying audience to hear the last songs written by Mr. Sondheim. And in the company of each other for this experience we will recount for years to come. Everything else is gravy.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/24/21
Can someone going tonight try to get a picture of the stage? I have front row tickets for next month and am concerned about the stage height.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/1/20
Regarding the $87 seats, I see the following after random searches November-January:
iMac: The $87 seats are not visible at all, there is no Row P on the seating chart.
iPhone: Same as iMac
iPad: Row P and the $87 seats are visible. However, the entire first week in January is not accessible at all, the January calendar doesn't even appear.
Hope this is helpful.
I only have December 17th available and not trying to break the bank either. Are there any promo codes that still work? Excited to hear the feedback after tonight!
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
Swifties have nothing on Sondheim fanatics. Don't @ me.
RippedMan said: "I only have December 17th available and not trying to break the bank either. Are there any promo codes that still work? Excited to hear the feedback after tonight!"
Like I said earlier, there are $87 seats on TodayTix for every day in December:
I’ll be there tonight! Grabbed a last minute ticket on The Shed’s website. I feel like the anticipation to see it would have killed me otherwise, and how many people have gotten to say they saw the first preview of a new Sondheim musical?
For those wanting to save money, keep an eye out for last minute cancellations showing up online. My ticket was pretty affordable, though I imagine that availability will vary.
Understudy Joined: 8/12/10
I’ll be there tonight and am dying with anticipation!! I’ll try and post a merch pic when I get there :)
Sondheim’s final original Broadway cast.
Swing Joined: 7/20/22
I'm curious about how the view from the side seats will be!!
I think this one is going to be very polarizing. The true Sondheim purists will stick behind it while the rest might be scratching their heads thinking "What the hell was the deal with the bear?" Can't wait for the early reports.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/29/16
I just have to say (even though it obvs isn't necessary) how unbelievably excited I am to read reports. Oh, to be at the first performance of Sondheim's final work... How am I supposed to sleep knowing that when I wake up reports will be in? It's like Christmas x10!
I saw Old Friends first preview in London last week, and though it was enjoyable, it didn't quite have the cathartic release I was after. While watching, I kept daydreaming of how nice it'll be for those who'll see THIS. New work is, of course, much more in the Sondheim spirit than a concert celebration.
Location tag in case anyone wants to see Instagram posts tagged at The Shed
A photo from the sitzprobe reveals that the show has an overture.
Leading Actor Joined: 10/3/22
If anyone gets any pics of the sets please post them
The outer seats in the side sections look like they'll be great: