Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
I don't think 'I Got Life' displays the audience interaction. They will most definitely do a song that displays the audience interaction, so unless they slightly re-staged 'I Got Life'...they probably wouldn't do it. BUT, they might be able to do 'I Got Life' and then switch to 'Let the Sunshine in' and have the cast all over that theatre.
Agree. They will probably want to display the audience interaction like they have with every other TV performance. Although, I wouldn't mind seeing 'Good Morning Starshine.'
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
The one I would REALLY like to see is 'Hare Krishna/Be-in', but that might scare people.
They should do a medley of a few songs together. Then they can end with 'Let the sunshine in' for the interaction with the audience, but they can also do a few parts of songs where there is no interaction. I agree with you guys, I LOVE the song 'Hair', but I also would like to see something else now.
Ps: I'm so happy for you, Jazz! My dad is also talking about a trip to New York with me, which makes me super excited! I just have to save up the money..
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
I love them being on TV! Can't wait to see them on the View!
I love the ideas of a re-staged "I Got Life" or a medley, but "Hair" is probably gonna be their selection, which is great too but IMO the tribe gave the best performance of "Hair" possible at the Tony's (I literally bought two tickets the next day with no previous want/desire to see a third Broadway show during my trip haha)so all following performances have been awesome but not quite as great as Tony night.
And while we're on this subject, I gotta give major love to the tribe for being so dedicated at getting the word out about the show and being so involved in the Broadway community and so many great causes. I made a list of everything the tribe/a portion of the tribe has done (feel free to add anything I missed)
Defying Inequality
Broadway Impact Rally
Conan in LA
Equality Rally in LA
GMA Concert
Restaurant Week
Stand Up For Freedom
Sirius Radio Peformance
On-Stage CD Signing
Taking the time/energy to make a unique commercial, as opposed to a collection of pro-shot footage
Tie-dieing shirts with kids (I'm not sure what it was exactly but I remember pics on of Allison and Kacie with kids)
Broadway Barks
The View
National Equality March
I've never seen a cast be involved in so much and they still give 1000% every single performance. They are PHENOMENAL and we're all so lucky to have this show on Broadway and I hope it lasts for a good LONG time.
[end novel] haha
they also just did something with the kids at Stagedoor Manor.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
From BroadwaySpotted on Twitter
Anyone interested in @hairtribe Jay is Claude Aug 11th, 13th+16th and Paris is Claude on the 14th.
ahh the day paris is on i have work :/
What about the 12th and 15th?
hopefully paris! 12th and 15th are both 2 show days so maybe they will be splitting them?
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
That sounds like a good possibility, yay_gerb. Maybe that's why they didn't list it. But that's all that's up so far. If I see anything else, I'll post it.
I would like to see Paris though.
Understudy Joined: 1/16/09
Bwayspotted got that info from Jay's Facebook, which had wrong information. (Just a typo on Jay's part. The original message Jay posted said he'd be on August 11th, then 13th through 16th, and Paris would be on the 14th. The typo was that he meant the 12th for Paris' date.)
Jay will be on for Claude the entire week of Gavin's vacation, except for that Wednesday, when Paris will go on for both shows.
Source for this is Paris Remillard, btw.
Updated On: 7/26/09 at 01:17 AM
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
Cool, thanks for the clarification!
Caissie Levy posted on her FB that she would be out today but back in the show Tuesday for anyone going today.
Does that mean Jackie! Shelia? Oh man. I wish i could SEE this
Chorus Member Joined: 6/17/09
Got my tix for this coming Saturday Orch right row B on isle! YAY!!
If anyone is going, I'll see you there!
Swing Joined: 7/26/09
I decided to stop lurking and just sign up and join in the fun. I am just in love with the cast recording as everyone else. Unfortunately I havent seen it yet as I live across the big ocean (I live in the same country as lisaatje) but in september Im going to New York for a week and finally see the show. Im so excited to see it, that I cannot stop talking about it to my friend who is going with me.
Does anyone know how the view from the rear mezz is of the theater? My friend doesnt want to pay full price, so im seeing what my options are for buying tickets.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
Okay, I must have HAIR on the brain, because when I saw this in Boston, the first thing I though was, OMG it would be perfect for HAIR to play here!!
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
I think it was on Stuart St., near some of the other theaters. It's really small though. Near the Wang Theater, I think!
I've never noticed it either!