Does that mean Jackie! Shelia? Oh man. I wish i could SEE this
Yes. According to Anthony Hollock's twitter....
"Jackie Burns as Sheila Franklin. Fun way to switch up the last show of the week!"
Did anyone see it?
Oh, I wish!!! I love Caissie...but would love to see this.
If only I had won the lotto! I would have loved to see that!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
I love Caissie as well and I hate saying this, but I am looking forward to her vacation so I can see Jackie. She is at the top of my list for u/s that I want to see.
top of my list too sgv. does she have a planned vacation?
I thought Jackie was phenomenal as Shelia! This was my first time seeing the show so I've never seen Caissie, but I enjoyed Jackie very much. She has a gorgeous voice - her "Easy to Be Hard" was wonderful and definitely a highlight for me. She showed a lot of emotion too. I loved her.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/17/07
I think I heard Caissie's going on vacation sometime in October, but I don't know the dates.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
I think this was posted before, but it doesn't hurt to watch again :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
It almost looks like she's flirting with the GC at the end!
Love that video, and yes she is totally flirting. But....Can you blame her?.......I can't.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
Haha, how can you blame her? He's so eff-ing adorable.
Is it odd that I like the cast so much as a whole that I want to see more understudies in this? I'd love to see Paris Remillard as Claude (but am on vacation when he goes on). And I'm so bummed that I missed Saycon as Dionne and Jackie Burns as Sheila. I love everyone in their regular roles, but there's so much talent onstage that seeing different people's takes must be exciting.
This cast seems particularly good about sending updates to BroadwayUnderstudies, but does anyone know a reliable place to find out when certain people are on vacation and who will be covering?
Stand-by Joined: 4/28/09
i hope all of you saw the sundance channel doc just shown about Hair. it is everything i have been trying to articulate on these threads, from my past experience with the show and those times. it is required viewing for all of you that love and appreciate this show. very well done.
Stand-by Joined: 4/28/09
i hope all of you saw the sundance channel doc just shown about Hair. it is everything i have been trying to articulate on these threads, from my past experience with the show and those times. it is required viewing for all of you that love and appreciate this show. very well done.
Updated On: 7/27/09 at 10:06 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
I did watch the documentary and I liked it more the 2nd time around..great clips of the OBC.
Sauja- I feel exactly the same--I love the cast as a whole, but I am dying to see some u/s. You can always check twitter for last minute cast changes.
Updated On: 7/27/09 at 10:10 PM
It's playing again on 10:45 and then again in the early evening. I love the DVR.
Featured Actor Joined: 10/23/07
Saycon is doing a show at Joe's Pub in August and it says on the website that she is preparing for a role in Fela! Has anyone heard this?
Saycon at Joe's Pub
Updated On: 7/28/09 at 12:37 PM
Good for her! Fela! is beautiful, but I don't really remember a leading female role.
For any of you who have seen understudies in a lead role (Jay, Steel, Jackie, Paris etc.), do they wear the same costumes as the leads or just their normal tribe clothing? I ask because on Conan, Saycon was on as Dionne and was neither in her normal clothes nor a copy of Sasha's costume. She had a completly unique Dionne wig/costume. For instance, does Jackie Burns get a Sheila wig and costumes or does she wear a replica of Caissie's outfit?
Broadway Star Joined: 1/17/07
They seem to have similar, if not exactly the same costumes as the leads- the only thing different that I noticed was that Jackie's be-in dress was red, Michael James Scott has a shirt underneath Hud's vest, Saycon's bra is different material, etc, but it's always the same style, if that make sense. As far as I can remember, Briana, Paris and Steel's costumes were the same as Allison, Will and Gavin's. I may have missed something, though, because I didn't even remember Saycon's costume was different...
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
Hi Starshines! Just curious...has Andrew Kober ever missed a show?
So I NEVER post on broadwayworld, I just like to read :).. but I was tempted after buying the Hair cast recording, so I came here to share my love!
WOW, I can't put my ipod down now, this recording has me even more hooked that N2N did. It's just sad that unfortunately, I probably will never have the chance to see the show until next summer & by then Gavin won't be there. You guys are so lucky in getting to see the show!
So yeah.. Go HAIR!
have hope feeling electric. no one is sure when he is leaving. and welcome to the club :]
i'm not sure if Kober has ever been out. i thought i read a post on here of someone that said that someone else went on for Margaret Mead/Dad but i could be making this up. Josh and Matt are his understudies for Dad but Josh and Michael James Scott are his understudies for Margaret Mead...i'd love to see MJS go on!
After last night I'd love to see Michael James Scott do anything!
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
Posted this in the Gavin Love thread, but it's also HAIR related: