I believe most of the cast had to be taught how to play the instruments. I'm not sure...
All of them already knew how to play their instruments, and had done so on a somewhat professional level (Though Donna had to learn the accordian). Patti played tuba in high school.
Updated On: 11/3/05 at 10:17 PM
Sweeney is one of Brantley's "critics pick".
Wow. Haven't seen a rave like this from him since Hairspray.
Remember that article about Donna Lynn Chamblin on broadway.com abotu her struggling to learn to play the accordian? Great article, and go Donna for learning to play it and well!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/15/05
Oh okay, cause i play saxaphone, so i guess i would never get cast in this show hahaha.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/1/04
can someone post the ny times review. the link doesnt work for me. thanks!!!!
Woah! LOL. Triple post
Why are there like no reviews coming up anywhere??
haha...sry...it was taking a long time so i clicked "post message" three times i guess. I'm so happy with the reviews!
I saw Sweeney Todd last Friday night and thought that the entire show was magnificent. The entire cast is so talented and hard working. Michael Cerveris is tailor-made for the title role and Patti Lupone's facial expressions, deadpan delivery and timing are all priceless. The entire ensemble is onstage for the entire production - either singing or playing an instrument - and they really draw the audience into the show. The conceptualization for this revival is brilliant.
I also caught two other new shows last weekend - "The Odd Couple" and "The Woman in White". "Sweeney Todd" is the biggest gem of the three.
I'm so thrilled by these reviews! I truly hoped that they would come in this positive. Way to go, Sweeney!
A rave from Michael Kuchwara, the AP reviewer:
This is a singular "Sweeney," a delightfully idiosyncratic interpretation that, thankfully, is more a rethinking than a reproduction. Directed and designed by John Doyle, this compact adaptation of the show is done with only 10 actors (the original had more than two dozen) who also double as the show's musicians. It challenges memories of that 1979 production by inviting theatergoers to re-examine the show's book and score on entirely different terms.
And another level of enjoyment exists, too, watching the actors negotiate various instruments — with surprising success.
Doyle's intimate, disturbing take on "Sweeney Todd" may condense Wheeler's book and slenderize the richness of Sondheim's melodies, but it doesn't diminish the musical's power. This deconstructed "Sweeney Todd" still retains its ability to shock and to soar.
Priest - you HAVE to get to NY to see this!
Jungle, I agree, the show is a gem.
I'm THRILLED for the great reviews.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Stand-by Joined: 10/30/05
I think so as well, PJ.
I think it has Best revival in the bag.
My biggest hope for this show is that it lasts.
Ms.Brantley's review was superb, and broadway.com's review was positive as well, I'm soooo excited. I'm sure Felciano will get a Tony nod, maybe the award. LuPone and Ceveris are very likely to take the Tony. This is the new Chicago as Brantley says in his review! I'm sooooo excited!
haha these reviews are great. I can't wait to see it Saturday.
I'm not usually emotionally involved in whether the reviews are good for a show, but I agree with you guys--I'm really thrilled that the reviews are so positive. There is something about this production that really grabbed me--I've seen it twice already, and I have tix for two more nights, which is almost unheard of for me.
I'm really pondering Brantley's comment(I've lost track; I think it was Brantley) who theorized that this production connects with people's anger about the state of the world. I was not conscious of that connection at all, but I'm going to think about it a bit. God knows, I'm angry about the state of the world....
I know this is WAY early, but here are my Tony predictions for the show: Wins for Lupone, Revival, Director, and Orchestrations, with nominations for Cerveris (maybe a win for him too, but he did win one very recently so that will probably count against him), Manuel Felciano, and lighting.
What do you all think?
Updated On: 11/4/05 at 12:01 AM
Oh I am SOOOO Happy for this show. If there is one brand new show on the boards so far this season that deserves the praise it is certainly this revival of SWEENY TODD! Bravo!
I think they need to come up with a new category to celebrate the ensemble of singers, actors, musicians...
Wow, great reviews! Except Murray's. But generally, when he hates something, I love it. I can't wait to go see this!
I'm looking forward to November 18th when I get to see this production.