Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
GeorgeandDot wrote: "I'm just challenging all of you,"
People don't need to be challenged, either by you or anyone else. They're perfectly capable of making up their own minds.
People here have expressed not liking it --- in my opinion, for good reason. That is the show's fault, not theirs.
Plainly put, it's lousy.
After Eight said: "GeorgeandDot wrote: "I'm just challenging all of you,"
People don't need to be challenged, either by you or anyone else. They're perfectly capable of making up their own minds.
People here have expressed not liking it ---in my opinion, for good reason. That is the show's fault, not theirs.
Plainly put,it's lousy."
Grumpy old troll is trolling again.
He doesn't seem to understand that no one here gives a **** what he thinks about anything.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/24/14
This show has me torn. I keep flip flopping on whether to buy tickets for my epic 7 show visit in April. With only three slots left to fill I keep going back and forth on pulling the trigger. I agree with those above who say it’s a weak year for new work. Although this isn’t in my wheelhouse I think I would prefer to see it win over a commercial behemoth like Frozen. The reviews make me want to see it but reviews but regular folk makes me not want to see it.
BwayinVan said: "This show has me torn. I keep flip flopping on whether to buy tickets for my epic 7 show visit in April. With only three slots left to fill I keep going back and forth on pulling the trigger. I agree with those above who say it’s a weak year for new work. Although this isn’t in my wheelhouse I think I would prefer to see it win over a commercial behemoth like Frozen. The reviews make me want to see it but reviews but regular folk makes me not want to see it."
Important to note that there are plenty of reviews by regular folks here and on the other board who absolutely love the show. But it's also clear that the show doesn't appeal to everyone I haven't seen it yet but have tickets for Dec 12 I'd ask yourself this: If it goes on to get as many Tony nominations as predicted, and wins the Tony for Best Musical, will I regret not having seen it?
After Eight, if we don't challenge each other, we don't grow. I don't know your age, but I'm getting up in years these days and I still leave room for PLENTY of growth. Art should challenge it's audiences and ask it to think. A show as simple and flashy as Hello, Dolly! still does. Maybe not to the extent of The Band's Visit, but it still does. Also, I love the show because I understood what it meant, so I don't know why you act as though you speak for the entire population of planet Earth and the universe when you call it lousy. I certainly didn't think it was lousy. It's quiet, simple, and yet somehow deeply profound in it's silence and it may just be the most human musical that I have ever seen.
GeorgeandDot said: "After Eight, if we don't challenge each other, we don't grow. I don't know your age, but I'm getting up in years these days and I still leave room for PLENTY of growth. Art should challenge it's audiences and ask it to think. A show as simple and flashy as Hello, Dolly! still does. Maybe not to the extent of The Band's Visit, but it still does. Also, I love the show because I understood what it meant, so I don't know why you act as though you speak for the entire population of planet Earth and the universe when you call it lousy. I certainly didn't think it was lousy. It's quiet, simple, and yet somehow deeply profound in it's silence and it may just be the most human musical that I have ever seen."
I give you credit for trying to reason with a troll, though you're wasting your time. After Eight hasn't grown intellectually since he reached puberty.
I am also up there in age. When I was younger, I couldn't stand Sondheim's music. It often hurt my ears, and I clearly didn't pay enough attention to the lyrics. But not that many years ago, I had occasion to do a deep dive into one of his shows, studied the music, and came away with a completely new perspective about his genius.
To grow, you have to want to grow, and you can't fear the outcome. After Eight clearly possesses neither of those characteristics.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/06
BwayinVan said: "This show has me torn. I keep flip flopping on whether to buy tickets for my epic 7 show visit in April. With only three slots left to fill I keep going back and forth on pulling the trigger. I agree with those above who say it’s a weak year for new work. Although this isn’t in my wheelhouse I think I would prefer to see it win over a commercial behemoth like Frozen. The reviews make me want to see it but reviews but regular folk makes me not want to see it. "
Although I am one of the people who did not connect with it as strongly as others, I would definitely not dissuade anyone from seeing this show. The talent on stage is undeniable. I’ll freely admit circumstances of the day, or other distractions, may have led me not to fully become invested. But I usually can appreciate a small musical with a lot of heart. So don’t let this go by, because I don’t think we’ll see a lot of that this season.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
I have been reading After Eight's posts for nine years on here. Some I agree with...some I don't. But like everyone else on here, he has the right to his opinions, without the need for name calling and attacks. I don't see how you can say he is speaking "for the entire population of planet Earth and the universe" by calling the show "lousy". It is his personal opinion. It is no different when you call the show "profound". You are certainly not speaking "for the entire population of planet Earth and the universe". It is your own opinion. I saw the show....and it was okay. Not lousy, not profound, just okay. My opinion. BTW, I understood 100% what the show meant. It was still...just okay.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
ArtMan, first of all, I never did any sort of name calling here, although based upon After Eight's previous posts, they do actually seem to be a troll of some sort. I can't tell if their opinions are real and they use them get a reaction or if they're just someone messing with everyone by sharing super negative opinions. Either way there's a ridiculous amount of negativity coming from them. Also, yes, After Eight does seem to present his opinion of the show being "lousy" as fact, while I didn't present my opinion of it being "profound" as being fact.
Forgive me for bypassing some of this back and forth. I've just been so happy that this show has gotten such a great reception from the critics. I loved it at the Atlantic... and assumed it couldn't possibly make the leap to Broadway. Not that it has, with great ticket sales during previews, AND great reviews, it stands for me as a little encouraging ray of theatrical optimism. I'm particularly happy for David Yazbek, Itamar Moses, David Cromer, and Katrina Lenk and that terrific company. Some warmth and brightness, free of cheap sentiment or bombast, to carry us through the winter!
Updated On: 11/11/17 at 02:39 PMBroadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
GeorgeandDot said: "ArtMan, first of all, I never did any sort of name calling here, although based upon After Eight's previous posts, they do actually seem to be a troll of some sort. I can't tell if their opinions are real and they use them get a reaction or if they're just someone messing with everyone by sharing super negative opinions. Either way there's a ridiculous amount of negativity coming from them. Also, yes, After Eight does seem to present his opinion of the show being "lousy" as fact, while I didn't present my opinion of it being "profound" as being fact."
Uhm, not that I plan on arguing. I am really trying to get through the awful War of the Planet of the Apes movie. But you called After Eight a troll and a fake account on November 8,2017 in the thread "The Band's Visit previews". Just saying!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
I think I got all the subtexts of The Band's Visit. The loneliness, the regret, the life choices, and the crossing of cultural and linguistic divides through music. I mean it's not THAT subtle: "Answer Me" is one big long cry of loneliness, and music soothes the crying baby to sleep and the quarreling couple to a reconciliation. Music connects Dina and Tewfiq. I just didn't think the musical came together all that well. I felt like there were snippets here and there of a great musical but not tied together.
And one thing about the musical bothered me:
I didn't like how after Tewfiq poured his heart out to Dina about his wife and son Dina quickly has a random hookup with someone else in the band. It seemed to cheapen their whole connection.
ArtMan, yes because I've tried to speak with them before and come to realize that they're a hopelessly negative troll. It doesn't matter how long he's been posting here, he's a troll. Also, I'm not convinced that it isn't a troll account. Also, yes ArtMan you do have plans to argue since you intentionally began an argument.
Just saying!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
Finished that awful I can respond. You stated "I never did any name calling here". But you clearly did. I just happened to call you out on your forgetfulness. You haven't been a member for even a year, but you really come across as a condescending know it all. You may be a lovely person in real life. However, if you are the same in the real world, as you are on here, if I met you, I'd run the hell away from you as quickly as I could. Life is too short.
ArtMan, I have been lurking on these boards for years and I've worked in the industry for many years. I'm well into retirement these days. I'm allowed to act like a know it all because I probably know a whole lot more than many of the people on here. I don't mean to sound disrespectful to anyone on here, but I have a lot more hands on experience, than many of the posters here. Also, I thought we were having a very civil discussion here until you popped in and decided to stir the pot and be confrontational. I can tell you must be quite young.
Also, last time I checked "troll" is not a dirty word to call anyone, but rather refers to one that constantly posts negative thoughts in order to get a reaction. I'm sure that many would agree with me here when I say that, that it a pretty good description of After Eight.
Seriously, check that attitude ArtMan.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
GeorgeandDot wrote: "I'm allowed to act like a know it all because I probably know a whole lot more than many of the people on here."
That seems like a big supposition to me. You probably know a whole lot more than many of the people here about what, exactly? About the workings of the industry? That would be expected. But are you better qualified to judge a work of art? That seems debatable to me. Working in the industry doesn't seem to me a guarantee of either taste or critical acumen. Nor does age guarantee these things either. I've seen high-school members of this board give more insightful assessments of shows than many a seasoned veteran. But if you feel "allowed to act as a know it all, " and wish to do so, then that's your prerogative.
"I don't mean to sound disrespectful to anyone on here, but I have a lot more hands on experience, than many of the posters here."
Are you also more educated, cultured, intelligent, insightful than many of the posters here? It's not for me to say, but how would you know?
Finally saw this, and dear God, what an exquisitely beautiful show. Never have I seen anything on Broadway that the words "intoxicating" and "entrancing" encapsulate so well.
Brantley's following words hit the nail on the head: "“The Band’s Visit” flows with the grave and joyful insistence of life itself. All it asks is that you be quiet enough to hear the music in the murmurs, whispers and silences of human existence at its most mundane — and transcendent."
To be sure, not much happens. But it's in the show's uneventfulness that I found so much extraordinary nuance and beauty. And humanness. It's maybe one of the most real pieces of theatre I've ever seen.
The score is utterly magnificent and is the star of the show, tied with Katrina freaking Lenk, who delivers a seductive performance worthy of a Tony. I'll be rooting for her in June.
You can't go into this expecting a big, ol' Broadway musical. But if you can just let the production do its thing, it's a slow burn, but it just washes over you. I was overwhelmed by the end (and ugh, that GORGEOUS ending!!!).
I adored this show.
After Eight, I don't know about the personal lives or intelligence of the other posters here, but should I have to squander my opinion and my experience in order to not seem like a "know it all" to ArtMan? If I come off as a "know it all," sorry, but I won't hide what I know and believe in order to make anyone more comfortable. Also, while my career doesn't directly connect to my "taste" of theatre, it does mean that I'm a veteran theatregoer with decades of experience from both a backstage viewpoint and an audience member's viewpoint. That must mean something.
Also, BC, I agree. These were basically my thoughts on the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/18/07
It's important to remember After Eight lives in a Neil Simon past. After Eight had a tinge or two below the waist after seeing Mary Mary. Like Laura Wingfield, After Eight sits home playing recordings from the past.
Most of After Eight's postings are nothing more than peeing in the wind!
Saw this at matinee yesterday. It was recommended on another thread here that I move my seat from original front Mezzanine seat to Orchestra. For $20 Telecharge moved me to Row BB Center Orchestra. Money well spent! Cannot say what my reaction would have been from Front Mezzanine, but I was enchanted by this beautiful production. I was bawling like a baby at the end. I have heard comparisons to Once which I get due to the actors playing instruments on stage. But I felt like comparisons stopped there. It actually put me in mind of In The Heights. Possibly due to both musicals focusing on the lives of marginalized communities. Make no mistake, I love all three of those shows, and they are each distinctively great.
Updated On: 11/12/17 at 08:38 AMStand-by Joined: 1/8/10
poisonivy2 said: "I think I got all the subtexts of The Band's Visit. The loneliness, the regret, the life choices, and the crossing of cultural and linguistic divides through music. I mean it's not THAT subtle: "Answer Me" is one big long cry of loneliness, and music soothes the crying baby to sleep and the quarreling couple to a reconciliation. Music connects Dina and Tewfiq. I just didn't think the musical came together all that well. I felt like there were snippets here and there of a great musical but not tied together.
And one thing about the musical bothered me:
Poisonivy2, I agree with you entirely. One can be both perfectly comfortable with critical thinking and analysis and think that this musical, whilst charming, did not fully realise its potential.
"Brantley's rave is simply gorgeous writing. One of my favorite reviews of his, and I haven't even seen the show yet (going next week)."
Don't remember him loving a show this much since "Matilda".