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The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight

The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight

adamgreer Profile Photo
#1The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:12am

Based on tweets and facebook posts, it seems like Michelle Obama saw Porgy and Bess, while Sasha and Malia took in Sister Act.

Incidentally, I was at Sister Act this evening and had no idea they were there. This marks the second time I've been at the same performance as the Obama girls (the other time was The Addams Family) and had not a clue they were there.

Updated On: 7/15/12 at 12:12 AM

#2The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:21am

It's nice to hear they attend and support the theatre.

bdn223 Profile Photo
#2The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:27am

Does anyone else find it weird that the first family has only attended Broadway shows with Black leads with the exception of the Addams Family?

Updated On: 7/15/12 at 12:27 AM

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
givesmevoice Profile Photo
#4The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:31am

What does acception mean?

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad

broadwaydevil Profile Photo
#5The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:31am

Yes, what a strange acception!

Scratch and claw for every day you're worth! Make them drag you screaming from life, keep dreaming You'll live forever here on earth.

jv92 Profile Photo
#6The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:33am

They DID see ADDAMS FAMILY. I am a big Obama supporter and think he's terrific, but I find it mildly pretentious that they've gone to mostly "black shows."

adamgreer Profile Photo
#7The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:34am

Does anyone else find it weird that the first family has only attended Broadway shows with Black leads with the acception of the Addams Family?

Oh boy.

And I was just about to head to bed! This might be worth staying up for. Either way, this definitely calls for...

The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight

broadwaydevil Profile Photo
#8The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:35am

Bdn - so since you like Newsies so much and I presume you're white just based on your post, are you a "white show" fan?

Or are there acceptions?

Scratch and claw for every day you're worth! Make them drag you screaming from life, keep dreaming You'll live forever here on earth.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#9The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:36am

Color-blind show selection?

jv92 Profile Photo
#10The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:37am

BTW, when did shows stop doing special performances at the White House? Didn't 1776 and ANNIE perform for the Nixon and Carter families respectively?

#11The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:38am

I was at PORGY & BESS tonight. Extra-long blackouts and the dozens of security guards had my friend and I joking that the Obamas were there. After the performance, we stage doored and sure enough, out came Michelle alone.

I almost felt sorry for her. From the door to her car in 3 seconds, and never once looked up from the ground.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

broadwaydevil Profile Photo
#12The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:38am

^I actually love the idea of the Obamas (or any first family for that matter) to just randomly show up at theatres, assuming everything is safe of course. To me, that's the ultimate way of supporting theatre and also makes them seem so much more real/accessible.

Scratch and claw for every day you're worth! Make them drag you screaming from life, keep dreaming You'll live forever here on earth.

CapnHook Profile Photo
#13The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:40am

The First Family has not seen A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE yet! They're not accepting ALL the black shows! Shame on them for axcluding it.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

bdn223 Profile Photo
#14The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:42am

Well no I would say maybe a date night at Once, or exposing the kids to the classic songs in Nice Work...taking the kids to Newsies would be nice, but not what I am going for.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#15The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:42am

I almost felt sorry for her. From the door to her car in 3 seconds, and never once looked up from the ground.

How rude of her! Where does she come off treating her fans so poorly? How dare she not stop to sign and pose for pictures with everyone! What a diva.

(this is meant to be sarcastic, for those who didn't get it).

#16The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:47am

That's not what I meant, Adam. But I think you knew that. :) Most of us didn't even know she was there until she walked out the door to her car. And I doubt anyone expected her to stop... But seeing a person have to run from door to door like that for her own safety is almost sad.

Funny story: before the show was grabbing dinner at Kodamu Sushi when Audra and her adorable daughter sat next to us! And there we were, about to see Porgy & Bess!

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman
Updated On: 7/15/12 at 12:47 AM

CapnHook Profile Photo
#17The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:48am

There have been a few shows that did command performances at the White House. HELLO, DOLLY also comes to mind.

It's more difficult to do today.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

adamgreer Profile Photo
#18The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:50am

That's not what I meant, Adam. But I think you knew that. :)

Indeed I did.

There have been a few shows that did command performances at the White House. HELLO, DOLLY also comes to mind.

It's more difficult to do today.

So is Hello Dolly an acception?

#19The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:53am

What is "pretentious" about it, jv?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

alliez92092 Profile Photo
#20The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:57am

I was at Porgy and Bess tonight too and security was crazy! People were walking in and out of the theater and there were people with headsets all over the place. I didn't know who was there, but this makes sense now.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#21The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 1:03am

To me, that's the ultimate way of supporting theatre and also makes them seem so much more real/accessible.

I agree. It shows the theatre as a natural entertainment choice instead of a highly publicized night out that will show the first family's common-man interests while allowing for a bid war between producers.

Audra tweeted, "Catfish row is floating on air after meeting Michelle Obama at our show tonite. She is grace incarnate & hugged every member of the cast!" It's acceptional.
Updated On: 7/15/12 at 01:03 AM

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#22The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 1:19am

I remember reading that when Mitt Romney was in NYC his family saw Wonderland... At least the Obamas see some decent stuff The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

Wynbish Profile Photo
#23The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 1:23am

Wonderland shows bad judgement. Do we want bad judgement in the White House?

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#24The First Family (minus the President) was at the theater tonight
Posted: 7/15/12 at 1:27am

Well Wonderland was complete nonsense, made no sense, and wanted to be taken seriously, but it was a joke. I am sure Romney was able to relate to that show on a deeply personal level.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "
