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The Greatest Showman Broadway

#1The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 10:46am

So it seems like they are really planning to bring this to broadway. Any thoughts on who you’d like to see in it. I’m assuming that they are going to try and keep Hugh Jackman on as long on as they can. And he seems to be interested

I’d actually like to see matt Doyle or Jonathan groff in the zac Efron role. Maybe Kara Lindsey or Ciara in the zendeya role
And then maybe Audra and Kelly in the singer and wife

#2The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 10:51am

I like to see Jeremy Jordan as Phillip

#3The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 10:58am

I would love to see Zac Efron and Zendaya in a limited run. Though I'd also be open to Jeremy Jordan as Phillip. 

I bet Keala Settle would also do at least a limited run.

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#4The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 11:00am

I'd like to not see this at all on Broadway. The movie washes out so much of Barnum's terrible history to make him seem like some kind of hero. Also, I don't really think it's that consistent a score, to me it felt like they were trying to make every song a feel-good anthem.

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

WldKingdomHM Profile Photo
#5The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 11:18am

I know she kind of looks like her, but ever since I saw the movie all I pictured was Willemijn Verkaik as Jenny the singer

#6The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 11:33am

If I'm not mistaken, when they were workshopping the movie to get it greenlit, Jeremy played Zac’s role.

Updated On: 12/17/18 at 11:33 AM

#7The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 11:45am

I'd love for people to realize that not every single hit movie needs to be adapted for the stage. It could ruin the magic of the movie. ENOUGH.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#8The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 12:04pm

Every single hit movie is not being adapted for the stage, so there is nothing for people to realize.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#9The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 12:29pm

I know Alison Luff played Charity in a lab would love if she reprised the role on stage.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#10The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 12:55pm

I thought the movie was just okay. Some of the songs have certainly grown on me especially the interpretations by other artists, especially the version of This is Me by Leela James (for some reason I found her live(?) version during the Victoria’s Secret special more stirring - and yes, I know there are a multitude of reasons I shouldn’t watch that show - all of which I agree with - but it is a guilty pleasure). And this would likely make serious bank on Broadway, but it is concerning how much of Barnum’s problematic behavior is removed from the story. Would their best bet be to rename the character while maintaining the storyline? I mean it barely registered for me that it was supposed to be about Barnum. I doubt most people went to the movie or would go to the Broadway show because it’s about Barnum. They go for music, the spectacle, and the star performances (assuming the Broadway show happens and opens with household names).

FlyHigh523 Profile Photo
#11The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 1:18pm

Alison Luff as Jenny Lind. Ashley De La Rosa or Loren Lott as Zendya’s role. I need this movie to be on broadway.

#12The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 1:19pm

beatofthedrum27 said: "If I'm not mistaken, when they were workshopping the movie to get it greenlit, Jeremy played Zac’srole."

He was there but he was actually playing Barnum because Hugh Jackman had just had nasal surgery and wasn't allowed to sing. However, Jeremy started the final song and Hugh ended up taking over anyhow. There is a video on Youtube of it.

Re: the Barnum background story. Once I started reading up on him, I just considered the movie to be historical fiction which often happens when a true story is translated to stage or screen.

#13The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 1:57pm

Byron Jennings as Phillip’s father. :P

#14The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 2:24pm

Mister Matt said: "Every single hit movie is not being adapted for the stage, so there is nothing for people to realize."

Every time there’s a movie people like, people sometimes start to say, oh, who would you cast in a stage adaptation of this?? Yes, that does happen with a lot of movies. Not all, but a lot. 

#15The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 3:23pm

I've tried to watch this film 5 or 6 times and always turn it off *shudders

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#16The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 3:29pm

Every time there’s a movie people like, people sometimes start to say, oh, who would you cast in a stage adaptation of this?? Yes, that does happen with a lot of movies. Not all, but a lot.

Every time...people sometimes start to say = a lot?  It happens sometimes every time?  Is it always occasionally almost exactly like clockwork every now and then?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#17The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 5:06pm

I know the movie was a sizable hit, but it was also pretty mediocre.  Living in Sarasota, FL, it costume $8 to see it first run.  It is one thing to see a movie for $8 - $15;  it is another thing to pay around $200 for a ticket to see it live.  I cannot believe that there are that many people out there who will be willing do so, without Hugh Jackman.  

Let's say that HJ does agree to do it; it opens, gets lousy reviews, but sells well because of HJ.  What happens when he leaves?  The same thing that happened when he left Boy From Oz.  IT closed rather than trying to replace him.  Boy was very mediocre show, but it became an event only because of HJ.

Now, assuming that he does NOT want to commit to doing it on Broadway (why would he??).  What other big star is there to fills shoes?

#18The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 5:10pm

Impossible2 said: "I've tried to watch this film 5 or 6 times and always turn it off *shudders"


Most people would figure out the movie wasn't their cup of tea by the second or third attempt.  Just sayin'.

Elfuhbuh Profile Photo
#19The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 5:32pm

This movie is my ultimate guilty pleasure, but I'm just not sure it's got enough depth to it to make a good stage musical. I can't see it doing well if they can't get Hugh Jackman to reprise his role, because I'm pretty sure he's one of the main reasons people flocked to see this film in the first place.

"Was uns befreit, das muss stärker sein als wir es sind." -Tanz der Vampire

#20The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 5:51pm

Actually I’m wondering if they went with someone like Ramin and then had someone like Shawn Mendez in the zac Efron role if that would work for sales

#21The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 5:55pm

Theatrefanboy1 said: "So it seems like they are really planning to bring this to broadway. Any thoughts on who you’d like to see in it. I’m assuming that they are going to try and keep Hugh Jackman on as long on as they can. And he seems to be interested

I’d actually like to see matt Doyle or Jonathan groff in the zac Efron role. Maybe Kara Lindsey or Ciara in the zendeya role
And then maybe Audra and Kelly in the singer and wife


What makes you think this? Fox owns, and Disney will own in about five minutes. Are you confusing the before the movie was made labs, with something current?



A lover of theater for decades. Teacher by day. Family man by night. See more theater than most, oftentimes a hesitant plus one.

#22The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 5:58pm

JSquared2 said: "Impossible2 said: "I've tried to watch this film 5 or 6 times and always turn it off *shudders"

Most people would figure out the movie wasn't their cup of tea by the second or third attempt. Just sayin'.

I'm not a quitter, it's become a personal quest x

Elfuhbuh Profile Photo
#23The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 6:24pm

NYCblurb, the director of The Greatest Showman said today that the movie will definitely come to the stage.

"Was uns befreit, das muss stärker sein als wir es sind." -Tanz der Vampire
Updated On: 12/17/18 at 06:24 PM

#24The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 6:45pm

theaterlyfe19 said: "I'd love for people to realize that not every single hit movie needs to be adapted for the stage. It could ruin the magic of the movie. ENOUGH."

So just out of curiosity, which do you think is more of a waste of time, starting too many dreamcasting threads on movies that may or may not ever be adapted into Broadway shows or starting the 167th "Hey everybody, what shows are you most looking forward to this season" thread? Asking for a friend.

#25The Greatest Showman Broadway
Posted: 12/17/18 at 9:17pm

After seeing his cover of From Now On, I think Ramin Karimloo would be fantastic in the lead role.  Also, I'm not sure how the movie was received by this community as it came out before I started regularly participating in these message boards, but I feel like it should generate decent traffic on name alone, along with the fact that it's Pasek and Paul and a lot of the music seems to have gone almost mainstream.  Limited run appearances by just about any of the cast couldn't hurt, but I don't think Hugh Jackman would be required to make it succeed.  Though I'd like to see some major rewrites before it comes to Broadway, if it in fact does--the book did have a tendency of glossing over things and generating drama for the sake of drama, and the placement of songs didn't seem to quite click in at appropriate moments.  I would definitely be excited to see it on stage though, especially just to see how they would stage certain numbers.
