I know they will probably cast a "name" but I would love to see Laura Osnes as Marian. She has said it is her dream role and she does have a previous relationship with NBC.
Nancy Reagan, meanest and thinnest of the first ladies moves into the white house. Yabba dabba! It's the eighties.
It's a shame that Conan O'Brien and NBC are on bad terms, because he's always wanted to play Harold Hill (even based a classic "Simpsons" script on it and did "Trouble" on the Emmys) and I think he would be inspired. Similarly, Stephen Colbert would be great but they're probably not going to go after CBS' new guy.
If they're going to go with a comedy name. Steve Carrell?
Matthew Broderick was just completely wrong-headed and cast against type. Conan's schtick often IS an anachronistic, fast-talking swindler. I mean, it's moot; I just know that it's always been an ambition of his (he claims he was offered the revival on the commentary to the Simpsons "Monorail" ep loosely based on Music Man and that it was the hardest no he have had to give) and he almost certainly would have been under consideration by the network five years ago.
Jessie Mueller has the soprano for the role, easily. Marian's highest note is an Ab5, if I remember correctly, and Jessie can get herself up to a Eb6. She just hasn't played many demanding soprano parts here in New York. I'd love to see her and Seth MacFarlane together. They've got my vote, they'd be fantastic.