Yay for Katie! Wonderful for Angela! It's like they both won.
Team Finneran!
I'm loving her speech!
Leading Actor Joined: 3/26/10
In regards to the Fela performance here's what I'm guessing happened.
At the beginning of the number they were lip-synching. Then when they got to the girl's solo, it went live to her mic. But the problem was they thought she was done, and cut off her mic about 10 seconds to early. And instead we got to hear La Cage backup dancers warming up instead of the girl singing.
What a beautiful speech!
Stand-by Joined: 1/16/08
That was a great speech.
Updated On: 6/13/10 at 09:07 PM
Wow... two English directors. Can u believe that? And so far so good with the winner. Well, Jan still got leading role. So, that maybe the reason!
I like this Jets Hunk.
I didn't think a speech could top Marian Seldes' BUT KATIE FINNERAN'S DID!!
Did anyone else see them put up the wrong name for Katie? Nobody else believes me
OK, I draw the line at Mark Sanchez. Srsly? Nobody better to represent Memphis?
OK, some sound issues with Chad's mic.
yep, i saw it. I guess their money was on Karine.
Glad that Katie Finneran won.
David Hyde Pierce-I think it was the short hair with the beard that made him look kind of weird.
Did anybody else catch that they put Karine Plantadit's name on the bottom of the screen when Katie was giving her speech?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/07
That MEMPHIS song outbreak was kinda corny.
Swing Joined: 8/24/06
They definitely put the wrong name up at first.
"OK, some sound issues with Chad's mic." I was okay with that
Um...where's Team Lansbury to tell us all how disgusted they are?
Understudy Joined: 6/21/06
A bland intro to an equally bland show...thanks Mark Sanchez.
Team Johansson AND Team Finneran! Loved that they are both winners tonight.
loved what both Angela and Kate had to say. so happy Kate won. i can see some bitchiness coming out about it though.
I wonder whether it's Radio City Hall's problem? You know, some venues just have serious sound problem for ages, and no one can do about it.
Leading Actor Joined: 11/15/07
You're not crazy, Cyco. It happened.
I think that Memphis has had the best performance thus far. Except for Derrick Baskin, he always looks so stiff...
Memphis... probably the most promising performance so far by a most ordinary/underwhelming cast.