Understudy Joined: 3/27/19
Seared is up for tomorrow’s matinee. Think that’s the first time it has been up.
Picked up our Jagged Little Pill tickets a bit ago and they’re a little strange. First off, TDF paid $54 a piece for them, even though they only charged $49. Weird they would lose money. Maybe we should be expecting a bit of a price increase soon?
They also say TDFSUB on them, which I’ve never seen. It usually just says “TDF.”
Picked up our Jagged Little Pill tickets a bit ago and they’re a little strange. First off, TDF paid $54 a piece for them, even though they only charged $49. Weird they would lose money. Maybe we should be expecting a bit of a price increase soon?
They also say TDFSUB on them, which I’ve never seen. It usually just says “TDF.”
Where are the seats for JLP?
n2nbaby said: "Picked up our Jagged Little Pill tickets a bit ago and they’re a little strange. First off, TDF paid $54 a piece for them, even though they only charged $49. Weird they would lose money. Maybe we should be expecting a bit of a price increase soon?
They also say TDFSUB on them, which I’ve never seen. It usually just says “TDF.”"
That is how the program works: https://www.tdf.org/nyc/87/tdf-ticket-subsidy-program
Thanks for the info, Sondheim! I didn’t realize they did that. How cool.
And our seats are row O right orchestra.
Got a ticket for this past Sunday evening's performance of THE UNDERLYING CHRIS. My seat was in row C, house left last seat by the wall. The view was fine from there.
For anyone interested... all remaining performances of Kristen Chenoweth’s show are up! Along with a ton of other offers.
Stand-by Joined: 5/5/17
Freestyle Love Supreme tonight was Center Mezz, row D
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Christmas Carol tonight was H 9-13! Great seats and we only missed a tiny part that was done on the mezzanine but it was easy enough to hear and figure out what was happening.
Stand-by Joined: 8/9/17
Kristin Chenoweth's show is up (Nov 15-17 performances).
As well as a few dates for Mean Girls.
Swing Joined: 11/4/19
GreasedLightning said: "The entire run of City Center’s EVITA is up now."
My son looked a few days ago and said only the first week is up. Not sure if the second week is up now or if it was up originally and got taken down.
Also, did anyone get tickets for Evita? I'm always concerned about getting TDF tickets at City Center since it's so huge, plus tickets start at $50 so you could end up with crappy seats AND not get much of a bargain. Obviously that is the chance one takes with TDF but it would be nice to some idea of what to at least hope for.
Update: found this in the show thread: "I saw the show last night via TDF and sat in the orchestra, row O, seats 104/103 (near center).". And someone else said it wasn't currently available.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/11/16
Saw Evita last night and sat in Grand Tier row D center – great seat and lovely show
Swing Joined: 11/4/19
tresora said: "Saw Evita last night and sat in Grand Tier row D center – great seat and lovely show"
Thanks. Hopefully they'll have tickets for next weekend's performances. I couldn't go this week. .My son said that this Sunday's show was still available.
I got tixs for the rear orchestra, row O..close to the center. Thought the view was solid and the show was lovely. Great singing by Solea Pfeiffer (she was a knockout) and Jason Gotay.
Evita is up for next Tuesday 11/19, Wednesday 11/20, & Thursday 11/21 all at 7:30pm
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
Is anyone else having problems? I placed an order and got the confirmation page but I don't see anything under My Orders.
I find that the “My Orders” page is always a few hours delayed. Check your email and as long as you have a confirmation with an order #, you should be OK.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/19
Evita tonight, Row E on the aisle orchestra. Pretty sweet deal.
Has anyone seen Oklahoma thru TDF recently? Wondering where the seats have been.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/26/19
GreasedLightning said: "Has anyone seen Oklahoma thru TDF recently? Wondering where the seats have been. "
I was in the odd side section, row D, right in the middle.
Evita, Sunday matinee -- Orchestra Row L, 12 & 14
Great seats as usual.
Swing Joined: 11/4/19
Megsamegatron said: "Evita is up for next Tuesday 11/19, Wednesday 11/20, & Thursday 11/21 all at 7:30pm"
Now up for the weekend, at least for the matinees. My son got us tickets for Sunday. Didn't ask about the evening since we were not interested.
Swing Joined: 11/2/19
Tdf for Mean Girls tonight...Last Row of the theatre.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/16/11
Got amazing TDF seats for Christmas Carol tonight -- Second Row Orchestra!