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The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage

The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage

#0The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 10:48am

I was watching the Phantom of the Opera movie last night and and I have seen a stage version twice. I think the talent overall in the stage versions I saw was much stronger than in the movie. However it was very nice to see the musical in a much more realistic setting because it helped me understand it more. Also the scenery and costumes were so gorgeous. One of my favorite scenes was Masquerade in the movie because of the choreography. I loved that. What do you think?


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TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#1re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:38pm

I thought they remained very faithful to the stage production, but I have to admit, it's more magical seeing all of that performed live.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#2re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:44pm

The movie was very cool (I wish they had kept that extra Phantom song in - I liked the movie Phantom), but in general, I like the production better live on stage.

My only gripe with the movie was that the actors all seemed so - emotionless. I think Emmy Rossum is a lovely girl, but she has one expression on her face throughout the whole movie. Raoul was similar.

But the rest of the movie is fantastic. I loved the flashbacks and the catacombs...I liked Mme Giry a lot as well - and usually don't pay that much attention to her in the stage production.

And masquerade was very fun to watch on screen.

Updated On: 5/12/05 at 12:44 PM

#3re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:50pm

I love both. But I like the Phantom's character in the movie more because I feel he's less like a ghost and more like a very clever man (with regard to his tricks). Which makes him seem more realistic to me.

kitkatgirl54 Profile Photo
#4re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:52pm

what did you all think about Point of No Return? Better or worse? I personally was appalled by the 'modern dancing' or whatever it was because i thought it looked cheesy and out of place. then i talked to some people who loved it.

#5re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 1:03pm

I liked Point of No Return better on stage - I think . It grabbed me a little more. Again - I blame this on Emmy Rossum's deadpan expression.

The Phantom in the movie was supercool and sneaky. More sinister than the stage Phantom. I liked him a lot.
Updated On: 5/12/05 at 01:03 PM

jsg03jd Profile Photo
#6re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 1:18pm

I saw the B'way production recently, which is the third time I saw the show (once in Broadway many years ago, and at the Wang Center in Boston, also many years ago) and I prefer the film version. I never cared much for all that Punjab lasso nonsense and all those other abracadabra things the Phantom did. I absolutely DESPISE the staging of the final trio in the lair scene, when Raoul is on tiptoes singing his heart out while being strangled by the Punjab lasso. That just drives me insane.

While the current B'way Phantom, Hugh Panaro, is vocally superior to Gerard Butler, I thought Butler did a phenomenal job in humanizing Erik. I was moved by Butler's final scenes, when he sat in front of the music box and Christine reappears to return the ring, in ways I never felt watching such scenes onstage.

The acting on the stage show is also so broad and over the top (as it's meant to be) but I, along with other fellow audience members, couldn't help but snicker whenever Raoul made one of his overacted line recitations (especially in Raoul's lines after "Prima Donna" and his lines while the Phantom shot fireballs at him, another stage convention that drove me up the wall).

Also, the stage Christine I recently saw was vocally atrocious. Emmy Rossum is a tad young but, at 17 when the film was shot, has a lot of vocal potential. Emmy was like Kathleen Battle compared to the Christine I recently saw at the Majestic. She was so awful, a recast should be made immediately.

#7re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 1:51pm

I like Point of No Return in the movie, but they did NOT need those dancers! I hated them. The stage version works, too, though.

uncageg Profile Photo
#8re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 2:01pm

The movie, for me, was a disappointment. I would much rather see it onstage. Yes they remained pretty faithful to the stage show but there was just no energy in the movie. Minnie Driver was the only really good thing about the movie, acting wise, for me. I was nice to look at but the voices were not all that thrilling! Just my opinion.

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Dummy Profile Photo
#9re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 2:20pm

Anthony Lane hit the nail on the head in his New Yorker review.

In case you missed it:

What the heck--even if you didn't miss it, read it again. It's priceless.

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#10re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 2:33pm

I liked the staging and dancing of Point of No Return. I was expecting more out of Masquerade. I thought the vouging was completely out of place. YUCK. I wish the dancers would have moved around a littlemore.

robbiej Profile Photo
#11re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 2:34pm

Here's a little thread from a while back!


"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#12re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 2:54pm


Thank you.

RYANWOODS Profile Photo
#13re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 3:41pm

NEVER understood how Madame Giry and Rauol at the beginning works! Surely by the time Rauol looks as old as that Madame Giry would be dead!!

Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#14re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 4:01pm

I hated the black and white color scheme for "Masquerade." That and the breakdancing robot guy. Would it have been so hard to design colorful costumes?? And I don't miss the Phantom throwing fireballs at Raoul. The swordfight worked much better, IMO.
But I loved PONR on screen. Garrrowwrrr......

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#15re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 5:01pm

Yes, the color scheme for Masquerade was odd, considering they are singing about all the spinning colors......

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

CostumeMistress Profile Photo
Posted: 5/12/05 at 5:20pm

Avatar - Isaac, my blue-fronted Amazon parrot. Adopted 9/7/07. Age 30 (my pet is older than me!)
Updated On: 2/7/06 at 05:20 PM

#17re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 5:36pm

PONR was very hot... I think that's the only song Emmy was partially good in. I just wante do to go out and do something dirty *cough*. But the cheesy dancers, no.

I don't think anybody was fantastic, although Miranda Richardson (I believe that is her name) really made the movie for me. I love the whole trap room, awesome effect and the flash backs.

And what the hell, the Phantom isn't even that ugly. It just looks like a bad sunburn. That pissed me off.

kangaroo Profile Photo
#18re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 5:37pm

It's pretty simple in my opinion, the singers are actually GOOD on the stage on Broadway... the movie had poor choices as leads. Raoul was the best, but I still feel that the entire cast was sub par, and I never plan on seeing the movie... hearing the music was enough to let me know how bad it really was.


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#19re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 5:39pm

Kangaroo, just put it on mute... and close one eye and put your finger up to block Emmy's face the whole time.

Then... you can finally enjoy it.

ozdustgirl2 Profile Photo
#20re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 5:43pm

i thought that the stage and movie are very comparable! I love to see the movie cause I have only seen the stage version once but loved it and know love the movie!!!

"There are times when were dirt broke, and hungry and freezing and I ask myself why the hell am I still living here?...And then they call!" ~ Mark Cohen RENT movie

kangaroo Profile Photo
#21re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 5:45pm

LMAO Lilmizbroadway... you're hilarous!

~kangaroo re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage

NIL MAGNUM NISI BONUM "No greatness without goodness."

RENThead, enLIGHist, Ozalot, Grobanite, Ringer, Pickwick LW, Wicked, Lost, American Dreams, West Wing
Lea S. Hugh J. Adam P. Idina M. Matt M. Taye D.

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#22re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 6:43pm

Wow, that New Yorker article was brilliant. Haha.


#23re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/12/05 at 7:06pm

I thought that the movie could have been cast a bit better, but what can you expect from Hollywood except a water-down version of the play with stunning visuals -- isn't that the definition of Hollywood? Not a bad movie though, although I didn't think it was as good as the movie version of Chicago.

Actually, I saw the non-musical version of Chicago in Ashland, OR, a while back and really enjoyed that, too, if anyone's familiar with it.

#24re: The Phantom of the Opera: comparing the movie to the stage
Posted: 5/13/05 at 10:30am

I liked the movie. But I think the show works better on stage. It was boring to sit in the movie theatre and watch the "Wishing you were somehow here again" -scene where they showed Christine doing nothing but walking and singing. Somehow it is more bearable to watch it live on stage - even though it is my least favorite scene or song of the score...

I liked the "Point of no return" -scene in the film! The flamenco dancing in the background was weird, but not too distracting.

The choreography of "Masquerade" made my skin crawl!! Watching the choreography made me want to start singing 'Come on - vogue! Let your body move to the music...' It was like directly from Madonna's video!

The film had fantastic costumes and sets. And the whole opera auditorium looked fabulous!
Updated On: 5/13/05 at 10:30 AM
