Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
What I'm saying is that Lauren has great control over her voice; those notes prove it. Her belting maybe could use more of a mix to it, I will agree.
autumn - awesome, i love her so much
bailey - crying over her hair sealed the deal for me...i can't stand her. she is not very talented and she seems phony.
rhiannon - such a sweetie. i really wish her voice was there though ;-(
natalie - she's great, but i agree with the judges that she is just not elle.
lauren - she has a spectacular voice, i'm really happy that she makes the top 4!
Stand-by Joined: 11/18/07
anyone watch the deleted scene? I think they should of kept it.
It's of all the girls singing the song by themselves for practice.
and may i add that in that video Natalie hits the 'drive' very nicely...although the 2 lines before it sound kinda weird.
"Rhiannon was really weak vocally so I don't understand why they chose her over Natalie. She was awkwardly scream-singing sometimes. Natalie cried at the rehearsal, but didn't really have much emotion... her vocals were much better than Rhiannon though. "
Natalie is good, just not right for this role. I've said that from the first episode. I guess the judges chose to eliminate her instead of Rhiannon because even with the blonde hair, she didn't look right for the role. On the other hand, Rhiannon was so bad she should've been kicked offstage. Lauren was okay this week. I never liked her singing. It always sounded like she was screaming to me. The final note of the song when she stopped trying to belt it, sounded fantastic. Like SporkGoddess said, her singing can be more refined as she gets older. Autumn absolutely killed it this week. Compared to her, all the others girls(possibly with the exception of Lauren) look like a joke.
Stand-by Joined: 8/7/07
Natalie, your from Malibu, so when you sang back to the shore I thought you would be inspired but it wasn't there.
Umm, yeah. Okay Heather.
About Rhiannon: You guys need to understand, this is MUSICAL THEATRE. It's not MUSIC, it's not THEATRE, it's both, combined. Her dancing last week wasn't too hot, but it had alot of personality and was really in character. Her acting chops and dancing are top of the list. Although her singing is weak, just because her voice isn't all there in the high parts doesn't mean she can't do it. Laura's high parts are only there HALF the time, and they casted her.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Are you kidding? She's a bad dancer, too. And if you can't sing the role, you shouldn't be cast. That's how I feel. There are plenty of good actresses who could sing the part just fine. Acting alone is not enough, at least not for this show.
By high parts do you mean belting? Rhiannon's belting was terrible. She can't even compare to Lauren, even keeping in mind the latter's faults, which we discussed. I've also never heard Lauren miss a note, though the way she hits the notes can be disputed.
Re: Lauren shouting, I think that she just has a very powerful voice so she sounds like she's shouting a lot. Her technique comes across as healthy to me. Though, like I said, she could stand to mix more.
Rhiannon is find on the parts that don't require belting. I wish she had it. Her acting is quite appealing.
Lauren and Autumn did great tonight. The other three deserved going to the casting office. Bailey just needs to get over herself. She comes off as a spoiled little girl ala 'My Super Sweet 16.'
Though Autumn needs to get a new wardrobe to go with her new hair. Her clothes sort of clashed with her blonde hair.
Leading Actor Joined: 4/18/06
So I didn't get to watch the episode until just now on line, and here's what I think.
I don't like Baily anymore. From the beginning she was one of my favorites and she did well with every challenge, but I think she does rely on her looks and impersonations of LBB. This just didn't cut it for me and I'm not rooting for here again unless next week is really good.
Lauren and Autumn are now my favorites, Lauren being my favorite from the 1st episode. I actually liked how she hit "drive" then slid down. It doesn't sound like the can't hit the note, because she did it beautiful. I feel it was more of an artistic choice. Autumn seems like a full package and I always love her performances.
I think that Rhiannon should've went home over Natalie. Natalie's singing and dancing is 10x's better. The acting could be fixed easily with rehearsal time. Rhiannon's singing on the other hand hurt my ears and I couldn't wait for it to be over. The whole moment was ruined for me because she screams and her speaking voice annoys me.
And I hate how MTV has to include drama in these shows. I mean, I LOVE IT but I hate it at the same time haha.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/1/07
This is where I am on the whole Rhianno issue. For me, she's the only one that I felt real sincerity from. And I'm not just talking about this audition. A lot of the girls really sold the song. But through out the entire competition she seems like she is the most believable and completely invokes the character. The only word I can think of is sincere.
That being said, her vocals are so hit in miss. If you watch the full auditions, when she gets it, she really gets it. But when she's off, oh boy. I'm not sure if that's just a thing she needs to work on consitancy wise, or if she just can't handle it.
Love her to pieces. Would love to see her in something a little smaller to start.
Stand-by Joined: 3/16/08
Autumn is the only one with the maturity (acting and vocal) to carry this role on Broadway. If she doesn't win, it is such a travesty.
That being said, for 18, Lauren is very talented!
Updated On: 7/8/08 at 01:21 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
I'd like to see her in a straight play, actually. She's a wonderful actress. Apparently she's only 19, so she should maybe continue with her schooling and work on her singing. She apparently is in an MT program, so that should help.
Or maybe she's not meant to be a belter. Maybe she's a soprano or something.
"Are you kidding?"
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Well, sorry, but I didn't think that anyone would seriously claim that Rhiannon was a good dancer.
Edit: And, yeah, Lauren sliding down on "drive" came across as an artistic choice to me, as well.
And I can't believe people claimed Emma as a good singer. She sounded like, as Simon would put it, a "drunk karaoke" singer.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Haha, trust me, I was not one of those people.
Go figure, there is SOME sense on the board.
does anyone know when the new girl will start?
playbill says wednesday july 23?
but thats a two show day
would they really start a new lead with a 2 a matt n a night show?
so which do you think shed really start with if not both?
While I don't think a voice needs to be perfect on Broadway, Rhiannon wasn't even close to the actual notes. And as said, her dancing is awful too. I'm sure she's the next to go.
Autum is very talented but her voice doesn't fit Elle for me.
Stand-by Joined: 1/19/08
Rhiannon is one of the nicer girls, but she shouldn't be kept any longer.
Autumn is really proving herself. I like her a lot, but the judges for awhile didn't. Glad she's emerging as one of the frontrunners along with Lauren.
Bailey is just...Bailey.
Here's my thoughts on last night's show. Overall I thought Lauren and Autumn were the best. I know Rhiannon's voice wasn't up to par last night, but I felt emotionally she still did well, and I think she had the best interaction with Andy Karl. The other girls seemed to use him more as a prop.
Bailey. uuuuhhhhh. So I know she looked ridiculous crying after the haircut, but will anybody agree with me that they ruined her hair? I loved her hair before, and I wish they didn't change it. I hope she does better next week, because I loved her last week.
I know I asked in another thread, but do you think the finalists will perform with Christian Borle? I'd love to see the chemistry, but maybe that doesn't matter as I've been told he is leaving LB in the fall.
How did they ruin her hair? It looked almost exactly the same. Half an inch (which probably needed to be trimmed anyway) is so not "ruining" her hair. She was ridiculous last night.
Well, to be specific, they evened her hair up on the ends, so that it didn't have all the layers in it. That usually ends up making your hair look less full. Also I didn't like the color they put on it. I just thought she had beautiful hair before, but that's just my opinion. Definitely not worth crying over on tv though.
Or maybe they trimmed up the ends that needed trimming? Possibly the stylists at the salon decided less "full" is better for her. I know she's southern, but puffy hair is really not flattering on everyone. (Plus, hello, it's LAYERS. It is NOT that difficult to go to another salon and have them cut back into her hair.)
But honestly I really didn't see any difference in it between before and after.