Sorry newbie reverse shills (austen girl) and bobbybubby, (you've recently made it clear that no good can ever come out of your mouth where Andy Karl or his wife are concerned) but you should base it in some reality.
Karl was the only person worth watching in that whole miserable episode and was far from "off" in the singing dept. I could practically hear the groan from the viewing public when Bailey started crying as they cut a quarter of an inch off her mane. Thank GOD Andy Karl was the healthy distraction he was.
Yea, BobbyBubby has changed alot IMO, over the years. Can't say I watched much of it but if it's really an Autumn, Bailey contest, we should be hearing news about Legally Blonde closing very soon after one of them gets the job. What a joke!
Yep. I have a feeling they meant Val. Because I wouldn't look at anyone and go "they'd make a really good cut dancer in ACL"
Bailey and her hair she serious? I thought she looked exactly the same. Ok, I get attachment to one's hair, but c'mon, all they did was cut off the dead ends!
Stand-by Joined: 11/18/07
so anyone see Seth's video?
I think Lauren's acting is usually pretty amazing. She was a bit of a letdown in the song this week. She usually makes very specific choices, but she didn't seem as focused this week. Autumn won that "audition" by a mile.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
ruprecht: Whom do you want to win, or do you think that they all suck?
Autumn's dancing is sloppy. She doesn't complete the movements, which at least the other girls did.
Edit: Haha, I loved Seth's commentary. He's right about the "Legally Blonde" ballad--I like it, but why were the girls all crying over it?
Um...I'm kinda confused how I got into an argument about Andy Karl or his wife. I love both of them and I have never even posted a word about Orfeh.
The point of my post was that not only did Rhiannon hit some bum notes, but so did Karl, as all professionals do at some point or other. By no means did I mean to indicate that he is a bad singer. I apologize if it was taken the wrong way.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Andy Karl hit one or two bum notes. Rhiannon can't belt a note to save her life. Go watch "So Much Better" and watch her completely blow that last note. I couldn't even rewatch her full "Legally Blonde" audition because it hurt my ears so much.
I'm sorry if that seems harsh, but Rhiannon would blow out her voice eventually if she had to perform 8 times a week, singing the way that she does. This is for her own good as well.
I agree Rhiannon is not ready, she couldn't pull it off.
Swing Joined: 7/8/08
In regards to the statement that Autumn's dancing is sloppy, I agree that she didn't fully commit to all the dance moves. However, dancing can be fixed easily. It would harder if you had a girl who couldn't sing or act properly. I think dancing is the least of your problems if you're one of the girls. Obviously, Elle has many dance moves - but with rehearsal, practice, and time, Autumn can easily pull of the dancing aspect.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/9/08
Please don't forget that she had food poisoning while she was performing. Her performance was still a lot better than most of the girls. I think Autumn is amazing. The only other girl who comes close is Lauren. It might take Autumn a little longer to learn a dance sequence than it would Baily, but no matter how much practice Baily has she will never have a voice near as good as Autumn's.
in regards to andy hitting some off notes, keep in mind the poor man had to sing that song 5 times in a row.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
I'm not saying that Autumn would do a bad job in the role; I'm just a little concerned about her dancing. I guess I would like to see her dance when she isn't about to throw up.
It's true, though, that dancing can be fixed.
I think that Autumn is very talented, but I just can't see her as sorority girl Elle.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/23/06
Just to let everyone know
Source: SA Fan site TGO
I hope Autumn winning is true, she was my favorite from the start.
And here comes my twitch. SHUT UP JUST BECAUSE IT IS ON A FANSITE (One that has nothing to do w/ this show BTW)DOESN'T MAKE IT TRUE!!
I said that I hope its true... I wasn't acknowledging it as a fact.
Coolkid, try to keep that stuff on the spoiler thread. It's okay to talk about stuff like that on there.
I was refering to to Jackass above you.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
How the heck would TGO know? Did JGroff tell them at the stage door?
I mean, before he left. Because I'm sure that he's psychic.
"I think that Autumn is very talented, but I just can't see her as sorority girl Elle."
Agreed 100%. I'm rooting for Lauren all the way.
Also - there's only 2 episodes left?? So do you think they'll eliminate 2 people next week and have the final 2 duke it out in the finale, or 3 for the finale?
Seems like they are sort of following the America's Next Top Model format. If they stick with that, there will be a top three, then an elimination in the middle of the final episode, with the final two battling it out for the last half hour.
Whoops - I did mean Val! Sorry, I don't know much about "A Chorus Line" except for the music and GENERAL plot. I could just see her pulling off an amazing "Dance: 10, Looks: 3." Also, did anyone notice how the top 2 very sweetly grabbed Andy Karl's arm? It was small, but just added a lot of chemistry.
Again about Lauren, I also wasn't thrilled with her acting in the "Ohmygod you guys" portion. But, again, not denying she's incredibly talented.
I also think they're going to eliminate one person in the middle for the finale.