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The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]- Page 60

The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]

BobChapski Profile Photo
#1475The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/14/16 at 1:14am

Andy51 said: "Did anyone here see Andrew Chappelle as King George III tonight?  I'm curious to hear impressions.



I was at the Saturday matinee which he also did.  I thought he was amazing.  Granted this was my first time seeing the show, so I can't compare him to the others, but I loved his take on the role.  I was shocked when I realized it was his first time.

Lucky Mom2 Profile Photo
Lucky Mom2
#1476The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/14/16 at 1:22pm

Does anyone know the address of Trinity church where Hamilton's grave is? It looks like there are 3 Trinity church's in Manhattan. 

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#1477The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/14/16 at 1:26pm

it's this main one here, 75 Broadway

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

Lucky Mom2 Profile Photo
Lucky Mom2
#1478The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/14/16 at 1:33pm

Thanks so much gypsy101, who knew that Wikipedia would have the right information! Obsessed daughter and slightly obsessed mom planning to visit the graves of Hamilton and Eliza next weekend.

sorano916 Profile Photo
#1480The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/14/16 at 2:52pm

thirtythirtyninety said: "Was anyone at Chris Jackson's last show?  Would love to read any reactions.  He will be greatly missed.  What a performance!"

I was there! Absolutely incredible performance from him, as usual. You could really feel the power and weight he was putting behind every word this time. He got really big applause on his entrances both in the opening and during Right Hand Man. He seemed to be very emotional the whole show and I could see him tearing up at some points. One Last Time, especially, was just something else last night. People applauded as soon as he sang the line "one last time" for the first time in the song. His riffs at the end were amazing, and everyone leapt to their feet right after for a long ovation that had to be cut off by the start of the next song, otherwise I think it would've gone on forever lol. He got a solo bow at the end of bows tonight, as well as an ensemble member (not sure of his name) who must have been leaving that day as well.

As for the rest of the cast: Thayne Jasperson was on for King George III (for I believe the second time?). I thought he was hilarious and did a really lovely job. His facial expressions were crazy over the top and funny, but physically he remained very poised and statuesque, which I thought was a fun take on the role.

Javier Muñoz as Hamilton was great as usual, although I was disappointed that he was on since I had been hoping to see Michael Luwoye, the alternate who usually performs on Sundays. Lexi Lawson is fine as Eliza - she does a nice job, but nothing about her stands out to me. Mandy Gonzalez as Angelica is absolutely incredible. Her riffs on Satisfied are out of this world, and I think she brings a really nice emotional take to the role. Seth Stewart as Lafayette/Jefferson is not good in my opinion and is the weak link of this cast. Brandon Victor Dixon isn't my favorite as Burr, despite how talented he is. His voice on Wait For It and Room Where It Happens is amazing, but I don't really like his acting choices in the role.

#1481The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/15/16 at 6:13am

Lucky Mom2 said: "Thanks so much gypsy101, who knew that Wikipedia would have the right information! Obsessed daughter and slightly obsessed mom planning to visit the graves of Hamilton and Eliza next weekend.




We did that in September.  Be aware that Angelica's grave is on the other side of the church from Alexander and Eliza's.  It was a pretty cool moment for the kids I was with (and truthfully for me, too).



DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#1482The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/15/16 at 8:56am

I couldn't find Angelica's grave when I visited in July.  Interesting that they don't know where Phillip Hamilton is buried as his grave isn't marked.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

Lucky Mom2 Profile Photo
Lucky Mom2
#1483The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/15/16 at 9:41am

rebeccmam31 said:
We did that in September.  Be aware that Angelica's grave is on the other side of the church from Alexander and Eliza's.  It was a pretty cool moment for the kids I was with (and truthfully for me, too).

Thanks for the tip! I forgot that Angelica is buried there too. We will look for her grave to pay our respects.




BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#1484The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/15/16 at 11:56am

Per her Instagram, Syndee Winters will be on for Eliza tonight.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#1485The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/15/16 at 11:59am

BroadwayConcierge said: "Per her Instagram, Syndee Winters will be on for Eliza tonight."

Here's the link.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#1486The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/15/16 at 12:18pm

Seems like Lexi calls out more than an Elphaba on a two show day.

A Canadian in NYC Profile Photo
A Canadian in NYC
#1487The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/16/16 at 1:11am

LizzieCurry said: "BroadwayConcierge said: "Per her Instagram, Syndee Winters will be on for Eliza tonight."

Here's the link.


I was there tonight. I thought she was great. And Nicholas Christopher was fantastic as George Washington.  It was the first time I've seen the show without the OBC.  Javier brings such a different dynamic to the Hamilton role as does Brandon Victor Dixon with Burr. Loved their chemistry. Mandy was amazing and Rory is even more hilarious than last time. The only one I had a tough time with was Seth Stewart. He was really good in both roles but for me Daveed was just larger than life. Thoroughly enjoyed it! I'll be back in May to see it again. 


Updated On: 11/16/16 at 01:11 AM

Blockhead24 Profile Photo
#1488The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/16/16 at 1:14am

sorano916 said: "

Carleigh's last performance is November 20th.

Sad The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#1489The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/16/16 at 2:24am

Aw!  You made it in!  Did you end up sitting or getting SRO as mentioned planning on the Cancellation Line thread.  I wish I could have wheeled my mom's hospital bed to the line!

You've been there several times recently, how many shows are you up to so far?

I need to treat a nurse friend of mine to the show because she was able to advise me by phone on what was going on with my mom more than the nurses at the hospital with her!   She's been waiting to see Hamilton and when mom gets out and into rehab, I may need to do a cold night on the line as a thank you!  At least that way, I get to go again =)    


casedilla2 said: "thirtythirtyninety said: "Was anyone at Chris Jackson's last show?  Would love to read any reactions.  He will be greatly missed.  What a performance!"

I was there! Absolutely incredible performance from him, as usual. You could really feel the power and weight he was putting behind every word this time. He got really big applause on his entrances both in the opening and during Right Hand Man. He seemed to be very emotional the whole show and I could see him tearing up at some points. One Last Time, especially, was just something else last night. People applauded as soon as he sang the line "one last time" for the first time in the song. His riffs at the end were amazing, and everyone leapt to their feet right after for a long ovation that had to be cut off by the start of the next song, otherwise I think it would've gone on forever lol. He got a solo bow at the end of bows tonight, as well as an ensemble member (not sure of his name) who must have been leaving that day as well.

As for the rest of the cast: Thayne Jasperson was on for King George III (for I believe the second time?). I thought he was hilarious and did a really lovely job. His facial expressions were crazy over the top and funny, but physically he remained very poised and statuesque, which I thought was a fun take on the role.

Javier Muñoz as Hamilton was great as usual, although I was disappointed that he was on since I had been hoping to see Michael Luwoye, the alternate who usually performs on Sundays. Lexi Lawson is fine as Eliza - she does a nice job, but nothing about her stands out to me. Mandy Gonzalez as Angelica is absolutely incredible. Her riffs on Satisfied are out of this world, and I think she brings a really nice emotional take to the role. Seth Stewart as Lafayette/Jefferson is not good in my opinion and is the weak link of this cast. Brandon Victor Dixon isn't my favorite as Burr, despite how talented he is. His voice on Wait For It and Room Where It Happens is amazing, but I don't really like his acting choices in the role.

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#1490The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/16/16 at 2:29am

DottieD'Luscia said: "I couldn't find Angelica's grave when I visited in July.  Interesting that they don't know where Phillip Hamilton is buried as his grave isn't marked.


Angelica is under Robert Livingston and shes not mentioned on the grave.  I had to google to find it when i went there on my All Ham All Day tour I gave myself on my Birthday in April.  Started at Columbia University and worked my way all over uptown, to Jersey, back downtown and then not far from my home is the general area of the home he was in when he passed.The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]


MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#1491The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/16/16 at 2:31am

Lucky Mom2 said: Thanks for the tip! I forgot that Angelica is buried there too. We will look for her grave to pay our respects.

Hamilton is easy to find along with Eliza.  Angelica was a needle. Hope the map takes some guesswork out. (approximate locations)
The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]


BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#1492The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/16/16 at 2:32pm

Super random question: do you think we'll ever get another round of production photos taken of the show? With Jordan Fisher coming in next week, the current Broadway cast is almost completely turned over from the original cast, and I'd love to see professional shots of Javi, BVD, Lexi, etc. It's not like they need new shots to market the show or anything, obviously, but still...

#1494The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/16/16 at 5:57pm

MyFavoriteBrunette said: "Aw!  You made it in!  Did you end up sitting or getting SRO as mentioned planning on the Cancellation Line thread.  I wish I could have wheeled my mom's hospital bed to the line!

You've been there several times recently, how many shows are you up to so far?

I need to treat a nurse friend of mine to the show because she was able to advise me by phone on what was going on with my mom more than the nurses at the hospital with her!   She's been waiting to see Hamilton and when mom gets out and into rehab, I may need to do a cold night on the line as a thank you!  At least that way, I get to go again =)    

We ended up getting seats! :) F101 and 102, which were an amazing view. We got there at 2am and were the second to last people to get in I believe, so people definitely waited a bit longer that day than has been the norm lately. This was my 7th time seeing it, which is pretty insane lol, but as a student I have quite a bit of time to wait in the cancellation line on weekends and such (and had even more time over the summer). I hope your mom is doing better, and that you get to see the show again soon!

JayElle Profile Photo
#1495The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/17/16 at 12:32pm

75 broadway near world trade center

JayElle Profile Photo
#1496The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/17/16 at 1:04pm

Any obsessives want to group wait on cancel line?

JayElle Profile Photo
#1497The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/17/16 at 1:24pm

Reply to Casedilla2...did you see the matinee on 11.16?   You are not insane for going 7 times.  I've done sightly more.  Happy to see others are as committed to wanting to see it multiple times. I always look for a line buddy.

JayElle Profile Photo
#1498The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/18/16 at 10:41pm

Playbill shows Andrew as a swing cast member.  He used to alternate with Seth for the Jefferson/Lafayette role.  Is he leaving/

swanjewel Profile Photo
#1499The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 11/19/16 at 1:49am

When I visited Trinity Church in late August, there was a plaque next to Livingston's grave that said "Angelica Schuyler Church".  
