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The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]- Page 62

The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]

Lina Lamont
#1525The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/3/16 at 3:38pm

I'm not sure there is a way to link to a Snapchat, but if you don't follow Oak (sn OakSmash) you might want to check out his latest.  If I were a betting woman, I'd say Jasmine Cephas-Jones will be making a quiet exit from the show tonight or tomorrow.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#1526The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/3/16 at 3:42pm

Thanks for pointing out that snap, Lina. It's kind of weird. It seems kind of like a joke between Oak and Jasmine, but it wasn't that funny. I'd be very sad to see Jasmine leave without any sort of fanfare or announcement.  

#1528The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/9/16 at 11:37pm

First Hamilton outing. 

Michael Luwoye as Hamilton. Excellent performance. His young Hamilton reminds me of 20somethings that join my workplace. Full of energy, dreams and ambition without an ounce of cynicism. 

Brandon Victor Dixon gives an understated performance, sometimes to his disadvantage. 

In terms of Hamilton's squad, Jordan Fisher gives the most polished and complete performance. He really was excellent and delivered beautifully. With Seth Stewart, I felt like he gave someone else's performance, although his Jefferson in Act II is more his. Unfortunately, I feel that he has little natural charm or charisma. The problem with Jevon McFerrin (who I found very very attractive, above all) is that he, Seth Stewart and Nicholas Christopher are all the same prototype, and all came across kind of "samey" in how they looked. 

Not specifically impressed by any of the lead ladies. Mandy Gonzalez is not as dynamic as I thought she'd be, and Lexi is practically invisible. 

The couple in front of me were extremely distracting because of all the love they gave each other throughout the show, which got seriously distracting by Act II. Tacky. 

I normally get my theatre dosage in London and Europe, but do an annual or bi-annual US pilgrimage. The intermission at this theatre was quite barbaric, everyone all over the place trying to order drinks, go to the bathroom or buy merchandise. It was quite the fire hazard. The staff in the theatre, as well as other theatre, are so unprofessional and, well, rough. I've encountered valet attendants that were more polished and well put together. 

I of course enjoyed it and got some serious goosebumps moments in this terrific show. I'm seeing the Chicago company next week and can't wait to compare notes. 

Andy51 Profile Photo
#1529The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/10/16 at 12:11am

sparepart973 said:  I'm seeing the Chicago company next week and can't wait to compare notes. 

Based on your review of the current NY show, I suspect you will find the Chicago production better -- the casting process for the OC of the Chicago show appears to have been more rigorous than for the replacement casting in NY.



luvcaroline Profile Photo
#1530The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/10/16 at 11:55am

Andy51 said: "sparepart973 said:  I'm seeing the Chicago company next week and can't wait to compare notes. 

Based on your review of the current NY show, I suspect you will find the Chicago production better -- the casting process for the OC of the Chicago show appears to have been more rigorous than for the replacement casting in NY.

I agree 100%. See the original Chicago cast while they are all still together. 




#1531The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/10/16 at 1:24pm

sparepart973 said: "In terms of Hamilton's squad, Jordan Fisher gives the most polished and complete performance. He really was excellent and delivered beautifully. With Seth Stewart, I felt like he gave someone else's performance, although his Jefferson in Act II is more his. Unfortunately, I feel that he has little natural charm or charisma. The problem with Jevon McFerrin (who I found very very attractive, above all) is that he, Seth Stewart and Nicholas Christopher are all the same prototype, and all came across kind of "samey" in how they looked."

Who was McFerrin on as?

"Not specifically impressed by any of the lead ladies. Mandy Gonzalez is not as dynamic as I thought she'd be, and Lexi is practically invisible."

Were you there last night? Who played Peggy/Maria?



EDIT: Sorry, I see the answers in the other thread now. (McFerrin played Mulligan/Madison and Syndee Winters played Peggy/Maria). I hope you enjoy the show in Chicago more! Updated On: 12/10/16 at 01:24 PM

#1533The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/14/16 at 12:27pm

Was at the Public today and noticed the old-timey Hamilton cast photos have been taken down (off the wall of the lounge that overlooks the lobby).

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#1534The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/14/16 at 12:42pm

Does anyone know when Karen will leave the Chicago production?

ozjust4 Profile Photo
#1535The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/14/16 at 12:59pm

TotallyEffed said: "Does anyone know when Karen will leave the Chicago production?


If I am not mistaken, I remember someone on here said that she was only contracted for 6 months, which would put her as leaving in February or March. I don't know how true that is though, so don't quote me on that.


#1536The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/14/16 at 1:06pm

Just because "someone on here" said it doesn't make that true though...

ozjust4 Profile Photo
#1537The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/14/16 at 1:08pm

That's why I said " I don't know how true that is ", neonlightsxo.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#1538The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/14/16 at 2:03pm


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#1539The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/14/16 at 2:05pm

For those of us with tix in the distant future...I wonder how long he's staying...

#1541The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/18/16 at 10:40am

I saw the sit-down production in Chicago a few days ago (and will tomorrow too). 

Wow, what a stellar production. First class casting and lightyears ahead of the Broadway cast. 

Miguel Cervantes as Hamilton is excellent and full of energy. He's a very small man, which adds a lot to his need to be noticed and to be seen. He's in his mid-30s, so unlike, Michael Luwoye who plays a much younger Hamilton, the line "arrogant, obnoxious" as described by Burr totally works. 

Burr was played by a giant of a man, Mr. Carl Clemons Hopkins who was understudying for Josh Henry that afternoon. Great acting, fine singing. I was nervous how he'd move during Room Where it Happens because he does't have your usual dancer's build, let alone towering over all the ensemble members (especially Hamilton, so the competition becomes even more interesting!). He danced it just fine..I was surprised to find out after the show that this was Carl's debut performance as Burr. My friend noticed that during the curtain call some cast members patted him and gave him a round of applause, I must have been looking somewhere else. 

Karen Olivo as Anglica..Magic. I knew that something was off and boring about Mandy Gonzales's Angelica, and it became more evident seeing Karen tackle this. Layers over layers of characterization, fantastic details to her performance and just a natural fountain of charisma. 

Alexander Gemignani as King George is marvelous. I liked Rory O'Malley (and the videos I've seen of La Groff), but I have to say Alexander has put in so much thought and work into this. He is rather crazy from the get-go, and just keeps on getting more manic as the show continues. 

Ari Afrsar sounds like a young Nora Jones, and she is instantly likelable and sympathetic, without being a boring and helpless. Totally made me shed a tear at the end. 


Andy51 Profile Photo
#1542The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/18/16 at 12:18pm

" . . .lightyears ahead of the Broadway cast . . ."  

Your analysis offers little justification for such a strong claim (other than, perhaps, in the case of Olivo vs. Gonzalez).

#1543The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/18/16 at 12:23pm

I hope this doesn't sound defensive, but I wrote a short blurb on the Broadway cast a few pages ago. I think "analysis" is overselling what I've put together. It's just a basic stream of my top thoughts and takeaway from my recent outing. Not here to write a critic-like review. 

Andy51 Profile Photo
#1544The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/18/16 at 1:00pm

sparepart973 said: "I hope this doesn't sound defensive, but I wrote a short blurb on the Broadway cast a few pages ago. I think "analysis" is overselling what I've put together. It's just a basic stream of my top thoughts and takeaway from my recent outing. Not here to write a critic-like review. 

I get that, but given that (a) Hamilton and Burr are the two most prominent roles in the musical and (b) you did not see the principal actor for Hamilton (Munoz) in NY or for Burr (Henry) in Chicago, you simply are not in a position to make such sweeping statements about casting.


Updated On: 12/18/16 at 01:00 PM

#1545The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/18/16 at 1:58pm

Andy51 said: "sparepart973 said: "I hope this doesn't sound defensive, but I wrote a short blurb on the Broadway cast a few pages ago. I think "analysis" is overselling what I've put together. It's just a basic stream of my top thoughts and takeaway from my recent outing. Not here to write a critic-like review. 

I get that, but given that (a) Hamilton and Burr are the two most prominent roles in the musical and (b) you did not see the principal actor for Hamilton (Munoz) in NY or for Burr (Henry) in Chicago, you simply are not in a position to make such sweeping statements about casting.




Well, seeing Joshua Henry would have only bolstered the argument.

Andy51 Profile Photo
#1546The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/18/16 at 2:23pm

"Well, seeing Joshua Henry would have only bolstered the argument."

So, you've seen both Dixon and Henry, and you think Henry is "lightyears ahead of" Dixon?  Seems highly dubious to me that Henry could be so much better (if he's better at all) than Dixon given how good Dixon is.  

#1547The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/18/16 at 2:24pm


Here's how I compare the OBC (minus Groff) to the current Chicago cast.  The current Broadway cast seems a bit boring/cobbled together to me, but that's 100% speculation on my part.

To be clear, I thought every actor listed below was great even if I preferred someone else in the role.


Lin vs. Miguel: Lin (except the singing)

Leslie vs. Josh: Equal, both are better in certain ways (I prefer Leslie's Wait for It, specifically), but at the end of the day I pick Josh

Phillipa vs. Ari: Equal (I think most would choose Phillipa, but I prefer Ari's more relaxed Eliza)

Renee vs. Karen: Renee for the singing in Schuyler Sisters and Satisfied, Karen for acting and It's Quiet Uptown

Chris vs. Jonathan: Chris

Daveed vs. Chris: Daveed, the unicorn

Oak v. Wallace: Oak Mulligan (except for Wallace's "come again"!), Wallace Madison

Anthony vs. Jose: equal, slight edge to Anthony for star quality

Jasmine vs. Samantha: slight edge to Samantha

Rory vs. Alex: Alex by a mile

Other roles: Chicago; Jin Ha and Jose Amor are standouts

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#1548The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/18/16 at 2:27pm

LizzieCurry said: "???


I really enjoy his Jebidiah Atkinson on SNL


#1549The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 12/18/16 at 2:29pm

Andy51 said: ""Well, seeing Joshua Henry would have only bolstered the argument."

So, you've seen both Dixon and Henry, and you think Henry is "lightyears ahead of" Dixon?  Seems highly dubious to me that Henry could be so much better (if he's better at all) than Dixon given how good Dixon is.  



Oh, I haven't seen Dixon and have no plans to; I just meant that if the poster had seen Josh Henry, I guarantee that any comments about the Chicago cast would have been even more "sweeping." That's all.  I don't really care about the "light years" thing, as this wasn't a legal brief but rather an excited recap of a musical theater experience.
