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Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown- Page 3

Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown

HogansHero Profile Photo
#50Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/4/20 at 2:35pm

let's also remember that, even if a vaccine were determined to be effective by the end of the year, that does not mean it will be available by then. It will likely take 6-12 months to distribute it widely. Priority, as it should be, will go to health care workers. 

I don't think Broadway will achieve its new normal before the fall of '21. I've been saying that since March, and nothing has happened to alter that. If anything, the absurd way that the virus is being disrespected in large parts of the country is cause for even that being hard to achieve. (And remember, too, that my thinking is based almost entirely on audience dynamics, not epidemiology.)

#51Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/4/20 at 2:39pm

I happen to agree. Just trying to post some positive news. Even if it's unlikely. But, hope isn't always a bad thing.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#52Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/4/20 at 3:37pm

KKeller6 said: "But, hope isn't always a bad thing."

It never is. In fact, “'Hope' is the thing with feathers" which is not only the title of Emily Dickinson's lovely poem that I had to memorize in 11th (?) Grade but of not one but two plays, one on Broadway ages ago and very occasionally performed (for a variety of reasons) and one off-off, with a territic cast but, alas, not much more. 

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#53Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/5/20 at 4:04am

It will probably take a lot of convincing for me to step foot in a theater ever again. Of course, I still cherish B'way and hope it will return by the end of next year, but I will likely fear staying in public, indoor leisure spaces for a lengthy period of time for years to come. I do hope in the future that occasional or periodic live streaming/pay-per-view options arise for the people that cannot/do not want to be there in person (perhaps on certain days and/or times, not 8 shows a week). There would still be audience members in attendance during each filming, and I think the pros outweigh the cons. I don’t expect this to fully replace the magic of the in-person experience though, obviously. 

At least Schmackary's is still open for pickup- their Funfetti cookie is my favorite snack in the Theatre District, and I recently ate my first in over a year. No long lines right now too!



Well, I'll be. That bird really did it.
Updated On: 9/5/20 at 04:04 AM

#54Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/5/20 at 9:05am

Do you know what will help me come back? The New York Times publishing the piece it's been sitting on about sexual harassment in New York theatre. It's ridiculous that publications that are able to uncover these stories for both the TV and Film world have been so silenced when it was New York's turn for a reckoning. 

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#55Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/5/20 at 9:45am

I’m sure they’ll get right on top of that for you.

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#56Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/7/20 at 4:36pm

Not theatre related but world related, Mother Nature must be over-joyed that she now has some time to rebuild, regrow and repopulate. Then She will wait patiently until She has to do it all over again.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#57Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/7/20 at 4:38pm


Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown

#58Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/9/20 at 4:38am

HogansHero said: "I don't think Broadway will achieve its new normal before the fall of '21. I've been saying that since March, and nothing has happened to alter that. If anything, the absurd way that the virus is being disrespected in large parts of the country is cause for even that being hard to achieve. (And remember, too, that my thinking is based almost entirely on audience dynamics, not epidemiology.)"

Fall of 2021 seems like the most optimistic I can be about sitting in a theater. Maybe the summer if we get really lucky. But that's just going to my local theaters. Traveling to New York City on a plane so I can sit in crowded theaters... I don't know. I have gone through short bursts of travel to NYC (1990 to 1993), followed by a long drought, then another series of trips from 2016 to 2019. Is another drought in my future?

Even though I'm lucky enough to have a job, I only recently went somewhere to talk to a human being in person. It was strange, sitting far apart and wearing masks in large rooms. I am pretty far away from being comfortable in a crowded theater.

I will admit to being discouraged about the behavior of my fellow Americans. It's like one half of the country is deliberately not taking it seriously, with too much of the other half not taking it seriously enough. New York City is probably a bit different because of the high death toll earlier this year. But it creates a problem. Broadway needs tourists, of course, but tourists are the worst. 


HogansHero Profile Photo
#59Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/9/20 at 9:50am

"Broadway needs tourists, of course, but tourists are the worst. "

That's the conundrum. New York had very low (by US standards) new cases, Yesterday came word that even with the mandatory quarantine one in five of those new cases were sourced in a person arriving in New York from a pariah state. On what planet can we have tourists going to the theatre?

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#60Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/9/20 at 5:04pm

Theoretically, I have had the vaccine and the anti-vaxers, Trump supporters!  havn't.

How does the world then assimilate and adjust to this next phase?  I realise it will be a 'wait and see step by step' situation but how will I know I am not sitting next to an anti-vaxer in a crowded theatre coughing over me and not be concerned? Do they have a new strain, is my immune system strong enough to resist, will door temperature testing still exist?

Will I/we ever again be able to freely wander the markets of Asian countries, take a cruise, explore European museums, sit at a concert  without wondering 'am I safe' or will anxiety prevent this freedom that we all took for granted just a few sort 9 months ago to return?

It will be up to each individual to access how they trust the vaccine and then to react. Will we have to have a 'proof card-our photo and date' to carry at all times to get us on that plane, into the theatre etc and just how bullet proof would we all be?

It will indeed be a Brave New World that we will enter WITH the vaccine so trust in science, and  humanity will have to be my new mantra come the New Dawn.

I sure hope Governments have thought, and planned for after-vaccine because I can see a  VERY rocky road ahead as there is no way they will be able to 'make it up as they go along' as they[governments] are doing now.

The vaccine is the band aid to the real problem-humanity.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#61Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/9/20 at 5:31pm

@SweetLips22 I think each of us gets to decide what to fear. Most people likely will not fear a new strain, or sitting next to an anti-vaxxer, etc, if they have been given an effective vaccine. Are there people who will? Sure. There are people who won't leave their home because they fear TB or Polio or getting hit by a drunk driver. Did you have this reaction post SARS? That does not mean you could not have a different fear now, but my sense is that most people will not once they trust a vaccine or some other treatment. You're right though: humanity can be its own worst enemy. 

#62Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/9/20 at 6:16pm

HogansHero said: "@SweetLips22 I think each of us gets to decide what to fear. Most people likely will not fear a new strain, or sitting next to an anti-vaxxer, etc, if theyhave been given an effective vaccine. Are there people who will? Sure. There are people who won't leave their home because they fear TB or Polio or getting hit by a drunk driver. Did you have this reaction post SARS? That does not mean you could not have a different fear now, but my sense is that most people will not once they trust a vaccine or some other treatment. You're right though: humanity can be its own worst enemy."

I have thought many of the thoughts that Sweetlips shared, too many times.  The concerns are real and well articulated; however, I am inclined to agree with you, with a big 'but'.  If the idiot in the WH somehow manages to roll out a vaccine prematurely, like his Russian buddy, I suspect that I will be quarantine even harder and longer for some duration, since the masks will be coming off a huge % of the vaccinated pretty much immediately, I suspect.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#63Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/9/20 at 7:26pm

at the risk of being told how naive I am, I don't think that can happen. But yes if it did, that would be a cause for great concern. Let's hope you are wrong. 

#64Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/9/20 at 9:53pm

Peter marks in the Washington Post has a take on the immediate future of  theater in New York.

Updated On: 9/9/20 at 09:53 PM

Wick3 Profile Photo
#65Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/10/20 at 9:31am

I just read the article and I’m not surprised that some insiders believe autumn 2021 opening may be more realistic.

I appreciated Jeffrey Seller’s optimism at the end of the article.

#66Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/13/20 at 10:59am

I understand missing theater. I do. 100%. Because I do too. But people have got to stop acting like it's the end of the world. People have got to stop asking actors to do things for free. For the love of God, what did these people do before they discovered theater??? The world is basically reopened aside from theater and...malls? I think? And to people who are saying, the virus is basically gone, we need to reopen theaters! ...yeahhh they decided to reopen schools early and look how well that went? Do you really consider yourself more important than actors, stagehands, costumers, stage management, front of house...are you more important than all of these people? ONE interaction with ONE person who has been exposed to someone with the virus, and Broadway shuts down again. I'd rather wait and focus on other things like...I don't know...maybe the UPCOMING ELECTION, voting, Black Lives Matter, family, friends, new hobbies, etc. than dwell on something that isn't going to reopen for a while. I miss it. I do. But we also have to acknowledge that there ARE people like Seth Rudetsky who are trying to provide content for us while theaters are closed. Ignoring that is incredibly rude. People are doing the best they can with what they have right now. Stop whining and acting spoiled. 

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#67Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/14/20 at 9:24pm

We just passed 6 months into the shutdown and it feels a lot longer...let's get through the next 8-12 months or so before BWAY hopefully reopens next summer or fall '21!

"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George
Updated On: 9/14/20 at 09:24 PM

nightcapriot Profile Photo
#68Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/16/20 at 3:35am

For what it’s worth, a different take on the Future of the Performing Arts:

The Future of the Performing Arts in the USA

Updated On: 9/16/20 at 03:35 AM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#69Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/16/20 at 11:21am

If anyone is wary about the TinyURL link, it goes to a Medium post.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#70Thoughts on Theater 5 months into The Shutdown
Posted: 9/17/20 at 3:19am

Good Lord, could anyone understand the above?

I tried[for a while] then just scrolled.

The theatre can't go back to 2019 so BIG adjustments are going to have to be made in front of, and behind that big red curtain.

Selfishly I am more than happy to live with my many years of memories and will never feel the need to step back into a re-jigged theatre again in however many years that are ahead of me.

Please don't bring up the un-employed, that's in all industries affected.

The digital age is NOW so this virus has helped the geniuses to create virtual entertainment much sooner than later.


There will be a screening concert for 5 friends, only after implant and temp. check, in my living room tonight, of 'star of the moment'. Dress---come as you are.

How sad.
