shamrock3 said: "Does the fact that Saturday has two shows make it more likely I might score two rush orchestra seats, or does Friday tend to be better because the demand is less? I can probably only stand in line for one or the other. I'm under 5' so standing room won't work. (March 22 or 23) Thanks!"
I went on a Saturday and there were never orch being offered for either show. Just very partial view balcony (that the ticket guy admitted were awful) and SRO. I opted for the SRO. I’m only 5’1” and was in the centre section and could see no problem but it would have been an issue at the sides.
Swing Joined: 5/4/15
I swung by the Shubert on my way to another rush line, and there were at least 20 people in line at 8:55am (Saturday, March 9). A guy in the Network box office later mentioned that he had been in line for TKAM since 7am.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/2/09
I went this past Wednesday to try my luck at the last minute. Arrived to JFK at about 10:30 so I thought I'd have to go with a 2 PM matinee, but was able to get to the Shubert around 12:30 so why not try? Inquired about SRO which they still had - spot #20, three spots in from the far right. Receipt timestamped 12:36. View of the far right of the stage is obstructed a bit but you miss nothing of any consequence. Really pleased with how it worked out!
I went this past Wednesday 3/6 after I got out of a matinee to see if they had any SRO or rush. Was able to get SRO 12 for $39 at around 4:30 for the night show. View was completely unobstructed. But bring a jack if you are any of the even number SRO, you are by the entrance and it was freezing before the show as everyone entered the theatre. Also the box office attendant said that, unlike what is written on the Rush info page, they do not offer $29 rush tickets for the balcony.
Swing Joined: 9/9/17
Spikethebunny, thank you! That's good to know.
Swing Joined: 3/8/19
Rush update from last Wednesday.
I was 2nd in line arriving at 8:00am and 1st in line was there about 10 minutes earlier. By 9am, about 10 people there and probably 35 when the box office opened.
No orchestra rush at all. Only the last row in the balcony and standing room only. The standing room has to be a better view. The last row is temporary and doesn't have enough rise to see over other rows. Most of us ended up standing despite have a seat. Designated SRO would have been the better value with a lower angle.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
I did rush this past Saturday. I was in line around 7:40 and 4th. The line got pretty long fairly quickly. After about 9:00 it was impossible to tell how many people were in line because the TKAM line and Anastasia line backed into each other. I assume people in that area kept track of who was where. I got SRO for the matinee, the two standing spots beside the sound booth. The view was amazing. I would have paid $200 to see this but my friend didn't want to. We had a great view.
Stand-by Joined: 11/8/12
Anyone rush this lately? Gonna try tomorrow morning. Does anyone think 8:30am is too late?
Swing Joined: 5/6/19
Just bumping again to see if anyone has done this recently. Going to be going on Friday.
Updated On: 5/6/19 at 02:21 PM
Got there at about 9:20 on Saturday. Was approximately 30th in line. No one else got behind me until about 9:30, and then a whole bunch appeared. I believe I got 2 of the last 4 SRO for the matinee, and I believe there were still obstructed view available for the evening.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/9/18
Rushed past Saturday and was in line at 8:30 am. There were around 12 people ahead of me. They only had rush tickets for standing room or last row in Balcony. I went for the Balcony and ended up standing for half of the show. I suggest going for standing room option as you will have a much better view. There were no side orchestra seats available at all.
I rushed 2 weeks ago and got the last standing room for that day's Saturday matinee.
Swing Joined: 5/8/19
I rushed To Kill a Mockingbird on Friday, May 10. I arrived at the theatre around 7:45 a.m. and was fourth in line. By 8 a.m., there were probably 15 to 20 more people in line behind me. There are quite a few rush and standing room seats available for each show: full-view standing room or partial-view seats. I chose the full-view standing room ticket and ended up with spot number 11, which was the third spot to the left of center and could see everything very well. I loved the show, especially for $39! The woman in front of me in line paid $425 for her seat and we saw the same show, just from a different orchestra view.
Swing Joined: 5/15/19
i swung by the box office today at 11:50am just in the off-chance, and i got 2 SRO tix, #13 and #15, for $39 each, for tonight's 7pm show! woohoo!
Chorus Member Joined: 8/20/16
We got in line at 7:20am on Saturday, May 18 and were 11&12 in line. The first 2 people in line had arrived at 6:45am. We got SRO tickets.
Swing Joined: 5/23/19
Rushed last Sunday, when there was only a 3 p.m. show. Arrived at the box office around 11:30 (it opens at noon) and was about 20-25th in line. We got SRO off to the side, and at least one party of three who were in line after us also got SRO tickets.
We were off to the side, house right. The view was quite good; we couldn't see all of the jury box, but they were not active in the scenes. My friend is short but was able to see.
Stand-by Joined: 8/31/14
Went this past Wed, got there at 11am they offered me a limited view Orchestra or Standing Room, got the Standing room to play it safe. Im trying to go this Wed morning and buy my wife a rush ticket for the evening show. Any seats in the limited view Orchestra worth getting? Or should i stick with Standing Room which i personally liked very much.
Thanks for the help :)
Hi all! Planning to rush this tomorrow morning (Wed) for the evening show. Is there a best time to arrive? Thank you!
Swing Joined: 6/13/19
We're looking to try for rush seats on Sunday the 16th. Any tips for us? Arrive before 11? Do you think we will have any luck?
We plan to be in NYC for 3 days and Saturday is filled with Harry Potter. My 14 year old has to read TKAM for 9th grade next year so I thought this would be perfection...
Understudy Joined: 3/31/16
has anyone rushed this recently? am thinking of taking a day off from work and trying my hand. hope to hear from anyone who's done it recently or who has walked by. thanks
also where does the line start at this theatre?
Understudy Joined: 4/30/16
Did the rush on 7/5/19 (Friday). Arrived at 7:35, five people in line; 9:00 - 18 in line; 9:30 - 26 in line; 9:55 - 35 in line. Only limited view balcony and standing room were available. The box office person stated that the standing room offered better views than the balcony seats. I took one standing room ticket and I was located left orchestra, position 7. Excellent view and could see everything. The 18th person in line was only two spaces to my left. I have a feeling that everyone got a ticket in one form or another, but I'm not 100% sure. Did stage door after the show and Jeff Daniels did come out and sign, which was awesome. Pictures, but no selfies. Hope this helps!!
Understudy Joined: 6/9/17
Today (a Sunday, with a 3pm show) walked up to the Box Office around 1:30 and was able to grab an SRO ticket. They seemed to have a couple of single seats left for full value, but I was able to grab the $39 SRO. I was far right, great view, missed nothing.
Of note, my friend was able to get a balcony ticket off of Stubhub for $37 around the same time. Apparently also a good view.
(I've done balcony partial view in that theater before, for Hello Dolly. I'd seriously recommend SRO over it if you're able to stand.)
Understudy Joined: 3/31/16
I rushed on Saturday for the evening performance. I arrived ~5:40am, admittedly a tad early. #2 in line showed up around 6:40am or so. Someone who was chatting with us said there were 55 people in line by the time the box office opened. I got row E seats 16 and 18 (or whatever two are on the aisle). I feel like I didn't miss anything major in terms of the action, but it was hard to hear at times (IDK if there were no mics or if I just wasn't near a PA/speaker). It was cool hearing them utilize just their voices without assistance, at least from my perspective.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/26/15
Deciding between SRO or telecharge in advance
I’m seeing $89 for last row Mezz (J) coming up this week and next My mother is in town and hasn’t seen the show yet, so I’m wondering if $89 or SRO would be a better view Wouldn’t Telecharge be required to say if a seat is partial view?
Opinions appreciated
I was at the Constitution line this morning and had a view across the way...
At 8:23am, there were 9 people in line. By 8:50 there were 14. By the time box office opened, it was about 23/25 (some people possibly hidden by taller folks).