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Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked! - Page 6

Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!

#125Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:09pm

haterobics said: " said: "Unfortunately HRC encourages harsh responses and actions against DJT and his followers."

No, she encourages rebukes of his policies, appointments,and executive orders.

Slightly different.

Wildly different. Certain responses are appropriate given what the people are responding to. I see this Trump supporter is continuing on with the false equivalency. This is why a debate is often difficult because it seems like the two parties are operating on totally different wavelengths and comprehension from one party seems lacking.


Fetus Profile Photo
#126Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:10pm said: "BroadwayNYC2 said: "Must be nice to be able to ignore people who support an administration that poses a threat to some of us here. I’ll keep calling them out, thanks for chiming in."

Some of the folks thought BHO administration posed a threat.

Yes, I'm sure the white racist Christian's folk of America felt terribly threatened by POC and LGBT groups fighting for their right to live and exist.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#127Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:12pm

I still would like one of the Trump supporters on here to hohestky answer how they can support a man whose beliefs are anathema to everything the arts stand for. I’ve been asking here for two years now and all they’ll say is “I don’t have to justify my vote to you.”

How do you reconcile it? Please enlighten me. Profile Photo
#128Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:15pm

So where does the namecalling and slurs get you?  Does it advance any dialogue and / or understanding and respect?

To seek revenge may lead to hell yet everyone does it but seldom as well......

Fetus Profile Photo
#129Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:20pm said: "So where does the namecalling and slurs get you? Does it advance any dialogue and / or understanding and respect?"

Nobody called you names or slurs. Stop victimizing yourself.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#130Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:22pm

And what does accusing Hillary Clinton of inciting violence get you?

Anyone else reading those particular posts in the voice of Hal from 2001?

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
#131Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:24pm

Can we just move on. What are we gaining from this? Sure, you told me off. But where did that get you? my opionion still hasn’t changed, your opionion still hasn’t changed. It’s pointless to keep going back and forth.

#132Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:26pm said: "So where does the namecalling and slurs get you? Does it advance any dialogue and / or understanding and respect?"

It made Trump president and people like you seem to have a blindspot when he does it. Maybe people are trying to figure out ways why he and his base can do that and get understanding and respect but nobody else can. Anyway, nobody here has participating in name-calling or saying "slurs". 

LesWickedly Profile Photo
#133Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:26pm

GreeneStreet said: "Can we just move on. What are we gaining from this? Sure, you told me off. But where did that get you? my opionion still hasn’t changed, your opionion still hasn’t changed. It’s pointless to keep going back and forth."

I know I’m not the first to bring this back up, but I could’ve sworn you said you were leaving? Why post anymore when literally anything you say will not be taken seriously.

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#134Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:28pm

I just hope you can see the theatre community for what it is—a diverse group. That diversity, and the right of those diverse individuals, is at risk. You don’t get to enjoy the entertainment from these diverse individuals without acknowledging how your vote theatrens this. Profile Photo
#135Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:35pm

Fetus said: " said: "BroadwayNYC2 said: "Must be nice to be able to ignore people who support an administration that poses a threat to some of us here. I’ll keep calling them out, thanks for chiming in."

Some of the folks thought BHO administration posed a threat.

Yes, I'm sure the white racist Christian's folk of America felt terribly threatened by POC and LGBT groups fighting for their right to live and exist.


White racist Christian folk seems like namecalling and a slur.  Besides I didnt take it personally but again your comment suggesting white Christians are racists.  Bottom line did your comment promote coming together and dialogue

To seek revenge may lead to hell yet everyone does it but seldom as well......
Updated On: 11/30/18 at 05:35 PM

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#136Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:38pm

BroadwayNYC2 said: "I just hope you can see the theatre community for what it is—a diverse group. That diversity, and the right of those diverse individuals, is at risk. You don’t get to enjoy the entertainment from these diverse individuals without acknowledging how your vote theatrens this. "

Only chiming in this one last time. 

If I were you, I’d specify what kind of diversity you mean. Ideological diversity sure ain’t tolerated around these parts.

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
#137Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:38pm

But just like that, why do all “White Christians” get labeled in the racist, deep south groups. How is that not racist?

fliponaswitch Profile Photo
#138Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:38pm


Please stop replying to people. I respect your opinion and your right to vote for who you want. However please stop trying to argue with people. You are digging yourself. Unfortunately you are a minority politically here and unfortunately your arguments are not going to win.

Again. No bad feelings or ill will. Just as a person to person. Stop. You are not helping your case. Practice what the Republican Party values which is Christianity and turn the other check as what the basis of the religion once said. Move on, you lost, and instead focus your political intentions to real people that you interact with. Do not try to impose your views on a liberal minded community. You will lose, not just because of your political beliefs, but for the arguments and the statements your making in.

I do not agree with people attacking you, or calling you names, and please be a good person and move on. Random internet strangers are not worth your time. If you love broadway as much as I do, and I hope you do focus your attentions on that while here on this message board. Revel in the fact that people love theater, and is the reason why you joined this community for the love of theater.

Again. Not attacking. No ill will. However I as someone who likes to reads these message boards, keep your political views to yourself, as I do and enjoy theater.

#139Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:41pm

I like how people who voted for a man who essentially declared war on all ethnic/racial minorities, immigrants, LGBTQ people, and have committed human rights atrocities within our borders and thus made their feelings known about those groups act like the people within those groups have a responsibility to reach out and bring peace to the ones preaching hateful rhetoric. By voting for Trump, you declared cultural warfare on the rest of us. And nobody is buying the reverse-victim act pretending to be oh-so-offended when racist White Christians who identify as White Christians and who act in ways that are incredibly racist (many of them aren't hiding it anymore and some of them are part of the reason why hate crimes are rising) are called out for what they are. It's not a slur if it's just finding an appropriate label.

Updated On: 11/30/18 at 05:41 PM

#140Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:44pm

I'm not sure why the phrase "white racist Christian's (sic) folk of America" makes you assume that the person that said it meant all white Christians. They clearly said that they were talking about white racist Christians. Whether it's projection or false equivalency or grasping at straws or bad faith reading of things, this seems to be more revelatory than anything else. 

fliponaswitch Profile Photo
#141Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:45pm


I have been a huge fan of yours for years. As a lurker here, I revel in your posts. I’ll admit, I was little miffed when you said you voted for Trump.

However, I do have to disagree with you. Diversity should be allowed anywhere, where it is allowed and tolerated. Whether, physical, sociological or ideological diversity, theater as a community is a diversity stronghold. All the times I’ve been in a show or otherwise been a part of theater, I revel in the cultural melting pot that is America and even more so theater.

Diversity is what makes this country great and more so theater. I don’t know you personally, but having read for years I imagine you and I would get along beautifully in real life beyond political views. With this board, most posters here are liberal and that is great and unfortunately too many people condemn those who think differently then they do. 


Again. Harken back, we are a small community in this American landscape and if government is not going to support the arts, we no mtter what creed, race, or ideology must do everything we can to keep this tradition alive. 

Updated On: 11/30/18 at 05:45 PM

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#142Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:50pm

Ideological diversity sure ain’t tolerated around these parts.


No. Ideological diversity exists, but the term has been coopted by Republicans (specifically white men) to feel as if they can contribute to conversations of diversity and highlight their own experiences of "oppression." Next. 

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
#143Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:50pm

Then why can’t political diversity be accepted here?

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#144Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:52pm

fliponaswitch, I love the sentiment! Indeed, diversity is wonderful. My above post isn’t aspirational; it’s grounded in reality. This thread alone, and many of my actual experiences in the Theatre District, attest to the fact that if you’re not a steadfast liberal, you might as well leave this “community.” Political ideology is the one thing that will cause “diversity-loving” people here will kick you out coldly and harshly. Just my experience at least.

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#145Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:57pm


Then why can’t political diversity be accepted here?


Because your "political diversity" is putting many in this community at risk. 

#146Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:57pm

GreeneStreet said: "Then why can’t political diversity be accepted here?"


Because the country is far past the point where reasonable people can just "agree to disagree"?


fliponaswitch Profile Photo
#147Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:58pm


It won’t for the sheer simple fact that the people who you voted for are so steadfast against the people that are on this board.

Your views are unpopular for many many reasons.

Like I have said, I do not agree with your remarks at all. You have portrayed yourself in a very negative light and seem to add fuel to the fire. Again. Stop. You won’t win. Just like me being gay, will never win in the Republican Party.

Accept the fact that your a minority here, and if you decide to speak your opinion. Do so in a more constructive manner, instead of what your doing. You get more bees with honey than you do vinegar my good human.

#148Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:00pm

GreeneStreet said: "Then why can’t political diversity be accepted here?"

Because Trump goes beyond politics, it’s hate speech.

I know you mentioned a Hillary supporter yelling at curtain call, but you really don’t believe that would take place do you?? You must understand that there is a relation between these occurrences and the president. You don’t need to have Trump regrets, but acting like they are not related is just plain stupidity.

Updated On: 11/30/18 at 06:00 PM

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
#149Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:01pm

While I agree, it’s wise if I stop posting. This is an intresting conversation we have going. I just don’t understand, for a group that claims they want to be diverse and then shut down republicans it makes zero sense.

You can’t pick and choose who to be diverse with. While yes, democrats see republicans as dangerous for putting trump in power, there is no saying you want something to be diverse but say excepet them! nope, not them!
