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Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked! - Page 7

Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!

haterobics Profile Photo
#150Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:01pm

GreeneStreet said: "Then why can’t political diversity be accepted here?"

I'm still waiting to learn who called you racist or homophobic... 

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
#151Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:02pm

A Hiliary supporter would never yell that in a theatre. I was just using it as an example.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#152Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:02pm

It’s no use, GreeneStreet. You put up a good fight but you’re officially a racist, homophobic, xenophobic bigot complicit in anything bad that happens in America. Welcome to Broadway.

fliponaswitch Profile Photo
#153Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:04pm


I really hate that that has happened to you. I don’t live in NYC but when I’ve gone I’ve seen similar testaments of “conservative bashing” or other belligerent attacks on people.

I admit. I’m one of those people who have participated in such events where I live. However I’ve stopped because I’ve had to learn it doesn’t help any.

Im agnostic, but maybe my catholic school boy, Godspell loving musical self just takes into account of greeting ppl with kindness.However, your entitled to your opinion, we may disagree but as long as you don’t talk during a show or have your cell phone out I’m cool.

Just don’t talk politics to me, especially if we disagree. Vote for who you want, and support who you want. But in theater, we are all humans, exploring and experiencing the same story. Keep politics out of it, unless the show is about it. Then let’s discuss like crazy.

Fetus Profile Photo
#154Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:05pm said: "Fetus said: " said: "BroadwayNYC2 said: "Must be nice to be able to ignore people who support an administration that poses a threat to some of us here. I’ll keep calling them out, thanks for chiming in."

Some of the folks thought BHO administration posed a threat.

Yes, I'm sure the white racist Christian's folk of America felt terribly threatened by POC and LGBT groups fighting for their right to live and exist.

White racist Christian folk seems like namecalling and a slur. Besides I didnt take it personally but again your comment suggesting white Christians are racists. Bottom line did your comment promote coming together and dialogue

I wasn't namecalling, it's a matter of fact that the racist white Christian vote went to Trump. That isn't to say that all Christian's are racist or white, just that those who are support Trump and his hateful rhetoric.

haterobics Profile Photo
#155Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:08pm

BroadwayConcierge said: "It’s no use, GreeneStreet. You put up a good fight but you’re officially a racist, homophobic, xenophobic bigot complicit in anything bad that happens in America. Welcome to Broadway."

It's easy to become all of those things if you're the one who calls yourself racist and homophobic to vehemently defend yourself against... no one else calling you those things.

#156Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:09pm

GreeneStreet said: "While I agree, it’s wise if I stop posting. This is an intresting conversation we have going. I just don’t understand, for a group that claims they want to be diverse and then shut down republicans it makes zero sense.

You can’t pick and choose who to be diverse with. While yes, democrats see republicans as dangerous for putting trump in power, there is no saying you want something to be diverse but say excepet them! nope, not them!


Because people who ask for diversity are asking to be accepted in spaces and not be denied based on immutable traits that they have no control over. Asking the same for "political diversity" is not the same thing as you chose to support what you support. Furthermore, it's also something you don't really care about as you're just using it as a tool to show how "intolerant" the left is. This is the bad intentions I'm mentioning earlier.

Also, I think the people who complain about Broadway not being "accepting" of differences in ideology paint a wildly broad brush as political discourse is nuanced and complicated. However, there is a standard in which people won't accept and if your political ideology is endangering actual people based on their national origin, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity, then why do you expect a community that is full of people within those groups being targeted to accept you? And why is it so hard for you to understand that. 

What's really frustrating is that so many people have responded in good faith to these sorts of posts explaining why this is not a situation of "reasonable minds will disagree" and yet it always gets ignored just so a vague post about "putting up a good fight" and then sarcastically saying how we all know dubbed you all racist, xenophobic, homophobic, etc. and complicit in anything bad that happens in America. Which shows you're not interested in political or ideological diversity either. You have no interest in an actual discussion but are just angry that people aren't just going to let you just say who you voted for and what you support and not have some sort response to it. These things matter immensely, so why are people expected to be "polite"?

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#157Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:10pm

All we want is acknowledgment that the current administration is a threat to the LGBT+ community, women, minorities, etc--all of which make up a big portion of Broadway talent (both on stage and off it). It seems hypocritical that you two continue to claim how you LOVE Broadway, yet vote for and support politicians that want to limit the rights of the people who entertain you 

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
#158Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:10pm

ErikJ972 said: "I never claimed to be tolerant of racists. Or apologists for racism. Or those who support racism, homophobia, and misogyny with their votes."

Here you are Hate!

#159Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:11pm

BroadwayConcierge said: "It’s no use, GreeneStreet. You put up a good fight but you’re officially a racist, homophobic, xenophobic bigot complicit in anything bad that happens in America. Welcome to Broadway. "

Helpful remark. I just felt the need to say that not everyone that voted for Trump is a racist, homophobic, xenophobic bigot... BUT everyone that IS a racist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic bigot voted for Trump. See the distinction??

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
#160Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:12pm

BroadwayNYC2 said: "All we want is acknowledgment that the current administration is a threat to the LGBT+ community, women, minorities, etc--all of which make up a big portion of Broadway talent (both on stage and off it). It seems hypocritical that you two continue to claim how you LOVE Broadway, yet vote for and support politicians that want to limit the rights of the people who entertain you"

While I agree with you, he claimed while he was running he would support the LGBTQ community. How was I supposed to know a year later, he is threatening to pull transgenders from the military? 

#161Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:12pm

Just hours ago, migrant fathers, mothers and children were teargassed 18 miles south of my home in California.  They were seeking asylum from the horrors of their home country.  Trump approved the torture (because that's what teargassing is....torture) of these children.  Is it any wonder that his supporters feel empowered to yell out his praises in a theater?  These are desperate days.  The recent elections show that our votes give us the means to stop this reign of terror. 

Updated On: 11/30/18 at 06:12 PM

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#162Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:13pm

How was I supposed to know a year later, he is threatening to pull transgenders from the military?

Research. His past involvement with the Central Park 5. His experiences renting to minorities. His social justice record was there, you chose to ignore it. 

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#163Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:14pm

Hate is not welcome. Hate is never, has never, and will never be welcome on this board. We do not hate you. We’re upset that you voted for a man who promotes hate and nothing but. His ideological beliefs stem only from the things that he and the people finding him hate. And we’re upset that you and anyone else who has backed you up on any of your “points” within this thread seem hellbent on painting yourselves as victims of a society that won’t accept you. You actively supported - and continue to support - someone who is dismantling every bit of progress society has made toward creating a future for ALL people, not just a fortunate few who have money and white skin and a penis.

This is not the thread you started, but it’s the thread you turned it into. As they say, you made your bed.

fliponaswitch Profile Photo
#164Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:14pm


Unfortunately you both have been lumped in with a group of people that I hope in real life you are not.

As a human. I apologize. However I do hope that in your worlds, that you actively show that your not racist or other deragatory terms. I’m sure you do. I’m sure you are both great people. Just understand from someone on the other side that the people you voted for are against another human being. Or at least seem to have the rhetoric.

We on the left should not attack but instead understand. I may not agree with it, I can understand it though. And hopefully change your mind and if not we’ll agree to disagree.

Understand that the people you voted for are against someone like me. If I could I’d have a sit down and show that I’m a real person.

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
#165Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:14pm

Come here legally and you won’t need to face that “terror”. So i guess when rocks are thrown and border patrol agents are tackeled, we should sit back and watch it unfold? Obama tear gassed migrants and we appuladed him for it! But when trump does it, ORANGE MAN BAD >Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!

Bwayfan292 Profile Photo
#166Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:15pm

This is now going to get very messy. YIKES.

"Why was my post about my post being deleted, deleted, causing my account to be banned from posting" - The Lion Roars 2k18

Fetus Profile Photo
#167Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:16pm

GreeneStreet said: "Come here legally and you won’t need to face that “terror”. So i guess when rocks are thrown and border patrol agents are tackeled, we should sit back and watch it unfold? Obama tear gassed migrants and we appuladed him for it! But when trump does it, ORANGE MAN BAD >Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked! "

It isn't illegal to come into this country to seeking asylum.

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#168Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:19pm

rocks are thrown and border patrol agents are tackeled


And children are getting hosed with gas. You sure you want to go down that route? 

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#169Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:20pm

GreeneStreet said: "While I agree with you, he claimed while he was running he would support the LGBTQ community. How was I supposed to know a year later, he is threatening to pull transgenders from the military?"

Oh, this really takes the cake. Now I think you're just trolling.



Demitri2 Profile Photo
#170Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:20pm

Thanks GreeneStreet. I just learned how to use this site's "block feature" for the first time. 

#171Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:20pm

Ohhhhh boy someone hurry up and lock this thread before we head down this new tangent. 

Bwayfan292 Profile Photo
#172Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:21pm

anislander said: "Ohhhhh boy someonehurry up and lock this thread before we head down this new tangent."

This thread should have been locked a long time ago, let’s be real lol

"Why was my post about my post being deleted, deleted, causing my account to be banned from posting" - The Lion Roars 2k18

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#173Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:21pm

Oh Broadway Concierge. It’s sad you’ll never see what an absolute hypocrite you are. Hopefully your true colors shown on this thread will end your attempts to run this board.

You voted for a racist, homophobic, xenophobic bigot. How does that not make you complicit?

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#174Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:22pm

GreeneStreet said: "Yes. But just because I vote for trump, doesn’t mean I condem poor behavior. I believe politics are a private thing, keep it out of the theatre, keep it out of amusement parks. Im sure you will say if I think it’s a private thing, why did I bring it up in a thread, and that was to make a point.

Just because I voted for trump, doesn’t mean I’m associated with this idiot.

Sorry but insisting on civility in electoral differences doesn’t work when the man you voted for teargassses children, separates babies from their parents, calls for a judge to be recused from his case on the grounds of his being Mexican American, believes murdering dictators over his own intelligence community, publicly undermines the position of the US government in international fora, boasts of assaulting women, obstructs justice by firing officials admittedly because they are investigating his own administration and campaign staff, publicly considers pardoning witnesses against himself, reveals Israeli intelligence to Russian officials visiting the White House, calls Mexicans rapists and murderers, lies relentlessly, is the subject of daily travesties almost any of which would ruin any other head of state of this or any other nation and gleefully promotes ideologically based hatred and violence.

Updated On: 11/30/18 at 06:22 PM
