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Unpopular opinions you hold

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#750Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/14/17 at 9:02pm

GeorgeandDot said: "
This revival of Miss Saigon feels like a glorified strip show "

Wait what? Because of a 5 minute scene in a 2,5 hour show?


ethan231h Profile Photo
#751Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/14/17 at 9:02pm

GeorgeandDot said:

 Also, I don't understand why people love Karl's performance so much.  It's a perfectly competent performance, but other then him being charismatic and handsome, I don't see what's so special."


He's great but nothing AMAZING

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#752Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/14/17 at 9:05pm

Dave28282 said: "GeorgeandDot said: "
This revival of Miss Saigon feels like a glorified strip show "

Wait what? Because of a 5 minute scene in a 2,5 hour show?

It was quite a bit longer than 5 minutes and waaay more explicit than the original production.


#753Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/14/17 at 9:09pm

ArtMan said: "I don't get the love for the current Hello Dolly revival.  I saw it.  I was entertained.  I have no desire to see it again and certainly not multiple times. And those prices?  No way!!!!!"

Yes yes yes this 100%. I do not understand the hype. (And I got the hype for Hamilton, BoM, etc etc.) Dolly was good. I was entertained. I was not $750 worth of entertained. 

itis2l84u Profile Photo
#754Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/14/17 at 9:15pm

The 2017/2018 season looks like crap. I've never been less excited for a season in my life...

MichelleCraig Profile Photo
#755Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/14/17 at 9:22pm

After the tremendous cast album and first mixtape, I was feeling HAMILTON. A few weeks ago, a new CD was released of the OBC album with all of the vocals stripped out. Sort of like a Karaoke version of HAMILTON. Total cash grab...the bloom is starting to come off the rose.

Alex Kulak2
#756Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/14/17 at 9:47pm

"The 2017/2018 season looks like crap. I've never been less excited for a season in my life..."

I couldn't agree more. We've probably been spoiled by all the fantastic shows of the last 2-3 years, between Hamilton, Waitress, Dear Evan Hansen, Groundhog Day, Great Comet, etc. Now all we have is Spongebob, Frozen, The Band's Visit (which I hear is really good but doesn't look even remotely interesting), and Ken Davenport's musical debut as a bookwriter. Whoopee.

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#757Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/14/17 at 9:53pm

The Band's Visit is amazing and is anything but uninteresting.  Don't knock it till you see it, but yeah, Frozen, Mean Girls, SpongeBob, and Margaritaville make up quite a terrible season.  At least we're getting some great revivals.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#758Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/14/17 at 10:03pm

GeorgeandDot said: "The Band's Visit is amazing and is anything but uninteresting.  Don't knock it till you see it, but yeah, Frozen, Mean Girls, SpongeBob, and Margaritaville make up quite a terrible season.  At least we're getting some great revivals."

It sounds like you've seen The Band's Visit. I know you don't have a crystal ball, but I'd like your input. I'm def hoping to see it on my five days in NYC. As I've already bought tickets to three shows and since it's not playing on Sundays, the only day I'd be able to see it would be the Saturday, November 11th matinee. Do you expect the buzz to be such that it'll be difficult to get a ticket at the box office or TKTS booth? It opens on the 9th. 

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#759Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/14/17 at 10:10pm

Yeah I saw it off Broadway.  I would purchase your tickets ahead of time just in case.  The reviews are going to be extremely strong.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#760Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/14/17 at 10:21pm

GeorgeandDot said: "Yeah I saw it off Broadway.  I would purchase your tickets ahead of time just in case.  The reviews are going to be extremely strong."

Great. Thanks. I know you didn't see it in the Ethel Barrymore Theatre (one of the theaters I've yet to see a show in). But I'm wondering, considering things such as stagecraft and choreography, if you'd recommend a Orchestra Center Seat or a Front Center Mezzanine seat? Thanks! 

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#761Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/14/17 at 10:43pm

Miles2Go2 said: "GeorgeandDot said: "Yeah I saw it off Broadway.  I would purchase your tickets ahead of time just in case.  The reviews are going to be extremely strong."

Great. Thanks. I know you didn't see it in the Ethel Barrymore Theatre (one of the theaters I've yet to see a show in). But I'm wondering, considering things such as stagecraft and choreography, if you'd recommend a Orchestra Center Seat or a Front Center Mezzanine seat? Thanks! 

Oops. I have seen a show (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time) at this theater before although as I recall my seat wasn' great (still enjoyed the show though). 

And now - holy crap - I discover that Tony Shalhoub is in this show. Sold! 


SomeOtherMe Profile Photo
#762Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/14/17 at 11:06pm

1. Katharine McPhee was fantastic in "SMASH".

2. I've never understood the love for Neil Patrick Harris. I actually find him to be incredibly mediocre.

3. I didn't care for "Natasha, Pierre" at all.

Public User Profile Photo
Public User
#763Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/15/17 at 12:36am

I find Harvey Fierstein annoying and overrated.  

#764Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/15/17 at 1:11am

I know everyone has the right to express an opinion, political or otherwise. But I'm so tired of seeing so many actors' and other artists' extreme screeds on Twitter and elsewhere as though only that writer has access to Absolute Truth and anyone who disagrees must be a Nazi/anarchist/hater (take your pick).    

Moderation, people.  No one has a monopoly on the truth.  

nightnic001 Profile Photo
#765Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/15/17 at 1:34am

Joshua Henry is better as Burr than Leslie.

nightnic001 Profile Photo
#766Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/15/17 at 1:35am

I really disliked Aladdin.

#767Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/15/17 at 3:57am

nightnic001 said: "Joshua Henry is better as Burr than Leslie.

I was lucky enough to see both of them in the role. I saw Leslie Odom Jr. first, of course, from the rear mezzanine. And his performance was exceptional, and I have a bit of a bias in his favor because his performance of "The Room Where It Happens" - where he ends the song singing up to the folks in the "cheap" seats - is my favorite moment in a musical.

I saw Joshua Henry as Burr twice during the San Francisco tour stop, and had better seats, so I really got a chance to admire the way he acted with his eyes and compelled you to watch him even when he was still. My wife was mesmerized. (We were going to see him at his concert after his last SF show, but that didn't work out.) 

There are subtle differences in the way they play Burr, and they had different co-stars. Seeing Leslie and Joshua as your Burrs is pretty amazing. I think I have been spoiled. 


Public User Profile Photo
Public User
#768Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/15/17 at 5:21am

mamaleh said: "I know everyone has the right to express an opinion, political or otherwise. But I'm so tired of seeing so many actors' and other artists' extreme screeds on Twitter and elsewhere as though only that writer has access to Absolute Truth and anyone who disagrees must be a Nazi/anarchist/hater (take your pick).    

Moderation, people.  No one has a monopoly on the truth.  

oh I think we have a Trumpster here



#769Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/15/17 at 5:38am

Public User said: "mamaleh said: "I know everyone has the right to express an opinion, political or otherwise. But I'm so tired of seeing so many actors' and other artists' extreme screeds on Twitter and elsewhere as though only that writer has access to Absolute Truth and anyone who disagrees must be a Nazi/anarchist/hater (take your pick).    

Moderation, people.  No one has a monopoly on the truth.  

oh I think we have a Trumpster here

It's not a witch hunt, for heavens sake.

Updated On: 8/15/17 at 05:38 AM

raddersons Profile Photo
#770Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/15/17 at 8:15am

TheThreadMaster said: "I dont know if this is an unpopular opinion, but i am really starting to get annoyed at the group of rather young theater fans who only listen to Be More Chill Hamilton Heathers and Dear Evan Hansen. I'm not against those shows, but would it hurt to take a look at some other stuff?"

There is a group of these in every generation. When I was in high school it was all Wicked, Avenue Q, Legally Blonde, and Spring Awakening. Who knows what it'll be in ten years? I've gotten a lot of flack for saying this, but this age group created a buzz around DEH that really helped it win the Tony award. They are kids who don't necessarily know too much about musicals but still controlled the buzz. 

Edit: I do not think DEH is a show without merit, but I think people think it is much better than it actually is.

Updated On: 8/15/17 at 08:15 AM

Lot666 Profile Photo
#771Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/15/17 at 9:33am

ozjust4 said: "The "Evita" revival wasn't awful. Yeah, Elena was just serviceable but I didn't find any of it to be unbearable. I quite liked it."

I really enjoyed it as well. I did not care for Ms. Roger, but loved Mr. Martin as Che.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

Lot666 Profile Photo
#772Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/15/17 at 9:36am

Nycat63 said: "...didn't get the hype over Rachel Bay Jones in DEH.  Not an anti-DEH or RBJ sentiment in any way - I thought she was excellent and am a fan of the show and the score (any issues I have are with the book and the way it was "marketed"Unpopular Opinions                                                                 - just didn't think it was necessarily Tony-worthy."

Same here. She did a nice job with what she had to work with, but the character really only gets one important song.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

#773Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/15/17 at 10:23am

nightnic001 said: "I really disliked Aladdin."

I was not a fan either. Loved Genie and Jafar, and Aladdin himself was okay, but I couldn't stand the addition of his friends and they and their songs actively grated on our travel party. And the woman playing Jasmine must have been having an off night (I hope) - completely botched A Whole New World and couldn't hit her notes. Very much a disappointment for us.


LYLS3637 Profile Photo
#774Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 8/15/17 at 10:26am

FALSETTOS deserved the Tony for Best Revival.

"I shall stay until the wind changes."
