Hugh Jackman always holds the EXACT WRONG syllable in a line for too long. Seriously. If there is 1 syllable in a line that can absolutely not be held for long...he picks it.
If he would sing the Star Spangled Banner and let's say, for example, the line "And the roooocket's red glare", where every person could tell the "ro" is the one supposed to be held longer. Hugh will most definitely rush "and the ro" and then decide to hold "keeeeeeeet's" for 5 seconds...(and also start the "ket" too early).
He gives me cardiac arrhythmia.
Stand-by Joined: 8/5/17
Elfuhbuh said: "As someone with social anxiety, I think Dear Evan Hansen does a terrible job at representing it, and I'm constantly annoyed with how Evan's problem in that respect just kind of magically disappears once he gets a girlfriend and grows popular at school. That's not how it works.
I see a lot of people reading the show/his character arc this way but I definitely didn't? He definitely seemed just as anxious throughout the show, just things were going "better" for him during some of act 2 that made him not have to actively panic as much. I saw MLB play the role and he didn't let up on any of Evan's nervous tics for the second act, even when Evan seemed otherwise comfortable. I think it's just that Evan is comfortable around the Murphys, which he says himself iirc.
I dont care what people say, there are plenty of shows that are a better than Hamilton.
Elaine Stritch sounds like someones drunk Aunt who gets up and sings at a wedding. She yells more than sings. Overrated
I don't know how unpopular this is but I think Saturday Night deserved better. Sure, it's not Sondheim's strongest score, but it deserved a chance. I would've loved to see what Fosse could've done with it before Sondheim shut it down.
I would also like to add myself to those who are tired of theater kids obsessing over popular shows of the season (DEH, Hamilton, Wicked, Heathers, Be More Chill) like it came from the gods, but don't know any classics or just dismiss them. They're great shows, but I wish they'd diversify their taste.
I don't like Come From Away's score.
darreyl102 said: "Elaine Stritch sounds like someones drunk Aunt who gets up and sings at a wedding. She yells more than sings. Overrated "
It's called acting, honey.
Then she needs more range. She can't sing .
Elfuhbuh said: "As someone with social anxiety, I think Dear Evan Hansen does a terrible job at representing it, and I'm constantly annoyed with how Evan's problem in that respect just kind of magically disappears once he gets a girlfriend and grows popular at school. That's not how it works. "
Can't agree enough. The most mystifying thing is I have a number of friends who don't have mental illnesses of any sort that keep saying, "DEH is so important! It's the most accurate display of mental illness ever seen on a Broadway stage!" While I, a person who's dealt with anxiety since I was ~11, couldn't agree less. There are so many better mentally ill characters for the stage, and I don't understand how Evan Hansen was the one to stick. (It's not even the fact that he's a 'relatable teenager' – I mean, what about Natalie from Next to Normal?)
I've always felt like DEH was a show about mental illness for non-mentally ill people.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/28/16
Found Waitress wholly overrated. Don't get it. Pleasant enough to sit through for free but nothing more imho
Understudy Joined: 7/18/17
DEH was a good show but once Platt leaves the problems will become much more obvious. Michael Park and his glove song were terrible.
^lol, a couple of my friends are absolutely obsessed with DEH and this is the only song they skip.
I actually love To Break in a Glove. I think it's really sweet and a key moment for Evan and his development; I do not understand why it's so universally hated.
Tuck Everlasting was an adorable show and it deserved so much better. Amélie, on the other hand, did not.
The Music Man and Bye Bye Birdie are both classics, and very good ones at that. I understand that the latter is pretty cheesy, but they both are enjoyable in spite of their flaws.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/1/08
I find A Chorus Line to be terribly overrated. A good show, just not one I'd rank anywhere near the top in my 50 years of theater going. I saw it twice. Once with its original cast, then again in the summer of 1990.
The character's speeches all sound like Facebook status updates.
The Other One said: "I find A Chorus Line to be terribly overrated. A good show, just not one I'd rank anywhere near the top inmy 50 years of theater going. I saw it twice. Once with its original cast, then again in the summer of 1990.
The character's speeches all sound like Facebook status updates."
Most of the dialogue from A Chorus Line is pretty dated, but the montage is probably my favorite 20 minutes in musical theater.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/3/16
I expected Falsettos (the revival) to knock me off my feet, but I left feeling indifferent. Had nothing to do with the actors- they were all amazing- but for some reason the story line just didn't impact me like I thought it would. Now the fact that I saw it on Election Night might've had something to do with it...
As an aside, I also saw Great Comet for the first time the day before; they were closed on Election Night and were doing a Monday performance instead, so I saw GC on Monday and Falsettos on Tuesday, which worked out nicely as I was in the city for a short work trip.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
comets said: "DEH was a good show but once Platt leaves the problems will become much more obvious. Michael Park and his glove song wereterrible."
We agree on one part of your opinion. I have already set up my playing of Evan Hansen to skip the glove song...the only one in the show for which I haver prescribed that honor.
leighmiserables said: "I've always felt like DEH was a show about mental illness for non-mentally ill people."
Swing Joined: 3/15/08
Forgive me one and all, but I sincerely believe that Hamilton is the MOST OVERRATED musical in musical theater history.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
I was bored out of my mind throughout Groundhog Day!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
I don't like any of the scores for any of the new shows that opened this past season. To be fair, I haven't heard Bandstand yet.
Updated On: 8/31/17 at 04:30 PM
A part of me feels that Kelli O'Hara shouldn't have joined the cast of 13 Reasons Why- The pros of joining it are numerous : I know that she has children, needs to provide for her family , she's trying to do more TV work, and who would say no to an offer like this, but I watched one episode of the show and it was just horrible manipulative crap. I think she'll be good because she almost always does great work, but for this show? It's horrible. She should be doing better projects.
Stand-by Joined: 5/2/17
Soaring29 said: "A part of me feels that Kelli O'Hara shouldn't have joined the cast of 13 Reasons Why- The pros of joining it are numerous : I know that she has children, needs to provide for her family , she's trying to do more TV work, and who would say no to an offer like this,but I watched one episode of the show and it was just horrible manipulative crap. I think she'll be good because she almost always does great work, but for this show? It's horrible. She should be doing better projects."
When I read the news, I went 'YEEEEEESS' (more Kelli) and 'NOOOOOOO' (terrible show) at the same time.
Probably more in the catagory of 'what pisses me off'' is when reading who is in such and such play/musical/concert, before/after every persons' name is the list of almost every show they've been in, PLUS Tony award nominee/winner---far too many words--like my posts.
and....PS...Have you seen the Elaine Paige pic for Dick Wittington?--UNRECOGNISABLE. She's obviously gone to the same 'cosmetician' as Shirley Bassey. A little 'freshening' of ones' aging complexion can be flattering but like tattoos---it your body, go for it.
And...yes, havn't finished, what is it with men and this unshaved/bearded stubble look? I'm tired of waking up every morning with a beard rash !
Thank you